
Cultivation, but I'd rather be a weakling

Hao Yu is a transmigrator and reincarnates to a xianxia world. He had cultivated painstakingly for 10,000 years and became a immortal; however, he realized a truth. "Why should I cultivate?" "I hate harems" "I don't want to stand at the peak" "I don't age and don't need to eat" "Seriously, there's no point" So he decides to become a teacher for the next 70,000. During that time he sent 7 incarnations down for fun. "By the way, I wonder how strong those 8 empress are? Well, they aren't any concern of mine." (I won't be writing this a lot and from time to time I'll write, unless people really like this. So if you want more chapters, go comment or etc. Just let me know.) [The Cover Art is something I drew] [Still needs a lot of work, but here are my plans] 1. No harem (like I hate cultivation harems with a passion, but there are love interests) 2. Main character refuses to cultivate 3. Main character starts off as 80,000 years old 4. Immortals in this story can't die unless they are killed by something external 5.Kinda want it to be based more on romance than action (Might not edit chapters, cuz I'm just doing this for fun and it'll be too much work.) -Youtube channel down below- https://youtube.com/@murasakinokarasuvtuber

cas5_off · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


At a lake with a colorful garden in Tianzhen. 

"Senior Brother, can you tell me more about my Husband?"

"Should I?" 


"Haha, since my beautiful juniors wife is asking, then I can't say no, but make sure to not tell Junior brother I told you, or else I'll die!"

"hahaha~ okay!"

He gestured her to sit.

"It all began years ago. When we were 6 years old, we were adopted by my master. I was first, but after a couple of years, he brought Junior brother. Junior brother was mediocre and had his illness relapse after just 3 years of staying with master. At the time, master was really trying everything in order to save Junior brother."

He looked angry and annoyed just thinking about it. Yang Su concealed a look of confusion in her eyes. 

Senior brother exclaimed happily, "And he did! He found a way to solve the illness. Unfortunately, only after a month later, it reappeared and got even worse. Master at present just hopes that Junior brother can live a life free of worry, but I don't want to give up! I want to make him happy!"

 Yang Su nodded.

"Alright, I have to go. Unlike Junior brother, I actually have business to do!"

"Senior brother please wait!"

Yang su stopped him.


"Um..There's something I don't understand.

"What is it?"

"You said his talents were mediocre?"

"Even worse than mine!"

She looked at him in confusion, "But when I was saved, I heard that he was in tha half-immortal stage with level 2?"

"Huh? No way! Those snakes were only mortal stage, no way can Junior Brother be able to handle Half-immortals!"

"I-I see..."

"Anyways I'll see you later!"

He took out his blade and flew away. 

".....how weird."

'Just what is going on? Not to mention...the way "Senior brother" talks about Jian Yu...'