
Cultivation! My Augmented Statuses Have Unlimited Duration

Jiang Li takes a meal and gains the status [Satiety]. [Satiety: Restores 1 Stamina per minute. Duration: ∞] He no longer has to eat. He sticks a talisman on himself and gains the status [Armored Horse Divine Travel]. [Armored Horse Divine Travel: Increase movement speed by 1000%. Duration: ∞] Taking pills, gaining spiritual qi, refining the body, nurturing the soul, and increasing life expectancy... He only needs one pill for the status to take effect for the rest of his life. Those crippling secret techniques that boost power for three seconds but result in three-year feebleness? They are now the most powerful and most amazing techniques! Waiting for a thousand years to comprehend the Dao after using one enlightenment pill? No, he is comprehending the Dao every day! He is Jiang Li, a Prince Charming who can turn an instant into eternity →_→...

Turtle Shell and Hemp Rope · Huyền huyễn
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904 Chs

Descendant of Nüwa

Dịch giả: Atlas Studios Biên tập viên: Atlas Studios

Jiang Li sized up this female cultivator, and the female cultivator opposite him sized him up as well.

The other party did not ask Jiang Li to share the Treasure Hunting Rat with her. She did not show any displeasure towards Jiang Li's act of directly putting it away.

Just from this nonchalant attitude, one could tell that the other party was definitely not a rogue cultivator. It was even to the extent that the faction behind him was absolutely not small, and it was at least a large faction above the medium-sized Divine Judgment faction.

She should be someone who had never been poor since she was young.

At the very least, in the Great Mountain Region, no disciple of any faction could ignore a Great Demon-level Treasure Hunting Rat.

Even Jiang Li was no exception.

Once this thing was tamed, it would be a living treasure radar, let alone having extraordinary combat strength.

"My name is… Luo Ying."