
Cultivation! But I have Minecraft Cheats ON

Transmigration! A mystical phenomenon, unbound of logic, transending the limitations of worlds and moving beyond. And is also, a cliche to jumpstart myriad tales of fantasies. There are many ways to transmigrate, various methods achieving different causes and effects. However, what happenes when you have been aided by the powers of a game itself during transmigration. Or been given a system which wishes to ???? you. Why do transmigrators have such powers in the first place ? Is it really just a trope or does it have a deeper meaning behind. How do you even use Minecraft Cheats inside a world of Cultivation? Will Shen Wang, our protagonist be able to effectively utilise the Minecraft Cheats which only aid him at a beginner level? Follow along, and find out...... ............................................................................................................................................................... Hello there, potential reader, before you begin, I would like to warn you that our protagonist is quite on the loose side. Sadly, the protagonist will not be chasing after Jade Beauties nor would they be flocking around him. The protagonist is himself. Instead of his circumstances, he is the one who slowly begins to understand his own nature which had been supressed by the righteous upbringing on Earth. So, follow along and watch me unfold the best novel of my life. ( Mostly because it's the only novel that I've written ) PS the art cover is not mine.

Ashpour · Huyền huyễn
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36 Chs

System's Re-Awakening


[Host has killed 1 mortal..... nourishing the system] 

[Host has killed 1 mortal..... nourishing the system] 




[Host has cleared the necessary conditions to re-awaken the system] 

Inside Shen's mind, notifications emerged endlessly. 

"Hah.... This system is already back?" 

Shen's face distorted as painful memories emergend in his mind. 

He hadn't forgotten the "nice" treatment that he had been given without consent!


[Host has broken through.... nourishing the system] 

[Host has formed a Vital Lotus Body.... nourishing the system] 

[Congratulations! Host, Shen Wang has partially re-awakened the System] 

"partially?" Shen's eyelids rose in interest as he looked at the transluscent blue screen in front of him. 

[... Gathering data .... 10%....27%....38%....53%....78%..... 93%....100%] 

[Calibrating the system according to current circumstances!] 

[Integrating the information into Host's "Status"] 


[Would you like to see your "Status" ? ] 



As soon as Shen affirmed with a "Yes", the blue screen expanded, showing the so called "Status" 



Host : Shen Wang 

Trait : Psychopath 

Age : 18 

Current Physique : Vital Lotus Body

Spiritual Roots :  Thunder ( High-Grade {Weakened} ), Wood (Middle-Grade {Weakened})


Qi Cultivation : Qi Condensation Realm ( Stage 9 : Nexus Mind Meridian )

Body Cultivation : Iron Flesh Body 

Soul Cultivation : {None} 


Cultivation Techniques 

1) Dao Transcending Consciousness Tempering Art [ Sealed ] {???}

Effect : Host can think fast. 

2) Thunderleaf Inner Resonance Scripture [ Stage 1 : Sprout Of Resonance ] {Qi}

3) Vital Lotus Breathwork [ Stage 1 : Nine Lotus Stage ] {Body} 


Shen's eyes scanned the transluscent blue panel floating in front of him. 

"I'm a psychopath?" 

"That's not possible, when have I ever had spontaneous mood swings?" 

"When have I ever displayed psychopathic behaviour?" 

Nontheless, Shen kept looking further. 

"My spiritual roots have been weakend, according to what Elder Huang told me, they should recover automatically after a few years." 

"Oh? Iron-Flesh Body, that must be the first realm of Body Cultivation, that must be because of the Vital Lotus Breathwork." 

Shen had never dabbled properly into Body Cultivation until recently, even so his progress had been highly dependant on Pills and Breathworks, he had never actually worked out. 

But, just from the amount of pills that he had eaten, he had already cultivated the first stage of Body Cultivation entirely. 

Other than that, details about his cultivation techniques were also shown. 

"Considering that the system had fallen into hibernation about a month ago, it isn't too big of a surprise that it's already back." 

"Honestly, there's a good chance that a majority of the pills that I consumed might have something to do with it's awakening, after all even though I had consumed almost the entirety of the pills my cultivation only advanced to the 9th stage of qi realm and the first stage of body refinement realm." 

"The stages of the body cultivation are in the following order, Iron Flesh Body, Sarira Body and the Golden Body." 

Shen naturally got to know this from his interaction with Feng Long. 

"Iron Flesh Body is equivalent to Qi Condensation Realm." 

"Hehe.... In just a month, I have almost achieved the peak of Qi Condensation realm and the Iron Flesh Body." 

This speed was truly fast, with this alone, Shen had already caught up with the cultivators his age. 

However, this also held him back. 

"Although, I do not wish to hide my progress, blatantly showing it off will point the sect's suspiscion towards me...." 

Shen currently had two options now. First, he could go back to the sect and slowly "show off" his talents, this was feasable as Elder Huang had given him the meridian repairing pill. 

Second, he could flee the sect and live as a wandering cultivator. However, this would take away his protection from the sect, furthermore, fleeing from the sect was a great crime. 

"If I try to flee, they would most likely capture and punish me to make an example out of me." 

"After all, reputation is important for a sect, they can't afford to have other disciples even have the thought of fleeing the sect as it could potentially have them desert in the future as well...." 

"What to do... What to do...." 

Shen kept thinking, albeit he couldn't come to any proper conclusion, he figured it'd be best for him to return to Lake Lotus Sect than be a vagabond. 

He was still infant towards this world and needed a shelter to properly grow. 

Thus, even though the sect acted like a cage for him, it still provided him nourishment and was a firm cage which protected him from any outside threats. 

/gamemode spectator  

It was best for Shen to temporarily return to the Sect before making any rash desicisions. 


Lake Lotus Sect, 

 A ragged, bloodied dragged itself into a pavilion. 

The pavilion was burstling with an imperial aura, carrying with itself a dominating presence. 

"Welcome back Elder Huang, hopefully you endeveors were a success." 

Foggy figures could be seen sitting inside, it was difficult to tell the exact number as a mystical fog of spiritual qi shrouded them. 

"I wouldn't be here if it was not a success." 

Elder Huang waved his hand as a small jade bead flew out towards the fogged figures and dissapeared. 

"Hmm, Good Job Huang." The figures spoke in unison, their voice carried no emotions whatsoever, it was like talking to a mechanical robot. 

"What about 'that'?" Elder Huang's eyes squinted as he looked at the mystical fog with an annoyed expression. 

"Naturally we'll be holding our end of the 'deal'," As soon as the figures stopped speaking, a small artifact flew out into Elder Huang's hand. 

Recieving the artifact, Elder Huang's expression lightened as his figure dissapeared into this air. 



[Medicinal Stench detected!] 

[Compiling a quest!] 

[Quest : Get rid of the medicinal smell from the Host's house within 10 hours.] 

[Reward : Lowest tier Alchemy insights ] 

[Penalty : Pill thief Identity exposed] 


Shen's eyes looked over in surprise, this was the first time that he had gotten a "Quest" from this system. 

"I need to learn more about what this system can do... but before that.... my house was covered in medicinal stench?" 

[Yes! The Host's house is currently covered in a strong medicinal stench due to overdosing on alchemy pills] 

[However! Due to the Host's and the Pigs' feces, the stench has been restricted to your adobe only] 

[Failing to get rid of this stench in time will cause the Host's crimes to be exposed to the Sect] 

Shen had no idea about this at all! 

As it turns out, the greatest problem had been left behind in his abode itself!

"Good thing that I chose to live in this isolated place instead of living near other disciples." 

Shen's sighed a sigh of relief. 

This "Stealing" had been causing him so many problems! 

"I won't steal from "this" sect's treasury anymore!" 

It was too difficult dealing with the repercussions!

"Now then.... how should I get rid of the medicinal stench?"