
Crystaline Origins

Linda is about to become queen of Crystaline. The king and queen want Jasmine to find a friend to keep her company. But she refuses. On top of that, everyone fears her. Except Grace. Grace has been lonely her entire life. Perhaps by meeting princess Jasmine, she wouldn't be alone anymore. I'm so sorry guys. I just create a bunch of stories mainly because I don't know what to write for the others.

Raven_paw123 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Bonding As 'Friends'

The next day...

Jasmine: *shakes Grace* "Grace. Wake up."

Grace: "Is it breakfast time yet...?"

Jasmine: Really? "GRACE"

Grace: "WHA?"


Grace: *quickly shakes her head*

Grace stretches and gets up.

Jasmine: *throws brush at Grace*

Grace: "Ow..."

Jasmine: "Make sure to brush your hair."

Grace brushes her hair, then she follows Jasmine into the hall.

Grace: "Where are we going?"

Jasmine: "Well first we're going to get you out of those ridiculous clothes."

Grace: "Aren't we going to eat breakfast first?"

Jasmine: "What-"

Linda: "Jasmine? I thought you didn't want Grace to be here."

Jasmine forced a smile.

Jasmine: "Well, my mind changed."

Linda: *smiles* "So you really do have pity on the child."

Jasmine: "Maybe just a little."

Linda: "Heh. Right. Well, breakfast is ready. I'll meet you at the dinning room." *walks away*

Jasmine waves slowly. Her face then returns to an unamused look.

Grace: *looks at Jasmine*

Jasmine: *sighs* "Okay. Fine. We'll eat breakfast first."

Jasmine leads Grace to the dinning room, wondering if she really should have brought Grace in last night.

Grace: "Princess Jasmine"

Jasmine: *looks at Grace*

Grace: "What if the king and queen talk to me and I-I-I I..."

Jasmine: "Then I will tell them what you say. And I would suggest you be careful what you say, because anything you say, and I mean anything, I will make sure they know."

The queen smiles as she sees Jasmine enter with Grace.

Queen: "I see you've changed your mind."

Jasmine: "Mmhm."

Queen: "Now take a seat you two."

Jasmine and Grace sit next to each at the table.

King: "So how are you Grace? Did you sleep well?"

Grace: *mumbles* "I'm alright. Last night was...okay."

Jasmine: "She says she's alright. Last night was okay."

King: "Well...that's...good. Ahem."

Linda: "What are you two going to be doing today?"

Jasmine: *gives a small smile* "Well first I was going to get her a new outfit to wear, seeing as she's going to live here from now on. And then...um..."

Grace: "Dragons later?"

Jasmine: "That's right Grace! Dragons! We were going to go play with the dragons! I took her to see the dragons last night and she loved them. I thought that we ought to go see them again."

Queen: "That's wonderful!"

Jasmine: *rolls her eyes*

Grace: "Why is everyone staring at me?"

Jasmine: "No one is staring at you, child."

Jason walks in. He sits next to Jasmine.

Jasmine: "You're late."

Jason: *sighs deeply* "I know."

Queen: "Jason"

Jason: "I'm late. I know."

Queen: "Yes you are. And when you are done with breakfast you are to immediately report to Henry"

Jason: "Yes!"

Queen: "For battle training."

Jason: *really face* "Come on! Why is it always battle training? It's not like we're ever going to go into war!"

Jasmine: "You never know."

Queen: "As for you, Jasmine, I expect that you enjoy your time with your friend for the day."


Jasmine: *mutters* "Not really."

After breakfast, Jasmine went to the village, with Grace trailing behind her.

Grace: "Where are we going?"

Jasmine: "We're going to see Laura."

Grace: "Ooh! I love Laura!"

Jasmine: "Yes. Everyone does."

(Laura has very short ocean blue hair and ocean blue eyes. She wears blue shorts and a sky blue shirt. She also wears A sea foam colored cloak.)

They arrive at Laura's. And she immediately bows when she sees Jasmine.

Laura: "Princess Jasmine. Is there something that you need?"

Jasmine: "I'm hoping that you might have something for my friend, Grace, here."

Laura walks up to Grace and measures her.

Laura: "Well...I may have a few clothes that she could possibly wear."

Jasmine: "Well. Let's go through them shall we?"

The first outfit is a tight skirt and a sleevless shirt.

Laura: "Uhh..."

Grace: "This is uncomfortable."

Jasmine: "It looks uncomfortable."

The next outfit looks like a purple dress that a princess would wear to coronation.

Laura: "Well?"

Grace: "Jasmine please don't."

Jasmine: "Not even I would wear that."

Outfit number three! Grace has a magenta tank top and red skirt, as well as black boots.

Laura: "You look so pretty!"

Grace: "Oh Jasmine please!"

Jasmine: "Get rid of it. It's horrid."

The last out fit in the closet. It had a lavender short sleeve, ice blue skirt, lavender-colored tights, and sky blue boots. (it would look better if I could show a picture)

Laura: "Now this is the last outfit I have."

Grace: "I think it looks okay..."

Jasmine: "I LOVE IT!"

Laura: "So you'll take it?"

Jasmine: "Yes!"

Laura: "That would be Fifteen crystals."

Jasmine: "Fifteen?"

Laura: "Yes."

Jasmine: *gives crystals to Laura*

Laura: "Thank you for stopping by."

Jasmine: "It was my pleasure."

Grace: "Can we go see the dragons now?"

Jasmine: "Yes. We can go see the dragons now."

At the cave Grace sits on Pixie's arm. Her and Pixie watch as Jasmine paces back and forth.

Jasmine: "UGH! I can't think of anything else we can do!"

Pixie: *purrs* Teach Grace to ride a dragon.

Jasmine: "As if."

Grace: "Try thinking of something that you used to do with a friend when you were little."

Jasmine: "That's just the problem Grace. I've never had a friend. And any friend I did have, they were just... a traitor."

Grace: "Oh...maybe we could play hide and seek?"

Jasmine: "If I were ten years old I would have said yes. But I am sixteen"

Grace: "I'm sixteen too!"

Jasmine: "You interrupted me."

Grace: "Sorry."

Jasmine: "I am sixteen. And I am trying to act more mature."

Grace: "Maybe you could teach me how to ride Pixie."

Jasmine: "No."

Violet: *purrs* I've heard that some humans around this age will go with their friends and help each other find a mate. *flutters her eyes*


A person peeks in.

Person: "Hello Jasmine."

Jasmine: "Hi....wait, Rose?"

(Literally called Rose because of the rose colors she wears. Her hair is short and purple. Her eyes are lavender, she wear a white short sleeve, a red skirt and magenta..er..rose pink boots)

Rose: "Your sister told me you were in here with your new friend." *looks at Grace* "You must be Grace, yes?"

Grace: *nods*

Rose: "Don't speak much, eh?"

Grace: *shakes her head*

Jasmine: "Where did you go to Rose?"

Rose: "I traveled to a planet in another universe..."

Grace: "What's it called?"

Rose: "Ee-arth."

Jasmine: "Ee-arth?"

Rose: "Yes. And get this, the inhabitants of the planet look just like us! And they even call themselves humans, just like we do!"

Jasmine: "Interesting. Rose, have you recorded any of their hobbies? Or something that they do with a friend perhaps?"

Rose: "Well, I should."

Rose opens her book and looks through it.

Rose: "Ah! Here we are. Friend activities. A top favorite, is 'hanging out'."

Jasmine: "Like...hanging onto a tree?"

Rose: "I'm not sure....Ahem. Another one on the list says that friends enjoy playing games."

Jasmine: "I'm not five."

Rose: "I know. I know. Okay let's see...it says here that some girls will talk about who should and shouldn't be together or they're opinion on the relationship of a certain couple."

Jasmine: "Interesting...what else is there?"

Rose: "Well they like to share hobbies and interests. That's actually one of the ways friends become best friends from what I have observed."

Grace: "Are we going to do something yet?"

Jasmine: "Yes Grace. I just have to figure it out."

Linda: *peeks in* "Hey Jasmine, I thought you and Grace were going to play with the dragons. Oh hi Rose."

Rose: "Hello Linda."

Jasmine: "I was, I mean, we were. But the dragons were taking a nap. So we decided to just talk."

Linda: "What are you two talking about?"

Jasmine: "Stuff. Um...things... Did you get a hair cut?"

Linda: "Mmhm. Hey, since you're in here, why don't you teach Grace how to ride a dragon?"

Jasmine: *whines* "Why?"

Linda: "Because flying is better than playing with toys and ropes."

Jasmine: "I beg to differ."

Linda: "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date."

Grace: "That explains the hair cut."

Linda: "So you do talk."

Jasmine: "Yes Linda, she talks! Now leave!"

Linda: "Okay okay. You don't have to be so demanding about it."

Grace: *looks at Jasmine and smiles*

Jasmine: "AUUGHHH! Fine. I'll give you a ride."

Grace: "But-"

Jasmine: "Last time that was nothing. This time I'm going to give you a real ride."

Jasmine walks up to Violet and pats her on the snout, waking her up.

Violet: Huh?

Jasmine: "How would you like to go out for a bit?"

Violet: *stands up and stretches her wings* Sure.

Grace: "Jasmine said she was going to teach me how to ride a dragon!"

Jasmine: "I-"

Violet: That's great!

Jasmine: "But-"

Violet: Come on Jasmine! This will be more bonding time with your friend!

Jasmine: "Okay fine."