
Chapter 7: Setting The Stage For No RE:Turn-WAR Beyond The Horizon. Part 7

Part 7



It was taking everything for the teen not to groan in boredom as he watched the teacher in front of the classroom.

Regents Prep.

"Remember, if you are taking the algebra or geometry regents, they want you to show your work on how you solved the questions"

Since the final marking period for students in NEO New York City ended on the first of June and the last day of school was not until the 26th of June, the days of school that they had left were to prepare them for the standardized exams to measure their achievement in high school-level courses, which started on the 16th.

With that said-

He felt dead inside.

It was his first day back, and he felt dead inside, knowing that these were going to be his remaining school days going forward.

Haruko Matsumoto.

Beside art and physical education, every class was the same.

It consisted of nothing but studying and taking practice tests throughout the day.

The two things that bored him to no end

Haruko's blue eyes glanced over to the analog clock above the white board in front of the room.

Class was almost over; now he was just watching the red bar move across.





(Come on)


(Come on)


(Come on)


(Come on)


(Come on, come on)


(Come on)

The teen was waiting for the bell to ring.


For class to be over.

The bell rang.

Haruko's heart skipped a beat as he exhaled.

Finally, the class ended, and he couldn't be happier.

There was a shuffling sound as everybody moved about in the room, getting ready for the next class.

"Don't forget to study your materials; the regents are coming up soon" the female teacher shouted out.

Haruko sat at his desk, putting his study books in his bag on the floor.

"Did you hear the thunder earlier?"

It was a simple, off-handed question that caught Haruko's attention, causing him to freeze up.

It came from another student who was surrounded by other students on the other side of the class.

Haruko listened in close to the conversation, trying to appear like he wasn't eavesdropping.

To the other student, it appeared as if Haruko was focusing on the white board in front of the classroom, resting his hand against his hand under his chin.

"Yeah, that was crazy"

"It has been going on like that for a few days now; it is starting to get a little creepy now with how close and how frequently it has been happening."

(They are talking about my power)

Haruko thought, now staring at his hands.

(The power I am struggling to control)



"Am I ever going to have complete control over this power?" Haruko said to himself as he closed his right hand.

"Did you say something?" Aoi said as she tilted her head.

Staring at his hand, he spoke.

"This power—how do I get control of it? The same way that you can with yours"

Aoi looked at Haruko.

"I can't answer that, not fully"

"What do you mean?"

"Although at a basic level, all the Crystal Guardians abilities are the same—what sets them apart is their ability to use them. The first generation was from different walks of life on my home world, which in turn created individual perspectives on how to use their powers. Different life experiences create different perspectives; the method I use for my powers will most likely not work for you"

Sensing the teen's distress, she began to walk toward him.

"I know how you feel right now" Aoi placed her hands on Haruko's raised fist. "The control and uncertainty of all of this is difficult at first, but I believe that you will be able to master them"

"What makes you so sure?" Haruko asked, unsure of himself.

"One has to be a strong-willed person to be a Crystal Guardian, and I believe you are a strong-willed person. That night, time and time again, you came back to save me. That is not the action of a weak-willed person"


"It will take some time, but I believe that you will be able to control your powers" Aoi said before smiling at him.



Haruko stood up from his desk and grabbed his bag to head to gym class.

(In time, I believe that you will truly be a Crystal Guardian) Her words rang out in his head.

Throwing his beg over his shoulder, the teen headed out of the classroom.

(In time)