
Chapter 7: Setting The Stage For No RE:Turn-WAR Beyond The Horizon. Part 6

Part 6





Everything was quiet.

There was a huff that broke out in Haruko's room, coming from Aoi.

Currently, she was still on the bed.

There was not much to do since the teen in question was not here at the moment, and she did not know how to operate his electronics since he used his game system for everything from playing music to video games to watching TV. She could not figure out how the controller worked.

She was bored.

Staring at the ceiling, his door slowly opened, causing the girl to turn her head, but no one was there.


It was a sound.

A faint sound.

But it caused Aoi to nearly fall off the bed as she jumped up in shock.

There on the floor at the door was the object of what she dubbed her mortal enemy.

A black cat.

She was on her hands and knees, staring at the small and fluffy creature that was staring back at her with its golden eyes.

Slowly, the cat walked into the room.

A female Bombay cat with a red collar wrapped around her neck

It's black glossy fur reflecting off the sunlight that peeked through his black curtains.

"You again" Aoi said "Back to torment me again.

As the cat got closer, Aoi stood up, trying to make her appear larger and more threatening to the small animal on the floor.

But the small cat kept walking forward before stopping and sitting on the ground.

"Halt, my enemy-beast of disaster," Aoi called out, pointing to the small cat.

The cat blankly stared at Aoi before licking its hand.


Aoi plopped down onto the bed, which caused the cat to come closer.

The girl peeked her head over the edge of the bed, staring at the cat that was now lying on the floor.

Aoi frowned as she stared at the cat.

She slowly moved her right hand off the edge of the bed towards the cat's stomach.

She groaned before lightly touching the belly of the cat with her fingers.


Aoi began moving her palm, rubbing the cat's belly as it squirmed on the floor, trying to latch onto her hand with its mouth.

"Go ahead, transform into your beast form, and use your aura to lay waste to the land. and challenge me"


The cat did not react beyond wiggling on the floor.

Aoi lifted her hand off the cat's stomach, which caused the cat to grab her hand with her paws, and she started to playfully bite her fingers.

Aoi looked at the small creature.

Placing her hands underneath the cat's arms, Aoi picked the cat up off the floor.

Holding the cat in her arms, the girl lifted her index finger above the cat's face.

With a soft exhale, a small ball of water began to form over her finger.

The ball was now bigger than a golf ball.

The cat lifted his head to sniff the ball of water for a few seconds before licking it.

There was a purr that came from the cat.

"There you are," a female voice said before Haruko's door fully opened, revealing a 12-year-old girl.

Alexis Matsumoto

"Alex, you can't go off running like that"

The cat meowed as it looked at her.

The ball of water above her finger disappeared as Alexis walked toward the two. With Aoi still holding the cat, Alexis began to lightly scratch Alex under her chin.

"How are you holding up Aoi?" Alexis asked

"A little bored at the moment, trying to figure out what to do at the moment"

Alexis could feel the girl's distress.

Sure, the house had many items that would entertain an individual, but she didn't want the girl to feel confined to said house.

It was a simple thought that came to her mind.

"I'm heading out to Third Ave. for clothes and supplies in a bit, so why don't you come along? I'm pretty sure it would be better than being in the house, plus you may find something you like there"

Aoi stared at Alexis.

"What is that place?"

"It is a shopping center that sells everything from clothes to electronics to food"

Something triggered in her brain as her mouth began to drool.

"What kind of food?' Aoi asked excitedly.