
Chapter 2: The Girl With Eyes of Blue. Blue Eyed Maiden. Part 8

Part 8


A sound broke out.


"Break damnit"


Outside the Matsumoto house, Haruko was attempting to break the hard wall of water. He had tried everything to no avail. Whatever she created was hard as hell.

Haruko was breathing heavily and exhausted.


He hated himself at that moment. If he was just a little bit stronger.

Unable to break the wall.

Unable to save the girl in front of him.

Unable to do anything.

Haruko," a female voice broke out, which startled the teen, causing him to turn around to see the voice calling out to him.

Alexis Matsumoto.

She stood there, standing at the front gate, staring at Haruko worryingly.

Alexis, what are you doing here".

Unable to break through the wall, Haruko slowly walked away from it towards his sister.

Alexis walked into the yard and looked around. She saw her broken seal on the ground.

As Haruko was walking, he fell to his hands and knees. Alexis ran up to him.

"I left as soon as you hung up the phone, Haruko. What happened here? What happened to you?"

Haruko sighed.

"Long story short, a god fell out of the sky onto my balcony, and some guy chased her".

"...What" was Alexis response.

The story sounded ridiculous.

"Just trust me, alright."

"Where are they now?"

Haruko weakly pointed to the solid wall of water.

"Inside the house, I think she blasted me outside so that I wouldn't get involved."

"You tried to get involved". Alexis yelled at him. She was angry that he would do something like this.

Haruko was dejected.

Alexis looked toward the house.

"Well, we'll worry about the house later. We can call the authorities when we get a chance. We need to get you and your injuries looked at"


Off in the distance, there was a large noise that surprised both the brother and sister. From where they could see, a large amount of water exploded.

It looked like the largest geyser just erupted."

"Water….. Did a pipe burst somewhere?" Alexis questioned.

Haruko watched on. That amount of water in one place—he knew what it was.

"That her, that Aoi'.

Aoi," Alexis answered back, looking at Haruko.

Haruko began wobbling in the direction of the erupting water, holding himself up against the gate.

Alexis looked at him.

Both stood there, looking at each other.

She knew what he was about to do; it was all over his face. She grabbed his bloodied arm.

"No, Haruko, you can't. Look at you!" She was trying to reason with him.

There was silence from Haruko.

He clenched his fist.

Haruko knew what he had to do.

Without a second thought, Haruko ran off to the erupting water.

"Haruko!" Alexis yelled out.

"JUST WAIT FOR ME there; I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" Haruko said as he ran off, leaving Alexis there.

(You better not die on me, goddess)