
Crystal Ball Dimension

The Dimensional Crystal Ball is a special crystal ball that resides in the Demon Kingdom. The Dimensional Crystal Ball was the manifestation of the all-powerful Demon Lord. The purple crystal ball can take its owner to time travel and can only be used by the possessor of the Special Blood and the direct descendant of the Demon King. *** Living with 3 fathers with a variety of different personalities. This is what experienced this handsome teenager in the early 15 years. Joon is actually happy, but he feels the need to also know his true identity. The journey of a little naughty teenager, Arjuna Raizaski aka Joon, looks for his true identity. Sudenly, someone said that Joon was not a completed human. That makes Joon even more eager to find his true identity. Is it true that Joon is not an ordinary human? Then, in the midst of confusion over his identity, Joon finds a purple Crystal Ball. The Crystal Ball turns out to be taking Joon to time travel. This is Joon's adventure with his friends *** Miryu is Joon's cousin, who is going on a time trip with Joon. Miryu took a small bottle from under his cloak, Joon's blood that he had prepared earlier. Miryu also bit her index finger. He mixed his blood with Joon's blood earlier. He had read this before in one of the books in the library of the Dewar Clan's Castle, how to use the 'magic crystal ball'. A few drops of Joon's Pure Blood and Miryu's Satan's Blood, fell right on top of the purple glowing crystal ball. The crystal ball floated in the air. The purplish light grew brighter until it blinded Miryu and Queen Celaina. The light had swallowed Miryu and Celaina into it. They disappeared with the disappearance of the purple light earlier. Quiet and dark. The room was silent and empty again. *** "Lizen, watch out!" I shouted when I saw Ryujin behind Lizen. Lizen turned around. Ryujin gripped Lizen's arms. His sharp eyes shone directly into Lizen's silver eyes. I don't know what Ryujin is doing right now. What is certain is that after ten minutes they stared at each other, suddenly Lizen's body relaxed. Lizen falls to the floor. Did he just get hypnotized? Ryujin grabbed Lizen's forehead. Lizen's body gave off a silvery white mist. The fog grew more and more slowly and slowly left Lizen's body. It's been a few minutes, the fog has thinned and is now gone. Surprisingly, Lizen's silver hair turned black as the mist from his body disappeared. Now Lizen's black hair covers his face. I could no longer see Lizen's handsome face. Is he dead? "Stupid Lizen! I have taken your power. After this, you will become a lowly creature called a human. Hahaha, I have been waiting for this for a long time, Lizen. But take it easy, my brother! Someday I will restore your strength for one purpose only, to kill your own child. Buwahahah ...." Ryujin laughed like crazy. "Are you making fun of me, Human?" I flinched when Ryujin shouted like that. Can he read my mind? With a terrible grin, he came up to me. I continued to take a few steps back. "Don't kill me, Uncle!" I said, stammering. Swoosshh! Ryujin swung his sword in the air and aimed it right at my neck. ____________ Visuals and spoilers can be seen at IG: @mamathor_joon FB: Zanaka Sofia Maurya

Zanaka · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Be Afraid

"Only fools believe such stories, Kunyuk." Joon spoke arrogantly. He is now standing up. "Eh, I forgot. You're an idiot, Gilang, that's why you believe that?"

"Huu, damn you, you bastard! If you meet that ghost in person, I'm sure you'll pee your pants, Joon!"

"Don't be silly! How could Joon Raizaski believe such a thing, huh?!" Joon tries to dodge. In fact, he actually fainted when he saw a ghost the day before yesterday. Joon didn't want to admit it.

Joon taught himself that all he saw was hallucinations because he was so hungry and sleepy.

"Come on, go home, Gilang! It's getting late this afternoon. The chicken noodle stall will be closing soon!" Joon said impatiently. He saw the red sky outside the window.

Joon saw Gilang sitting on the side, as if he didn't want to go home first. Joon extends his hand towards Gilang, so that his friend wakes up quickly.

"Don't act, Kunyuk! Keep your promise to treat me to food!" said Joon. He continued to drag Gilang's hand to stand.

However, Gilang even more justify his seat.

"I'm still sore, Joon. Give me five more minutes to sit down for a bit."

Joon released his grip on Gilang's hand.

"Okay, then I'll just go to the toilet first."

Gilang waved his hand in the air.

"Whatever! But ... don't take too long, Joon. Watch out for ghosts when you pee, okay?" Gilang teased who realized that Joon was actually scared. However, Joon just pretended to be brave. Gilang realized that when Joon's hands were sweating when he heard Gilang's story earlier.

Jun turned around. He glared at Gilan.

"You're noisy, Kunyuk! Where's a ghost in the toilet, huh?!" snapped Joon. There was no denying that he was feeling a little scared right now. Especially considering the strange creature that he thought at that time was just a hallucination.

Gilang saw his best friend's back away towards the toilet at the end of the corridor. Gilang laughed remembering Joon's frightened expression earlier.

"Hehehe... you're a coward, Kampret! You just act like a hero, it's your turn to tell about ghosts, he's afraid. Hahaha, Joon Kampret Raizaski is not afraid to fight thugs, instead he's afraid of ghosts." Gilang kept laughing at his best friend. In fact, he was holding his stomach which was stiff from laughing since earlier.

"Duh, because of laughing, I'm hungry." Gilang got up and held his stomach. When he looked at his watch, it was already 5 pm. No wonder the sky was getting redder.

"Khikhikhikhi! Where was my lord earlier, Human?"

There was a strange sound from the window. Gilang's body immediately trembled. It can't be Joon's voice, right? Joon is in the toilet, how come he was already in the back window of Gilang. But, this is the third floor, how could his best friend be hanging from the window? What do you want to die for? Gilan thought. He didn't dare turn around to see who was speaking behind him.

"Why is my lord befriending this lowly human, huh? Khikhikhiki!"

Hearing those words, Gilang dared to turn his head. He turned slowly. Gilang jumped when he saw a body crawling upside down in the window behind him.

"Huwaakh!! Ghost!!" Gilang screamed and ran to the stairs to get down. He just left Joon who was still in the toilet.

Even at a glance, Gilang really saw the creature that the basketball club members were gossiping about from yesterday. The creature's long hair hung down. All of his eyes are black. Has 4 arms and 4 legs. The creature's lips were so wide they reached the ears.

Meanwhile, Joon who has just finished his 'task' is now running after hearing Gilang's scream earlier.

"Gilang! What's--?" Joon's voice seemed to catch in his throat. It wasn't Gilang that he saw where they last mopped, but the same creature that Joon met in the back warehouse the day before yesterday.



The friction between the creature's long fingernails and the floor made an ear-splitting sound.

"You again?!" Joon slowly backed away. He was still in shock, so he couldn't react quickly. He saw the creature's smile that appeared from wide lips to reach the ears. So scary.


Meanwhile, Joon who has just finished his 'task' is now running after hearing Gilang's scream earlier.

"Gilang! What's--?" Joon's voice seemed to catch in his throat. It wasn't Gilang that he saw where they last mopped, but the same creature that Joon met in the back warehouse the day before yesterday.



The friction between the creature's long fingernails and the floor made an ear-splitting sound.

"You again?!" Joon slowly backed away. He was still in shock, so he couldn't react quickly. He saw the creature's smile that appeared from wide lips to reach the ears. So scary.

The creature pressed its belly to the floor, using its four hands and four legs to walk. Really looks like a big centipede, but with a human head.

"My lord!" he called with that wide mouth.


Joon's heart started to beat really fast at this moment. His body was shaking with fear.

His brain is constantly processing information. What kind of creature is that? What is a centipede stealth? Gosh, could it be that Gilang was screaming because of that creature? Then, where is Gilang at this time? Could it be... Gilang has been eaten by that creature? Jon thought.

"My lord~! Lord of the Southern Region of the Underworld, I am your servant!" Again the creature said things that Joon did not understand at all.

Joon keeps backing away without knowing there is a bucket behind him. The bucket filled with water spilled, followed by Joon's body falling backwards. Joon's pants are all wet. However, he still stared warily at the creature only a few meters away from where he was.

The creature is still trying to get closer to Joon.

"I just want to ask for your help, my lord! Please, don't be afraid like that time! I will not harm you!" said the creature. So soft and gentle.

"Nonsense! You were the one who harmed me that time, right? Until I had a respiratory failure!" annoyed Joon. If he wasn't found that night and his father Jaya helped him, Joon was sure he would have been found lying dead in the back warehouse in the morning. Failure to breathe for too long will make all the internal organs malfunction in the end, and eventually death. Fortunately, Jaya performed first aid very precisely.

"I didn't do anything, my lord! You were so scared you passed out. I kept trying to wake you up. But when you woke up and saw I was there, you screamed hysterically and passed out again."

Come to think of it, the creature's words had some truth in it too. He didn't mean to hurt Joon. Joon was the only one blocking the door, so the creature pushed it. Perhaps the creature's strength was indeed very high.

The urge, which the creature thought was slow, was actually able to make the door leaf and Joon's body thrown far away. That's when Joon's chest hit the corner of the table until his rib injury broke again.

The creature stretched its hand back to grab Joon's body.

"My lord~! Help me get my power!" asked the strange creature.

Joon increasingly shifted his ass to back away. He hasn't risen yet. His body felt so weak that he couldn't stand up. Joon's pants are already soaking wet from sitting on the water in the bucket that was spilled earlier. So, the floor is getting slippery.

Joon took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He stabilized his heartbeat first. It seems that the creature had no bad intentions towards Joon.

After successfully stabilizing his breathing, Joon said, "Then, what can I do!"

Joon is actually still scared, but he's acting cool right now. In fact, he could already feel his pants heating up. Who knows. After all, his pants were already wet. So, it definitely won't be caught if he peed in his pants earlier. Although a little. Yes, he already urinated in the toilet earlier. Try it if you haven't. It must be the floor that he bothered to mop, Joon himself would be the one to get it dirty.

The creature looks to be approaching Joon again, but is stopped by Joon.

"Stop! Just talk from there! Don't come near me!"

The creature bowed, and took a few steps back. Still crawling.

Joon can control himself. He sat leaning against the wall next to the classroom, while the creature was on the wall next to the window.

"Now say it!"