
Cruel to be Kind (SI Multicross)

The story is a self insert multi-crossover world story. This is about a man that receives and trans dimensional device and decides to build a empire.

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52 Chs

Chapter 25

Excerpt from Alexander Harlow's Personal Journal. Year 3, Day 133, Endeavour, Terra Prime

I think I need to speak to Matt or Clayworth because I caught myself seriously considering doing something incredibly stupid. I think my success with the Kromaggs has gone to my head.

I was half way through setting up LVIOS to scan for... The Marvel Universe.

Yeah I know, completely mental. That place is right there on the list of worlds never to visit, somewhere under Warhammer 40,000 and Lovecraft's hellscape. Even if I managed to avoid getting my arse spanked by one of the God/God-like entities that call it home, with my luck I just freaking know one of the 'heroes' would take exception to my little empire.

I blame the genetic textbooks I've been reading. I was thinking about how to integrating various 'super-powers' into myself and how much easier it would be if I had samples of some of the cooler powers from around the multiverse. Some of Wolverine's blood for example could make my quest for immortality much much easier...

Project Lazarus is really doing my head in...

Yeah better talk to Mark or Matt, I need a head slap, because God help me, I'm still considering it.

Year 3, Day 155, Vladivostok, Falling Skies Universe.

Alexander struggled to keep his face impartial as he watched the World Security Council file into the room and take their seats. One half of the large chamber was taken up by a raised semi-circular bench, where the representatives of the various world powers sat, surrounding a slightly raised platform where 'guests' could stand when presenting information to the council.

Alexander was flanked by a trio of bodyguards in full armour, ever since Green had tried his luck, Urial Clearsky had upped Alexander security, no longer accepting his Lord's word that he was able to take care of himself. The young Australian almost hated that unexpected consequence from Green's assassination attempt than the fact Matt had been shot, almost.

There had been something of a kerfuffle about the bodyguards, but Clearsky insisted, and Alexander backed him, not out of fear, but the desire for a show of strength. The bodyguards were unarmed, at least as far the WSC security team could determine, but it was still a source of tension for the men and women lining the walls of the room. Their eyes flicking over the white clad soldiers and their black clad Lord at all times.

Arkady Dyatlov, Terra Prime's ambassador to the Falling Skies universe, was standing next to Alexander, his normally solid face showing concern as he watched councilmembers take their seats. Alexander planned to let Dyatlov do most of the talking, while egotistical at times he knew his limitations, and now was not the time to push them.

Once everyone was seated the Russian chairmen, Rumiantsev, spoke up, "Greetings Lord Alexander, it is a pleasure to welcome you back to our world, I only wish it was under better circumstances"

Alexander nodded politely, "Thank you, once the unpleasantness is dealt with I look forward to discussing the progress made towards better protecting your world from our mutual enemies"

A few more perfunctory greetings were made before Dyatlov stepped forward and began his rehearsed speech.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" The Ukrainian began, "by now you've all had a chance to review the documentation provided by ourselves regarding the actions of Ambassador Felix Green on Terra Prime. Do you have any questions regarding this evidence?"

The French representative, a middle aged women nodded towards the chairmen who signaled her to speak. "Yes, I would like to know if Lord Alexander is in the habit of recording high level diplomatic meetings?"

Alexander hid a wince, he had been warned about this. Motioning to Arkady he stepped forward, "Normally no, and I wouldn't have recorded the meeting with Mr. Green if it hadn't been for this councils repeated refusals to recall him. After consultation with my advisors I felt it best, given the nature of the accusations, that the meeting in question, the one where he attempted to kill me" Alexander stressed the last words, and he noted a number of the councilmembers wince, "should be recorded to provide conclusive proof that he was unsuitable for his position"

The debate continued for sometime before the American representative, who had been strangely silent requested to speak, "Lord Alexander, while the actions of Ambassador Green were deplorable, I would like to know if you had any intention of sharing the" he paused for a moment, "'Sliding drive' with us?"

Arkady stepped forward, "I fail to see the relevance to the actions of Mr. Green"

Alexander touched his friend on the shoulder, "I'll answer you bluntly, no. I did not have any plans to share the technology with you, and that position has not, and is unlikely to change"

"May I ask why?" The American asked in a deceptively mild voice as the other members of the WSC were exchanging glances.

"One word," Alexander began, "power. I won't pull any bollocks about you 'not being ready' for it or anything of the like. I won't give you trans-dimensional technology because doing so would undermine Terra Prime's powerbase, unbalance our relationship, and in time potentially give rise to a strong enemy" Alexander could see Arkady fighting the urge to facepalm next to him.

The Chinese representative stood up, "So you admit you want us subservient to you"

"I know as politicians you're unused to hearing the truth, but yes" Alexander said with a smile.

The meeting descended into chaos.


Several hours later Alexander was sipping a cup of coffee in Arkady's office as the Ukrainian ranted at him, "What the hell were you thinking! There is no way in hell they'll revoke Green's diplomatic status now, we'll be lucky if they don't kick us off the planet!"

"Arkady, sit down and have a drink" Alexander said.

"Alex" Dyatlov warned.

"Oh alright, I didn't want Green, let them keep the idiot" Alexander said, "Matt's going to be fine, and while I still want to kill the asshole, I honestly don't care enough to fight to get him back to Terra Prime to do it"

"That doesn't explain why you blew up months of careful work!" Dyatlov yelled as he paced.

"Doesn't it?" Alexander asked sitting his cup down, "This universe is a charity case, they have nothing we need, it's a broken down piece of shit draining our resources, how many letters have you passed on from those chinless wonders back there wanting more tech, more scientists, more access to our R&D, more bloody everything!"

Dyatlov paused, clearly thinking, before sitting down, "So you want to end our relationship with them?"

"No, I want them to start doing shit for themselves" Alexander said, "the Espheni are Alien, their motivations are Alien, and at best they are a distant threat, it will be years before they can send anything more than a token force. We on the other hand are here right now, and we're human, something they can understand."

"You deliberately provoked them, you want them to fear you, you want a cold war" Dyatlov said with dread.

"Nothing that extreme, more like the relationship between France and America on a normal world, competitive allies" Alexander picked up his cup again. "I don't want the equivalent of a third world nation hanging around my neck draining all my resources."

"You realise it's going to me that has do all the hard work?" Dyatlov asked.

"Yep" Alexander chirped cheerfully.

Dyatlov sighed deeply, hiding his head in his hands, "Zombies were easier"

A/N: Okay here we go, this took seven rewrites before I was even remotely happy with it. Oh and this is what happens when someone thinks they are smarter than they actually are.