
Cruel to be Kind (SI Multicross)

The story is a self insert multi-crossover world story. This is about a man that receives and trans dimensional device and decides to build a empire.

Brezer · Khác
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52 Chs

Chapter 11

Day 525, Boston Massachusetts, Falling Skies Universe, November 16th 2011

Alexander leaned over the large datasheet that was spread over kitchen table of their new headquarters, looking at the feed from the microsat currently orbiting over North America. Despite their small size the imagery provided by the micro satellites would have the head's of the NRO and NASA in a bidding contest to see who could sell their grandmother's soul first. Technology from the Star Wars universe wasn't that impressive when it came to some of the other science fiction worlds out there, but it was incredibly refined, just what you'd expect from a civilisation over two hundred centuries old.

"See there" Clayworth said, pointing at a spot on the datasheet, "looks like the Alien bastards are planning on hitting the school soon"

Alexander nodded, it made sense, and matched up with both his 'research', if one could call reading a wiki and watching a TV show research, and what his scouts were telling him. The local militia, 'the 2nd Mass', was hold up at an abandoned school, and likely about to give wiped out, either because of the butterflies introduced by the presence of Alexander's forces in the universe, or simply because they didn't have plot-shields any more. Alexander put his bet on the latter.

"There are a hell of a lot of mechs massing just here" Alexander said putting his finger on a section of the map about three kilometres away from the militia hide out.

Clayworth grunted, "Yes, and more to the south and west, they're pretty much buggered, no-way civvies with AKs are going to take out that kind of fire-power, not while protecting non-combatants at any rate."

"Good thing we're here then isn't it?" Alexander said grinning like a loon.

Clayworth matched his grin with one of his own, "Aye lad, that is it"


Alexander approached the barricade along with six bodyguards flanking him, his helmet off and hanging at his waist, his weapon slung. Clayworth had protested Alexander going himself, claiming he should be the one to go, only to be overruled, in the end he had agreed but had insisted he take more a larger than normal escort.

The men walked slowly, their helmets also off with weapons hanging at their sides. None of them liked it, but they understood the reasoning, the people they were going to meet had been fighting Aliens for almost a year, showing up in full armour with strange weapons wouldn't allow for a peaceful meeting.

Alexander had wanted more time to prep for the meeting, but like Clayworth said, 'the enemy gets a vote too', so they were rushing things. Estimates put the Alien attack at around 4am, if they had any brains at all, best time to attack a human base, everyone, even the guards would be sluggish in the hours before dawn. So he had a little over eleven hours to convince an abused and desperate group of people to trust me. Piece of cake.

With his hands held up and open Alexander approached the young man at the barricade like he wasn't pointing an AK-47 at his face, "Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong. Take me to your leader" he said with a grin.


"So let me see if I've got this straight, you're a dimension hopper with delusions of grandeur, oh and you want to 'save' us?" Tom Mason said, his face full of scorn. The 2IC of the 2nd Massachusetts, a former professor of military history, was a tall thin man with short brown hair, getting on in years.

"Lord Alexander has come to offer your people salvation from their enemies and you scorn his offer of aid? How dare you!" Alexander's chief bodyguard Urial Clearsky interjected, his voice harsh and booming.

'Fanatics...' Alexander sighed mentally, "Everyone calm down!" He said loudly waving his hands, "We don't have time to fight amongst ourselves, well, you" he pointed at the officers of the 2nd Mass, "don't have time at least, according to our intel you've only got a few hours until the whole weight of the local Alien forces hit this place."

"How do we know you're not working for them?" Mason demanded, "you come in here with your fancy armour and ray guns, you could be collaborators for all we know, it makes more sense some story about jumping between universes"

Alexander's guards bristled at the insinuation; Alex had done a good job indoctrinating them with a fierce hatred of any forces that we dare attack humankind. At the moment though he was wishing he hadn't been so successful. 'Okay, fuck this, it worked on Matt' He thought with an evil smirk. They'd already wasted an hour arguing, an hour Alex could have used to move people to a safe heaven.

With a twitch of his right thumb he brought up the transit menu on his virtual HUD, a few swipes of his right index finger tagged the seven people in the room, and a quick check showed that they massed just over twelve hundred kilograms, another few movements designated their weapons could stay behind... 'Perfect'


"WHAT THE FUCK!" Dan Weaver bellowed as the group found themselves standing on a large cliff face, looking out over a purple ocean. The commanding officer of the 2nd Mass quickly reached for his sidearm, only to find it gone.

"Relax, take in the view" Alex said smugly, fishing in his belt pouch for a packet of smokes.

Weave quickly rounded on the Australian, about to take a swing, but was grabbed by his second in command, "Dan I think you should take a look at this".

Alexander smirked as he lit up, he'd seen it dozens of times, but deep inside he was just as in awe as the other members of his little outing every time he saw the view. The blue grass, the white cliffs, the purple ocean, all were stunning on their own, but what really set it off was the massive orb hanging in the sky, a Gas Giant the size of Jupiter.

"So, about that alliance?"