
The Old Problem Between Christ And Walter

"This is so amazing, how did you come up with a plan like this, Christ?" Hermes asked, admiring Christ's cleverness.

"Like I said, that I don't work alone. In the past, Aunt Jennifer and I were about to attack the vampire king's palace. But unfortunately, Aunt Jennifer had to die at the hands of the Vampire King very sadistically!" Christ said starting to recall the memory, and he looked very sad when he had to remember how Jennifer breathed her last and turned to ashes.

"Sorry Christ, I didn't know about that!"

"It's okay, buddy. It's all over, and now I have to be able to avenge all the actions of that bastard Vampire King," determined Christ, Hermes and Claudia nodded. Signs they agree with the spirit of Christ.

"We must destroy the kingdom and the vampire king!" Hermes replied. Cheers to himself, Claudia, and Christ. And they went back to looking at Christ's plan paper.