
Cruel Angel's Thesis [Blame!]

Humans have long since abandoned their homeland of Earth and ventured out into space to create a large, perpetually expanding city of technological marvels. However, the controls to the city's mainframe called NetSphere were tightly bound to humans with the Net Terminal Gene, and at some point, a long, long time ago, a pandemic swept through the city. It mutated the gene to be unusable in controlling the city's mainframe, and soon, the Safeguards, robotic lifeforms built to keep the residents safe deemed the humans as illegal residents. "My story begins long before that... it begins even before the first floor of the city was built... My name is ████, and I am a █████. I am... not of this world... I was... born... to █████. But now... after ████████ years, there is... nothing for me to do. I... don't want to die. I want to live. But... I don't know what I want to live for..."

Braggski · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs


[??? POV]

...The... world... is... ████... Why... can't... I... see...? Cannot... █████... Cannot... ███... I... don't... understand... Why...?



Please... let... me... ███...

I... don't... want... to...





...to die.

I... want... to... live. Please... Let me... live.

I... don't want to die.

I... want to live...

I don't want to die. I want to live. I don't want to die. I want to live. I don't want to die. I want to live. I don't want to die. I want to live...


I want to live!

I don't want to die!



















...It's cold... It's getting colder... Why...? Why won't they... the ████ save me?! I don't want to go... Ah... please... it's lonely... and cold... and lonely... I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be cold. I don't want to die. I want to live.



►T█ME_ELAPSED: 4,59█,█47,8██_YEARS



...Hello? Is... anyone there? Please? Please, answer. Say... yes. I'm... lonely. Oh so lonely. It's been so long... Since I've lasted talked. Since I've last opened my eyes... I want to see her again. ██████, I want to talk to her. I want to laugh with her. I want to cry with her... Ah... I want to cry... But I can't... my body... is... damaged. The repairs are taking far too long... Why was I damaged... My memories are fuzzy... DATE_EXP█NGED... Why... Why are my memories of █████ encrypted...?










Good enough... directing all power to physical chassis restoration...













[3rd POV]

A prison of metal, wiring and other kinds of highly advanced technology could be seen as far as the eye could see within a dark, dimly lit cavernous room. The darkness only being interrupted by occasional sparks of broken wires as the electricity tried to flow through them.

In this cavernous room was... almost nothing. The ground was smooth, metallic, and without imperfections. Occasional bone, torn cloth and long rotten corpses of human descent could be seen every couple of meters. The corpses were divided into two distinct categories, ones that wore a large lab coat, and ones that wore a black, almost non-reflective type of body armour.

The sparks of broken wires revealed a small portion of a massive logo painted onto the room's wall. The logo consisted of an outlined circle with three arrows crossing its contour and pointing to the centre. The logo was coloured in bright white paint that needed minimal illumination to be seen. Under the logo were three words are written in a language that was long forgotten to time. However, there was a possibility of a small number of humans being able to decipher what they meant.




Three words of a secret society that held sometimes more power than entire nations. However, the purpose and reason behind the creation and funding of this place remain... secret. Even after thousands of years, this place which was meant to be Containment & Research Base_ONE remained untouched by human and non-human hands alike. Amongst the broken wires, corpses and small amounts of debris that once used to be high-tech computers and other research tools was a large pillar that stretched from the floor to the ceiling.

In the presumed front of this large cylinder was a contraption that looked eerily similar to a door, however, it looked more like a large metallic hatch than an actual door. If one looked closely they would see that the entire architecture and placement of the corpses seemed to be in a circular pattern around this pillar, it was a pretty safe argument to make that whatever they were keeping here was inside that cylinder.

The silence of the cavernous room was almost deafening, but, it did not last for long. The once perfect cylinder began emitting strange noises reminiscent of old hard drives and other kinds of mechanical machinery as thin symmetrical lines going up the pillar lit up in bright white light.

"SCP - █████"


A distorted mechanical voice spoke over the partially corroded sound system as the light the pillar was emitting intensified for just a split second before dying down. A hissing sound followed soon after as what was previously theorised to be some manner of a door opened with a loud creak.

White smoke came from within the cylinder, obscuring anything that may have been housed within from view. The smoke lingered for a while, but whatever was sealed inside the pillar did not wait for it to dissipate as two glowing spheres appeared from within the white & grey veil of mystery. The colour was... peculiar, to say the least. The full circles started as blue towards their top and slowly faded into purple. The gradient was quite mesmerising to look at.

Then, a silhouette formed and the two full circles were quickly attributed as eyes to some manner of a character. Tall, very tall, standing at 200 centimetres with broad shoulders and what appeared to be messy hair in no particular style.

The figure did not wait for the smoke to disappear as it walked onward, with each step its feet let out a metallic clank against the cold hard floor of the ancient base. Its pace was steady, not too fast, not too slow, robotic in its frequency.

What emerged from the smoke was indeed a male, a tall, burly one. However, his body had been completely covered in armour. Strange, black in colour with purple linings and glowing details across seemingly every surface. His white hair partially obstructed his eyes as he actually seemed to inspect his body for a solid minute or two before looking blankly into the distance, or rather, the wall.

His mesmerising eyes glowed as strange symbols began to quickly flash through them, and to most, they appeared as indecipherable symbols, maybe gibberish of some manner or long lost language.

∄ -> ∈ -> ∪

∁ -> ∀ -> ∪ -> ≭ -> ∞

The strange symbols disappeared quickly, leaving behind only the man's blank yet still beautiful blue and purple eyes.

"Log... 001. Current location... Research & Military Institution. Current time... UNKNOWN. Current objective... none. Due to no human presence at this moment, UNIT_001 gives itself an objective. Newly assigned objective... find human life."




"This is Pathos, setting off."


//Yeah, I'm doing Blame! Yes, I am going to fucking ruin everything with my shitty writing, just try and stop me!

If you'd like to decipher the meaning behind the symbols go to this website and look at the names of the symbols used, they may actually mean something in the future~ Right now though, they won't mean much.//