
Chapter 1-Empty Room

Chapter 1-Empty Room

(Sage p.o.v)

Every morning my mother would wake me up as she rubs her fingers through my hair, but today, she seemed a little distant. She called my name as loud as she could as she stood at the bottom of the stairs, her soft voice echoed through the hallway. Lately all she ever does is leave me a plate of food for breakfast and write down a list of things on a piece of paper left on the kitchen counter.

"Remember to take out the garbage when you get home, and remember to wear your glasses". She wrote.

As the years have gone by my mother would buy several different styles of glasses and even different colors of eye contacts. I always wondered why she would always try to change my appearance as I got older.

"Oh shit" I said looking at the time, I hurried outside, just in time to catch my bus.

I stared into the window looking at the buildings passing by, as the bus took me to school. I couldn't help but think about my mother and wondering if there is something about me she doesn't love anymore. Honestly I started to feel a little insecure about myself. The one who always comes to my archery tournaments, never once showed up again.

As I sat there in deep thought, the bus pulled up in front of the school. I waited as the other students in front of me got off first.

I walked towards the school entrance, noticing the hall was full of police officers. I paid no mind to it and continued to walk to my class. As I entered the classroom, my best friend Rosemary rushed into me, giving me a hug.

"Hey Sage" she said, as she grabbed my arm and walked with me to my seat.

"Hey Rosie," I said.

"What's wrong you seemed down", she said as she looked in my face, she started to show concern look, "it's your mother again huh".

I nodded my head as I tried not to show a sad face to her.

"That woman" she mumbled as we went to sit in our seats.

Rosemary and I have known each other since we were 4 years old. My mother and her father were best friends in high school. We met in a doctor's office as my mother took me in to get my eyes checked. Rosemary's dad was also getting Rosie's eyes checked. We started playing with the toys that were in the lobby room and became friends. Through the years we were inseparable, we were always together, that people thought we were sisters. Even though we look nothing alike, Rosie has caramel, almost pale looking skin, short curly reddish hair, and green eyes. I have light brownish skin tone, long brown hair and gray eyes. And she's taller than me, so we're totally opposite. Our birthday is also, a day apart, mines being June 15th and hers being June 16th.

Sitting in class as the teacher calls our name. I was praying that she wouldn't call out my name to read out loud. Before I could finish praying, "Ms. Young, please read chapter 30, the first line please, she said.

Damn I thought to myself, I wasn't in a good mood to read, as I stood up to read the pages. The principal came on the speaker, telling everybody to assemble in the auditorium.

"Saved by the bell" Rosie said as she laughed.

"I know right" as I laughed back.

We headed to the auditorium as I noticed the police man standing next to the doors. Rosie and I looked around to see what was going on. The teachers guided us to our seats and the principal walked up to the podium.

"Good morning students," he said.

"Good morning", everyone replied.

"We received some disturbing news just this morning, "Mr. Jones was murdered last night in his home, alongside his wife" he said as he tried to hold back his tears.

Everyone sat there appalled at the situation, Rosie and I looked at each other as we noticed we were the only ones not crying.

"You don't seem very shocked" the girl next to me said.

"I am, but I'm not very good at expressing it". I said

The principal continued on as he said that school would become a half day but all afternoon club activities would still take place.

After exiting the auditorium, Rosie and I head to our clubrooms, mines being Archery, hers being track and field.

"See you later," Rosie said as we went our separate ways.

I entered the clubroom, "Good afternoon captain" everyone said, as I walked in the door. I always thought they only spoke to me because I was the captain but to my knowledge I found out that my club members really look up to me. I became the captain of the archery club, my second year of high school. After winning my fourth championship tournament, the previous captain decided I would become the new captain after he graduated school.

"How's everyone today?" I said. I grabbed my bag, which had my practicing clothes in them.

"We're good," everyone replied.

"When will practice start "I heard a voice behind me and noticed it was my underclassmen.

"After I roll call Damien" I said.

"Okay, he said as he walked off.

I grabbed my board that had all the members' names on it. "Say here, when I call your name." I said. "Tanya.

"Here "she said.


"Here" he said.

"Michael" I continued on.

"Here" he replied.

"And Tiffany" I said as I finished calling the new members' names as the rest of the members were at their last competition for the school year.

"Here, gray eyes" she said, as she always called me by my eye color instead of my name.

"Okay now grab your bows and head to your positions" I said.

"Hey Captain, we 're naming the new captain today right?"

I looked back and saw Michael standing by his locker.

I sighed. "Yeah, but who do you think can carry our torch?". I asked.

"My money's on Tiffany, she's pretty bad ass and takes after you.

I laughed. "Tiffany is pretty badass," I agreed. "After all, I taught her everything she knows."

We headed to our usual spots on the training grounds. Because they are new members, I stayed at the school to train them, instead of going to the competition. "Okay now follow me."

As I explained, they followed my instructions as they watched me. "First let's work on your stances; stand relaxed with your feet parallel with the target and slightly apart."

I sat my bow down on the table next to the water fountain, and walked around them to check if they were standing correctly.

"Now keep a relaxed grip on your bow" I continued explaining as I went around feeling their hands to see if they were gripping right.

"How do we prepare for a shot?" Damien said as he looked at me.

"Preparing for a shot, first you have to start with positioning your fingers" I explained to him, while grabbing his hand directing his finger to the groove of the bow.

"Geez, you're really short," he said as I stood next to him. "What are 4 '9", he continued on.

I slapped him on his hand, laughing "no way I'm only 5 '2", you're just a big giant that's all". I said as the rest of the members laughed.

Before I could finish instructing them, the bell rang for all club activities to be over. We cleaned up the training grounds, picking up all the arrows and wiping the bows. A few minutes later, we exited the club room and headed to the front of the school, where I met back up with Rosie. Deciding we weren't ready to go home. Rosie and I headed to our favorite Cafe down the street from the school, for a pre graduation get-together.

At Benny's cafe, we ordered our favorite chocolate shake and our usual chicken sandwich. We sat outside near the patio where they put tables and chairs next to the building, and you could see the lake.

Sometimes after school Rosie's and I would come to Benny's and talk about club activities or about competitions, but today we decided to talk about our personal life, mostly about my mother.

"How are you holding up" , Rosie said as she grabbed my hand.

"I don't know, I just don't know what to do anymore. I said while trying to hold back my tears.

"You can cry, it's just me and you, don't hold it in "she said as she started rubbing my back. I laid my head on her shoulder and started crying. All my sadness started to take its toll on me. Rosie just sat there rubbing my head and telling me it's ok.

"Speaking of acting weird" she said as I looked up at her with my head still on her shoulders. "My dad was acting weird too. You know how clingy he can be "

I nodded my head as I agreed with her.

" He hasn't been acting like he used to." She continued on.

"You mean, how when you come home, he starts singing, there goes my daughter. I said as I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah" she said, "he hasn't done that in a week".

I was surprised.

I couldn't believe not only my mother but also her father was acting strange. Her father loves her so much that he's so overly dramatic when it comes to her.

"Oh maybe they're dating," she said as she laughed.

I laughed. It was funny, because we both know they used to like each other in high school.

She giggled, "I think they have a thing for each other too, plus my dads girlfriend is a total bitch." She added.

Before I could add my two cents about that crazy woman, a few of my classmates walked out of the café toward the patio. I waved to them to come and join us. Michael, Yasmin, and Johnathan joined us as they sat their food down on the table.

" So what do yall think about the whole Mr. Jones being murder thing", Johnathan asked.

"I still can't believe it even though he was a total ass sometimes" Yasmin said and she bit her sandwich.

"Right", Rosie joined in.

I sat there and thought to myself.

"Wait, Rosie isn't Mr. Jones related to your dad." I remembered.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that, but more like a relative by marriage if I remember correctly." She said while looking deep in thought.

"Well I thought the police were there, because they were worried about students fighting at the end of the day." Michael said.

"I did too," Johnathan added.

I sat slurping on my chocolate shake as they continued on with their conversation. Looking at the pond.

"Oh shit", I heard Rosie say.

I looked towards her, noticing she was looking at the time.

"We got to go pick up our dresses Sage" She said getting up.

I grabbed my bag and waved goodbye to my classmates. Rosie and I hurried to the bus station as we saw the bus approaching.

"Hey let's head to my house and get my dad's car". Rosie said.

An hour later we arrived at Rosie's house. As I entered the house, my phone started ringing.

"Hey it's my mom", I told Rosie.

"Hey mom," I answered. As I continued walking to Rosie's room.

"Where are you?", she asked.

"Rosie's house". I said.

"Okay, come home, I'm about to cook dinner". She said.

I looked at Rosie as she heard my mother's voice on the speaker. She made a shooing gesture, telling me to go home.

I decided to walk home since it was only a couple of blocks away. I put one of my earbuds in as I listened to music to vent some more while I walked. The closer I got to my house, I noticed a blue SUV leaving the house, a car I had never seen before.

Upon entering the house, my mother was dragging a basket full of clothes.

" Mom, what are you doing?" I asked, looking at the different baskets sitting in the living room.

"Spring cleaning" She said looking through the baskets. " My closet is packed, I might have to donate some clothes," she continued.

I nodded my head and walked up the stairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of clothes and went to take a shower. Thinking to myself, about how weird my mother has been, recently she's been downsizing a lot. First her shoes, her purses, now her clothes. "Maybe it's a phase." I thought.

I walked to my room and flopped down on the bed and dozed off.

The next morning, finally it's the weekend, Rosie and I decided to go to the mall to get our dresses since our graduation is in a few days.

Two days have passed, and now it's finally time to graduate. Sitting in my seat anxiously waiting for my name to be called.

"Michael Davis", the principal called.

I can hear Michael's family yelling and calling his name.

I chuckled wondering if my mom would be yelling my name.

"We only in the D's, man he's freaking slow". The girl next to me said. I've never talked to her like that so I wasn't going to start.

As time passes, we're finally making some progress.

"Rosemary Williams" the principal continued on.

"Whoaaa Rosie!" I yelled

The principal finally got the Y's as I really got tired of waiting.

"Marisa Yangon," he continued.

I can hear the crowd cheering for her as well.

"Sage Young" I heard my name

"Fucking finally", I said walking to the stage.

The principal handed me my diploma and shook my hand as I walked off.

After leaving the stage I met up with Rosie and our families, standing there talking and laughing.

"There goes our graduates" Rosie's dad cheered loudly.

"Enough dad" Rosie said.

We hugged and parted ways, because Rosie and I wanted to go take pictures.

As I walked towards the parking lot, I noticed the Same blue suv that I saw leaving my house.

"Hey that's the car I was telling you about" I said to Rosie.

"Hmm maybe your mom had a booty call" she laughed

"Eww" I was disgusted. " Anyways, what are you doing after we take pictures?", I asked her.

"Well my dad seemed to be downsizing, for some reason he's been giving away a lot of his stuff." She said,

"My mom's been doing the same thing, her room is practically emptied.

Rosie shrugs her shoulders and puts her phone in the air.

"Enough about them, picture time!" She yelled.

We took pictures with a lot of our classmates and decided to part ways after the fun in the parking lot.

After making it back home, I couldn't wait to lay in my bed. I walked into the front yard , seeing my mother's car, hoping she had food.

I unlocked the door and noticed the lights flicking, I walked upstairs to my room and threw everything on the bed. I walked to the kitchen to see if there was something to eat and noticed the kitchen was cleaned and no food was in sight.

I sighed. "Mom, where's the food!" I grumbled.

She didn't answer, so I decided to walk up to her room.

"Mom!" I yelled.

No noises were made. I opened the door to see that everything was completely gone. No bed, no TV, no clothes, nothing. The room looked as if it's never been moved in.

Shocked, I ran downstairs and outside looking to see if she was there. I went back into the kitchen to see if she left a note like she usually does. At first I didn't notice the envelope and keys until I knocked over a container sitting next to it.

"A envelope?" I looked and picked it up and opened it.

I started to read the letter and began to shake as I read.

"Dear My Love, I'm sorry I had to leave you in a hurry, I will cherish every moment I had with you. Now that you've graduated and out of school, I can finally open up and tell you this. I'm not your biological mother. You were found outside a fire station wrapped in a blanket and the letter stated to raise you until you were 17 years old. Many things will begin to happen around you or to you, but don't give up and fight your way out of it, Love your mom."

I cried and hollered.

"What the fuck you mean you're not my mom, how can you just leave like that!".

I ran to my room slamming the door while crying my eyes out.

The next moment my phone began to ring.

"Rosie I can't talk right now", I cried out

"Hey is your mother gone!", she yelled through the phone.

I jumped up. "Why?, have you seen her?" I asked frantically.

"No bitch! I'm asking because my dad and his girlfriend are gone!" I looked at the phone.

"They left a letter saying my dad said he's not my real father," She continued yelling. " And something about me being found outside of a fire station."

"What wait?" I dropped the phone as I stood there in shock.

Please let me know if you like my story :)

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