

This is a Classic Love story, cute and sweet like an overripe apple with a little bit of sour ^^ This is the Male's lead! its DanMei or BoysLove or BL. A cute love story between a Powerful, Fierce, Magnificent Crown Prince to a very weak Hua Bai Ying, a young, sweet, sixteen Hua BaiYing, a young man who almost can't do anything, even always gets in trouble and hurts himself, While the Crown Prince is known to be so powerful, strongest more than the force of the River, the mountain, or even the sky, his hobby is cutting enemy's heads and slashing and killing without mercy, but his life turned to soft and has to surrender to beautiful, gentle, delicate, HuaBaiYing, he's a big pervert, who likes to touch BaiYing here and there as he only belongs to him, only his! Who dares to touch him, you want to die?! Vol 1: is more about HuaBaiYing and his daily life at the Palace under the name of his sister. It's full of sweetness, internal conflicts, tricks, unexpected truth, and identity issues. It's cute and funny, with a little bit of tension and betrayal among the other concubines. ......... I think this is a Romance cute-comedy but full of surprises, just check it out!^^ I'm sorry I might have some typos or miss translating, please give me some time to recheck it. ************************** Please help review it if you read it, it helps the Author to do much better, thanks ^^ please have good comments to support each other, really appreciate and God bless you ^^

Sweet_SourKiwi · Kỳ huyễn
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730 Chs


Luo Xiang's voice dripped with possessiveness as he stared at Bai Ying Ying, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"You're mine, Bai Ying Ying. Do you really think you can escape me and disappear to the ends of the earth? There's no place you can hide that I won't find you again," he declared with unwavering confidence.

His intense gaze bore into his as if daring him to challenge his determination. The air around them seemed to crackle with tension, as he made it clear that he would stop at nothing to claim what he believed was rightfully his. Bai Ying Ying's heart pounded in his chest, knowing that he was trapped in his grasp, unable to escape his possessive hold.


Bai Ying: Damn! Let your hands off me!

But his pleas fell on deaf ears as Luo Xiang's strength proved too much for him to overcome. Helplessly, he found himself pinned to the bed, unable to break free from his hold. Even with his full strength, BaiYing is no match to the giant Luo Xiang, who holds his body onto the bed and kisses him lustfully,


Bai Ying what you get yourself into! what kind of crazy thing you've done!!!


In the heart of YueYang lies the picturesque city of San Po, a true gem in the beautiful country of the east. The land here is adorned with sprawling plains and lush valleys, while mighty mountains stand proudly, stretching from east to west. The weather paints a perfect canvas of pleasant days and serene evenings, creating an idyllic atmosphere for its inhabitants. 

Not far, at Chang San, Hua Bai Ying is a seemingly ordinary young man with no extraordinary talents to boast of. In a world where people display remarkable skills and abilities, Bai Ying can't claim such prowess. Yet, he possesses one trait that captivates those around him – a sweet and cute countenance reminiscent of a girl's charm.

In the bustling city of Chang San, the Hua family thrives as prominent merchants, well-known for their trading prowess. Among them is their young master, a sixteen-year-old boy named Hua Bai Ying. With delicate features and a graceful demeanor, he possesses an ethereal beauty that sets him apart. However, beneath his enchanting exterior lies a profound truth – Bai Ying is not like most young men his age.

While his peers immerse themselves in books, thirsting for knowledge, Bai Ying finds little joy in the pursuit of academic studies. The rigid confines of a classroom don't appeal to him, and he struggles to find meaning in the pages of books. Similarly, while other youths engage in fierce competitions in sports and martial arts, Bai Ying's body refuses to comply. It betrays him, unable to withstand the physical demands, causing him to faint when attempting such endeavors.

In the picturesque valley where Hua Bai Ying resides, he has found solace in simple pleasures that bring him joy. Playing with colorful kites, frolicking with adorable bunnies and chicks, and caring for his beloved pet turtle at his spacious home are the pastimes that light up his world. Yet, the gentle soul finds himself isolated, lacking friends of his own age, as their parents forbid them from playing with him. Such rejection pains him, but Bai Ying's radiant beauty is both a blessing and a curse.

Wherever he goes, his captivating appearance seems to weave a magical spell, effortlessly drawing people toward him. Hearts flutter and devotion blooms, making it almost impossible for anyone to resist the allure of his pretty face. In a way, it feels like a curse, as his beauty keeps others from seeing beyond the surface to truly understand him.

Despite facing loneliness and adversity, Bai Ying's indomitable spirit prevails. His positive mindset becomes his armor, and his vibrant smile, akin to the warmth of sunshine, lights up the darkest corners of his life. Determined to find happiness in the little things and to spread joy to others, he refuses to let life's hardships dampen his spirits.

But life has more surprises in store for Bai Ying. One fateful day, his parents share shocking news with him, leaving him utterly perplexed. Due to unforeseen circumstances, he is called upon to take on a role he could never have imagined – to stand in as a substitute for his elder sister, who had fled an arranged marriage with none other than the Crown Prince himself. The news hits him like a whirlwind, shattering the tranquility of his valley life.

The notion of running away from such an important arranged marriage with the Crown Prince seemed absurd to Bai Ying. He couldn't fathom why his sister would take such a drastic step. But what was even more baffling was the idea that his parents now had in their minds. They believed that Bai Ying, with his captivating looks, could fill his sister's shoes in the marriage and save their family from a terrible fate at the hands of the Queen.

In Bai Ying's eyes, the entire situation appeared preposterous. He couldn't fathom how his pretty face could possibly be a solution to such a grave problem. It felt like a far-fetched plan, one driven by desperation and fear. The threat of losing their lives hung over their family like a dark cloud, and this unusual idea was the only lifeline they saw to escape the Queen's wrath.

As Bai Ying tried to make sense of it all, he couldn't help but scoff at the reasons his sister cited for fleeing the marriage. She had painted the Crown Prince as an unsightly figure, obese, temperamental, and lecherous. Yet, Bai Ying knew that such traits were not uncommon among the wealthy businessmen and officials in Yue Yang, including his own father. He found it ironic that his sister's reasoning centered on attributes that were prevalent in the social elite.

Bai Ying's world turned upside down as he grappled with the reality of his parent's actions. The thought of impersonating his sister and entering the palace in her place terrified him. He was just a young boy, for God's sake, and the idea of deceiving the Crown Prince could have dire consequences, even leading to his own beheading. Panic and fear surged through him as he contemplated the gravity of the situation.

In a desperate attempt to avoid this nightmarish fate, Bai Ying considered running away, hoping to escape the dreadful destiny that loomed before him. But before he could act on this impulse, fate took a cruel turn. Against his will, his parents made a heart-wrenching decision, resorting to deceit and betrayal. They drugged him, forcing him into a state of unconsciousness, and then carried him to the palace without his consent.

What kind of parents do that?

Anyway, long short story, he had to accept the fact that he woke up in bed as Hua Bai Yen. He found himself lying in a luxurious bed, adorned in a bride's dress, and a red, shiny veil concealing his face. Reality hit him like a tidal wave as he realized the gravity of the situation he was trapped in. Panic threatened to consume him, but he knew he had to think quickly if he wanted to escape this dreadful fate.

And the night comes so fast.

"The Crown Prince arrived!" 

He might be too late.


As the door creaked open, Bai Ying's heart raced, and he felt a rush of anxiety surge through him. From behind the veil, he could make out a tall, imposing figure stepping into the room. It was none other than the Crown Prince of Yue Yang, Luo Xiang, known for his commanding presence and domineering demeanor.

His heavy footstep on the wood floor as the cracking sound from the giant's step who's going to eat him alive!

Bai Ying's heart raced like a hummingbird's wings, and he nervously clenched his tiny fists. He swallowed hard, feeling like a little mouse facing a daunting lion. Oh, how he wished he could escape from this predicament and return to his beloved little dog YoYo, his playful cat Mumu, and his adorable turtle Lulu. They would all miss him dearly, and he couldn't bear the thought of leaving them behind.

The tall figure stopped just a little distance away, and Bai Ying could feel the Crown Prince's hands reaching up to lift his veil. But in a surprising burst of bravery, Bai Ying summoned all his strength and pushed the big body with all his might. It was a comical sight, a tiny young man pushing against a much larger Crown Prince.

With his heart pounding like a drum, Bai Ying steeled himself for whatever might come next. He knew he had done something ridiculous, taking his sister's place to marry the Crown Prince. But he was determined to face the consequences with courage and dignity.

He pushed the man beside him onto the bed and get ready to run as fast as the wind, but...

The man's big hand grabbed his ankle, making him fall with his face on the floor with a bang.


Bai Ying moaned. He kicked his legs trying to escape and crawled towards the door, the door is so close, just a few steps away. The important thing is to get out first while thinking about others later, but, the man held his feet and didn't let him crawl further far.

"No! Let me go!"

His skinny bone was pulled by that giant and turned Bai Ying's body towards him.

"Oh no!"

The wind lifted Bai Ying's veil, sending all his veils flying to the floor. His eyes are wide realizing that the Crown Prince might have seen his face, so close!

Bai Ying's round and beautiful big eyes blinked a number of times. His flawless white face gleamed like a girl's with a slender pointed nose and red lips, such a beautiful and delicate face. And, apparently, the Crown Prince wasn't as bad as the rumors. He's a man with a very good-looking face, a deep look in big brown eyes, thin seductive lips, and a sharp nose with a masculine jaw that is a bit rough because it is slightly overgrown with fine hair. He is indeed a very handsome young man. His sister surely will regret this, but the most important thing to do now, he have to escape.


Bai Ying swallowed hard. He didn't expect that person to hold him tightly. The man grabbed his wrist and held it both on top of his head, while his red face looked at him so close, he was drunk!

Bai Ying tried his best to break free but his strength was nothing to the Crown Prince who had seen him so closely, he smirked.

"Hey, my beautiful bride, where do you think you are going?"

The man swallowed his saliva while looking at the red and fluffy sexy seductive lips of a pretty girl in front of him. He tilted his head and lower his head, about to kiss him!


No no, this isn't happening, it's just a dream! Bai Ying screams loudly in his heart.

"Ummpp, you're so pretty"

Just when the big body of the hot-blooded man going to really kiss him, BaiYing aimed his fist as hard as he can at the man's face.




Hi all, I'm having a hard time making such an attractive preview, so sorry for that, I'm so lame for this, for everybody who reads this can enjoy this slowly, it won't have many trills but I think its quite fun, please enjoy it ^^

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