
Crown of thorns

In a realm fractured into sixteen kingdoms, Princess Rama finds herself thrust into a realm of dark enchantment and extraordinary abilities following the tragic demise of her parents. As she grapples with the weight of her impending throne, Rama embarks on an unexpected path of self-discovery, seeking guidance from the bow and arrow. Intriguingly, Rama's uncle employs a mysterious and captivating instructor named Ivana, who harbors a secret lineage of ancient witches. Gifted with potent powers, Ivana becomes more than a mentor to Rama; their connection deepens into a profound and forbidden love that resonates with the intensity of a thousand stars. Yet, their enchanting union remains concealed, concealed from prying eyes and treacherous forces eager to exploit their vulnerability. Within the realm of the sixteen kingdoms, supernatural forces awaken, as whispers of witches' covens and extraordinary abilities echo throughout the land. Each kingdom possesses its own mystical prowess, be it controlling the elements, communing with nature, or delving into forbidden realms of sorcery. As Rama and Ivana navigate the labyrinthine politics of their world, their love becomes a beacon of light in the face of encroaching darkness. Their powers entwine, blending Rama's newfound archery skills with Ivana's spellbinding abilities, forming an alliance that challenges the very fabric of the kingdoms. Yet, danger lurks around every corner, for malevolent forces conspire to dismantle Rama's claim to the throne and crush their love beneath the weight of betrayal. With each passing day, their powers grow, as does the peril that surrounds them. They must learn to harness their abilities and trust in the strength of their bond, as they face off against witches with twisted ambitions, power-hungry monarchs, and the looming threat of an ancient prophecy that threatens to unleash chaos upon their realm. In a mesmerizing tale that weaves love, loyalty, and sorcery into a tapestry of suspense and redemption, Rama and Ivana defy the odds. Together, they must unravel the secrets of their shared destiny, delving into forgotten realms and risking everything to protect their kingdom from descending into darkness. Prepare to be entranced by an epic saga of forbidden love, arcane powers, and insidious betrayals—a journey that will ignite your imagination and leave you breathless until the final incantation. For in the world of the sixteen kingdoms, where witches roam and supernatural powers awaken, Rama and Ivana's love will be tested, their abilities pushed to their limits, and the fate of their entire realm will hinge on their willingness to embrace the extraordinary.

Ewu_Rama · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


Rama decided to spend time with herself while staying alone in her room without going out.

she didn't find it worth it going out since it will be useless because she wouldn't be allowed to leave the palace without being guarded.

Uncle Zeke decided to visit Rama in her chamber since he didn't see her coming out of her room the whole day.

He left a heavy knock on her door and yha quickly opened it for him. Tho Rama is his niece, he doesn't have no right to enter her chambers without being permitted.

He saw her lying on the bed with her legs swinging up and down.

He smiled to himself since he quickly remembered when she was young, she used to act like that when she's struggling within herself to come up with something.

"Your highness" he said calmly. Rama recognized her uncle's voice so she quickly raised herself and and supported her arms that were still resting on the bed with her pillows.

"when did you get her uncle" she asked him but her uncle just smiled at her. "not so long princess" he answered.

"you look troubled.... is everything okay with you?" he asks her while taking a step forward.

he raised an eyebrow when his gaze felled on yha questioning her why her highness was sin that state.

Yha nods her head telling him she doesn't know what was eating their highness up. "Don't worry, I'm alright" Rama assured him and gave a fake smile.

"So why haven't you being out of your chambers the whole day?" he asked.

Rama sat there quietly cooking up some excuses in her head before spilling them out.

"It nothing uncle, I just don't feel like coming out" she said making her uncle raised an eyebrow. "if that's the case, I wouldn't question on that again"

"Am here to you your archery classes begins tomorrow" he informed her causing her to blinked her eyes severally.

"why that sudden look on your face... don't you want it anymore?". Rama didn't know why she reacted when she heard her uncle telling her,her archery classes begins tomorrow.

Tho she was expecting it, she didn't expect it to be this quick and early. "well, the one who will assist you on that is yet to arrive in Zelad so we look forward to their arrival" he added heading towards the door.

Before Rama could ask a question, her uncle has already left her room leaving her in amazement.

Her words kept hanging in the air for sometime before finally closing her mouth. "so it has already started huh" she said silently in bewilderment.

"Yha" She called her personal maid who quickly responded to her call. "prepare my bath" Rama requested.

"Is there anything else please" yha asks her. "not for now." Yha left and called the other maids to assist her prepare Rama's bath.

Rama had her bath after Yha informed her, her bath wax ready. she left her chamber and went straight to the dinning table to have her meal.

The food was served. Rama could only eat little and left the rest. She went back to the garden to have some quiet time before returning to her chambers.

As she sat there resting, she saw the main door to the palace was opened by one of the guards.

She kept looking then saw her uncle coming out from the palace heading towards the palace door.

Waiting in anticipation to see whoever it was, a carriage parked in front of the palace and someone came out of it.

The person face was covered with a veil so Rama couldn't see through it. Her curiousness kept increasing so she stood but retreat.

She knows definitely,she will get to see the person later or sooner so there's no need to find out who it is.

Uncle Zeke sent the visitor to inside the palace. He asked yha to prepare a room for the visitor since he or she was going to spend sometime in the palace.

After the visitor was attended to, uncle Zeke went straight to Rama's room to have a word with her bit didn't find her there.

He knew when Rama is not in her chambers, she will definitely be at her favourite place. He made his way through the front door and head towards the garden.

As he approaches the garden, he noticed Rama sitting on one of the wooden chairs. "Rama" he said while tapping her on the shoulder from behind.

Rama turned to his direction and gave him those questioning eyes she has on her face for sometime. Uncle Zeke creased his brows sitting next to her.

"Do we have some visitors?" she asks as soon as her uncle has his seat next to her. "yes.... " "who is it" she said cutting him off what he intended to say.

"Your archery teacher" he said waiting for her reply but her response didn't come either. she rather nodded and sighed

uncle Zeke saw some questioning looks on her face tho he just informed her it was her teacher who arrived.

He then remembered he didn't reveal the visitors name to her but before he could do that, Rama was already out of his sight.

"this girl don't seems to amaze me everyday" he whispered silently and left the garden as well.

Rama accidentally bumped into someone on her way to her chambers but she was held tightly, preventing her from falling.

The hand that held her were strong and soft as well. Rama wondered who hands were those so she quickly pulled herself from the embrace.

She raised her head after straightening up her clothes and looked at the person who held her earlier but the person was no where to be found.

she looks ahead of her and saw the stranger walking quickly and went out of her sight. "Such.... " she stopped what she was going to say when something came across her mind.

"no wait is that....." she said then raised her head again but the stranger was long gone. "I will get time for that later" she told herself and left the sight.

Meanwhile, Ivana quickly rushed out of her highness sight since she didn't want her to see her face before the day she was going to train her.

She brought out out a deep breathe when realized her highness didn't come after her after that encounter.

She was glad she quickly left her before she could ask her anything.

She didn't want to leave a bad impression on herself since she heard the princess was an untouchable person due to her highness safety.

"you look distressed, is everything okay?" she heard a voice saying to her. she quickly opened her eyes and saw the princess's uncle standing infront of her.

"Not to worry your highness. I'm very much okay" Ivana said to him and he gave her a smile. "okay... when you need anything don't forget to ask any of the maids around" uncle informed her.

He turned to leave then remembered he forgot to inform her about something important.

"umm... I would like you to introduce yourself to her highness. I have already informed her about your arrival."

"so please, kindly prepare yourself so that you can make yourself available to see her in her chambers" he added and started walking away.

Ivana swallowed hard and nodded. she has already run into her just a moment ago but she didn't dare mention it to her uncle.

uncle Zeke has this emitting aura running all over him and Ivana knows he's not calm and gentle as he looks.

She doesn't know why she didn't want to meet her highness yet until the day she's supposed to start teaching her how to use arrows and bow and maybe teach her how to use the sword.

But it looks like she has to see her sooner than later than she thought.

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