

Chapter 5: Uncertainties

[The Beginning Arc]


Just north of the main palace, the palace situated in the middle of both Rose and Rainbow Kingdoms, there lies a vast plain where usual strength and power training were held. Two figures can be seen squatting down on the grass catching their breath.

"Here. Are you alright, Saya?" Haji asked Saya as he handed her a water bottle. She continued catching her breath and began taking big gulps of water. It has been like this since their parents told us their very first mission. Her cousins, as well as her self, along with their knights, have been training vigorously.

"Yeah, I'm fine." she replied to him and sighed as he sat down right next to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

She sighed once again. "It's just, everything's so uncertain. I don't even know what'll happen when we go out for this mission." I replied, worried. Because there's so many possibilities. Good and bad.

After thinking for quite a bit while training, she arrived to a conclusion that was quite terrifying. The enemy was fierce as well as unknown and unpredictable. It was natural to be quite anxious.

Saya then faced Haji and saw a soft smile on his face. She was really surprised for he rarely smiled like that. Or rather, he rarely smiled at all.

"You, know Saya, I rarely see you worried so why worry now?" he asked. Sometimes, this princess of his was really quite adorable.

"What do you mean?" she asked, bewildered.

He smiled a little wider. "What I mean is, that you don't need to worry. Besides, I'll be there to protect you."

She just huffed at him. "I can protect myself." she said and turned away.

And at that he laughed.

Saya blushed because as she would hate to admit, his laugh was attractive.

Ugh, what was she thinking?

Meanwhile, on the west side of the palace where a certain princess' room was, as well as a part of the Western Gardens, there lay a beautiful lady with purple hair resting atop a tree.

Sumire closed her eyes as she lied down on a branch of a tree. She felt the wind caress her skin and made the long skirt of her dress fly by the wind.

A field.

A very wide field, filled with flowers of all kinds. A bundle of trees can be seen at a distance and a village not so far away.

The sky suddenly darkened and the lush grass of the field was no more. Instead, a sickening brown replaced it. the trees far away withered and died and like a blanket, all were shrouded in darkness...

She immediately opened her eyes. Panic gripping through her.

Was that another vision?

Sumire sat down the branch and massaged her head. She really needed to get a grip on herself.

"Princess!!" a startling voice called her and because of her surprise, she lost balance and fell of the branch.

She was really sure the pain of the fall would greet her. But was really relieved when a pair of strong arms and a pair of familiar midnight eyes filled with worry greeted her.

"Princess, another vision?" Shimo asked worriedly.

Sumire nodded a yes to him.

He then set Sumire down on the ground and gave her a water bottle.

The reason why Shimo knew it was another vision was because they've known each other for years. It's kinda obvious, to be honest.

Sumire dozed off for a few seconds and then suddenly, she's in panic mode.

"So, what was it about this time?" Shimo asked with undeniable worry and slight panic in his voice.

Sumire gestured towards the benches then they both sat down. As soon as they sat down, she began telling him what she saw earlier.

He nodded his head and put his two fingers on his chin as if thinking about something.

"So, this will happen soon right? But what's the connection of a withering and dying field to all the stuff that's been happening lately?" he asked as he looked downwards, deep in thought.

"I don't know. But whatever it is, I know it's great danger."

Saya as well as her cousins and their knights sat there. They were staring face to face with the ever familiar and grinning face of Kise as well as the rest of the Rainbow princes but obviously except the blue prince.

But they already an idea as to what exactly is happening. It seems this mission is really serious for them to gather together like this which happens rarely.

The door suddenly opened which made all of them face the same direction. One of the Red Rose Queen's attendants stood in front of them, a blank look on her face.

"Her Highness and the rest of the Royal Court ordered me to give you this message:

You are to travel in different realms and find Rose Reaper. You will be divided into two groups in the first realm you are entering in order to make your search faster as well as secure your safety." She began. He held her hands towards the door and then suddenly, other attendants entered and they were holding shoulder bags. "These bags will carry all your necessities. Whatever you put will be there and will be put out when you think about that certain thing." Then, the other attendants handed all of us a single bag. "After you put all your needed things, please proceed to the portals for the beginning of your mission." And at that, all of them bowed and left the room.

"Well, that was certainly exciting." Kiede remarked sarcastically.

"Yup." Urika nodded in agreement.

"I would say boring." Rinne said with a yawn.

"Rinne!" Sumire exclaimed, scolding Rinne.

"I would really agree." they all turned towards that voice's direction. They were just greeted by a wide smile from the handsome prince with dark green hair and with glasses.

"Tch. This sh*t's real." The red-haired prince commented. I flinched at his choice of words. It's been years but i still can't get used to Blaize's way of speaking.

"Blaize!" the purple haired prince scolded and punched the Red Prince's shoulder.

Well, I guess this'll be interesting.

So here's the newly edited chapter! I hope you enjoyed reading!


Sayalrcreators' thoughts