
Crossing Worlds (A Crossover Fanfic)

Multi-Fandom Crossover Fandoms Included: Dream SMP, Undertale, Warrior Cats, Wings Of Fire, Dungeons And Dragons (D&D)

Lizzie_ · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 Part 2

"No. I mean, you wouldn't make much of a difference, I'm already supposed to be dead. At this point, it wouldn't have much of an effect." Geno said, gripping onto his scarf again. "...I really shouldn't be alive, anyway. I was supposed to die the moment I left the void, but… Here I am…" "Well you're not dead, so that's good. Here, have some jerky." thrush took out something from his pouch and gave it to Geno, Geno stared at it for a second, before laughing a little. "Wow, that reminds me of how long it's been since I last ate anything." "you haven't eaten anything? My goodness, you must be starving! It might not be the best, but you must eat!" "Nah. Not really, being stuck in a save screen pauses a lot of things. Like hunger for example, and death. That reminds me, how long have I been stuck there? Time just blurred together." "I wish I could answer that, but I cannot. Maybe Ink will know? He is the guardian of the multiverse after all." "Maybe… Where'd he go anyway?" "I saw him walk towards the tree where the little scavenger named Ivan is, I think." "Nope, not over here, broski!" A small explosion was heard in the distance, and a couple seconds later, Ink walked over all scratched up. He started writing on his scarf. "Note to self: Watch out for the silent green dudes." "green dudes?" "Yeah, I saw one, tried to talk to it, it just walked over silently, then exploded! It was weird." "weird indeed." Just then, Ivan walked over, a sword on his back and he was holding a sack that smelled strongly of smoke. "If i had known that we were here, i wouldn't have been sulking for so long." he had a grin on his face, and he was covered in dirt and blood. Geno glared at him for a moment. "Don't try killing anyone." Geno's pupil disappeared again. "Not unless you want to have a bad time." "Too bad for you, I've already fallen off a cliff and come back to life in this world, so I think I'm fine." "I wasn't talking about you." "Then who?" Geno didn't respond, he just sat there glaring, his pupil still gone. Ivan smirked. "Scared, little skeleton boy?" he towered over geno with a condescending look on his face. Geno looked like he was about to snap. "You really want to test me?" "lets funking go, dawg." Geno stood up, and held out his hand, his pupils now glowing blue and red. A giant skull of some sort appeared in thin air, and released a powerful ray of energy, with a thundering whoosh. A purple energy-like thing appeared around Ivan, and he got around 5 feet taller, and his body took the form of a massive wolf. "Still scared?" His voice was around the same, except for the fact that it sounded like a thousand other voices speaking at the same time. Geno smirked a little. "Hardly." Geno with a wave of his hand sent Ivan launched into a tree. Bones appeared, where Ivan was going to land, and Geno didn't stop. Attack after attack, Geno was striking very fast, like he had plenty of experience. "Ivan deflected and attacked right back, a lot faster but not able to avoid the small bones that would sometimes hit him. "Is that all you got?" "No." The blaster Geno used earlier appeared more, forcing Ivan to jump onto the occasional platform to dodge both the blasters and the bones, however it was a difficult task.