
Crossing unexpected life

Mike, at the age of 20, grew up in a poor family and faced challenging life circumstances. Following a family crisis that led to a dispute with his father, he found himself confronting difficult problems and experiences. During these transformations, he discovered a mysterious ring, a simple revelation that significantly altered the course of his life. Without delving into specific details, the ring became a symbol of change in the face of challenges. In the conclusion of the story, Mike will face some challenges after obtaining the ring, and he will go through experiences and shocks that will make him wake up. I hope you like my story. I will post a chapter or 2 every day Autor: black_shadow_ol (me) If you can encourage me with kind words, I am grateful to you.

Black_shadow_ol · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 :Caught in the act: the hilarious aftermath of a fishy dinner

I gave them their share of the dish for them to consume. After a while, Brad said, "Alright, guys, I'm going to bed," and winked at me, but I didn't understand initially. Then he ran and said to me, "Let's go to our rooms before they get suspicious about the fish." I replied, "You're right, let's escape before they catch us," and started laughing. He looked at me angrily and said, "Laughing, that's all your fault, you fool." We left them eating while each of us headed to our rooms. 

I entered and closed the door behind me. There's no trust in a sexually charged boy, especially after eating that fish. I lay on the bed and slept on my back the whole night. Despite locking the door behind me, I remained fearful. I woke up in the morning and began to wonder what happened to Adam and Jacob. I went to open the door and found Brad also coming out of his room.We witnessed a scene that was both funny, terrifying, and disgusting at the same time.

 I saw Jacob's face on Adam's back, holding his penis in one hand and soap in the other, while Adam was asleep with his bare buttocks facing the door of my room and Brad's chest. I didn't know what happened, and doubts began to arise, "Could it be that..." I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip away. I took out my phone and took a picture of them in that state. Then I filled a bucket with cold water and poured it on them. They woke up screaming, "What's happening? Why did you splash water? What childish and foolish behavior is this?" Brad and I started laughing, and Adam asked, "Who, you scoundrels, poured water on us?" I told them, "Let's forget about the water incident. I have a picture I want to show you; it will make you forget what happened."

I showed them the picture, and they began to recall the events of the previous night. The sons of bitches threw me on the ground, shouting, "What did you put in the food, Mickey? Don't lie and tell us why we ended up in that state." I got up from the ground and told them about what happened to Brad and me, explaining that the reason behind it was the fish. Adam asked, "That's a lot, my friend. By the way, what's the name of that fish?" I replied, "I don't even know." At that moment, I remembered the ring, "Damn, I forgot it!" I quickly went to check and found it in its place. I said, "Phew, thank goodness, I got scared." 

I returned to the guys and prepared breakfast as an apology. We sat together to have breakfast. After finishing, each of them went to work, while I grabbed my fishing gear, went out, bought bait, and intended to go fishing to get more of that unique fish to sell. Wait, how am I going to sell it? I'll bring it back home and start searching its guts for another ring. I won't fall for the same trick twice. I reached my spot, set up my gear, and sat waiting. Unfortunately, I caught everything except the fish I came for. The sea seemed to say, "You've caught the last of that kind." After a futile wait, I got up and packed my equipment.

I carried the fish I caught and took it to the fish market, selling it for 100 dirhams. I lit a cigarette and kept thinking about those fish I sold to the girl for 400 dirhams. What a fool I was. I arrived home, entered, and went to shower. After having dinner, I took out the ring from under the bed and began to think about whom I would sell it to. It seems to be worth a fortune. After a short time of contemplation, I remembered a friend who works with his father in a jewelry store. I changed my clothes, left the house, and headed to the store. 

I reached it, entered, and greeted, "Hey Leo, how are you, my boy?" He looked at me, a smile forming on his face, and said, "Mickey, you damn guy, where have you been? I missed you." I started laughing and told him, "I've just been busy with work. I'm sorry, but I didn't come today for a visit. I want to ask you about something." He responded, "Of course, what do you want?" I took out the ring from my pocket. I saw a look of astonishment on Leo's face, and he began to say...