
Power Gauge (Part II)

The order of who was going first was the same. Caren, who was a bit scared, went first. It was called defensive training for a reason.

Doing a test like this would require one to be injured. Otherwise, there was no point in calling this defense training. 

Starting the test, Caren dodged every upcoming attack. The first-rank attacks were pretty slow. Dodging all of them, Caren made her way to the second rank. 

Caren felt the power, speed, and attacks had all increased. As a result, the pressure on Caren widened. Unable to dodge any more attacks, Caren tried her best to use random magic to protect herself. 

With her luck of the draw, she cast a bubble that surrounded her—trying to maintain her shield, her bubble burst along with her finishing the test.

Caren's defense test results were 80% of a second-rank magician's. Her results were a bit better than her attack test. Was all the magic Caren has been casting all in luck?