

[??? POV]

I, the owner of the organization known as Ascension, was a group that people won't know. This organization I created was already ten years in the making.

Our group takes jobs that would lessen the value of each leading family of every country. Due to my magic, I would hide any information regarding what we did. 

These past years our organization has been growing at a rapid rate. There were already two ranked seven mages that had joined us. And many within the sixth. 

I could see my dreams being achieved, all we needed to do was acquire that piece, and everything would be set. 


I couldn't help but giggle at the thought of my husband being mine. The time was near, and a massive shift would determine the world's future.

"Master, you're letting out a weird laugh again." 

Distracting me of my thoughts, my underling had spoken out. I needed to punish her for breaking my thoughts.