
Cris loves Cristina

It's a story of a boy name Chris, who was the handsome prince of the Wales Castle. His father was the king of that castle and Chris was the only son who will carry on the family and castle legacy. This story revolves around the character name Chris who was cursed in his previous birth of not having any love life, and will have complications in his present life. He was cursed by someone that if he will love any girl or marry any girl, she will not survive and will die. This prediction was done by one famous reputated astrologer. And Chris challenged him that one day he will find his love and bring her in front of him to prove his prediction wrong. NOTE: This story is purely a fiction, if incase any similarities will be there with real life then it's a coincidence. Previous and current novel is my original work. Keep supporting me guys and best wishes to each and every writer from my side. Regards Shaivi

shaivi · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Krone prediction for Prince Cris.

Oh welcome to my kingdom Mr Krone, he ordered his helpers to bring snacks and fruits, offered the appetising food and served to Mr Krone. I am a lot glad that you took out time in your busy schedule to visit to my kingdom. King Harry said to Mr Krone and Mr Krone smiled and said its my duty to visit to you King Harry, you are the king of this kingdom how can I reject your offer. King Harry pleased him to sit and tell the future of the Kingdom and Prince Cris. Where is Prince Cris? how can I tell his future without his presence. I am ready to tell the future of the Kingdom but if you want me to tell the future of Prince Cris then he should be here in front of me(Krone replied). King Harry commanded his soldiers to send an invitation to Prince Cris that his father wants to meet him, King Harry continued and said I want only the family members to stay here rest all can leave. Following the instructions of King Harry everyone in the palace left the hall where Krone will do the prediction and only Prince Cris mother, king Harry and Cris real sister Emily stayed rest all left the hall. All were waiting for Prince Cris entry but he took a lot time to come. Suddenly one soldier came and he said, Prince Cris denied to meet Mr Krone. There was a sudden aggression in Krone's face after listening this, he immediately stood up and started leaving the hall, King Harry apologised his son mistake he said my son dosen't believe in predictions please forgive my child he's immature, I apologize you on behalf of him. If a person dosen't have the courtesy and generosity for anyone how can he lead the kingdom and the families legacy ( Krone said). King Harry was embarrassed because of Cris behaviour he himself went to Cris room and scolded him for the his behaviour and commanded him to immediately come to meet Mr Krone and apologize for his mistake. Otherwise he won't allow him to go anywhere outside the kingdom now Cris was forced to meet Mr Krone he didn't have any other option instead of meeting him, with a long face he went to visit Mr Krone. It was a day time Cris apologized his mistake and forcefully sat beside him. Krone predicted the difficult time for Wales kingdom. He said after some years will be difficult for Wales and Wales citizens, because of the upcoming king attitude there is possibility of suffering the pain and loss in the Wales kingdom. See I already told you that this old man do wrong predictions he can be right for others but not for me(Prince Cris replied). I told you to be quite why can't you understand Cris, it's my order to you a dad's order not a king order (King Harry). Krone continued after glaring Cris, I don't have any personal grudges with this Prince but he don't know that he's surrounded by a horrible curse. In his previous birth he got cursed by his lovers dad that he won't get his love life. If he love or marry any girl she will either die or gets ill. This boy did some sin in his previous birth due to which he won't be getting his love life. It's complicated for a Wale kingdom to get the new Prince after Cris, there will be no child to carry on the legacy because no girl can stay in his life. His love is a curse to the other girl. It was a peak silence everyone was quite, Suddenly one laugh came from beside it was Prince Cris he laughed a lot when everyone was worried and terrified after hearing Krone prediction. I challenge you Mr Krone that I will find my love life bring in front of you and prove your prediction wrong. Krone had a wise smile and said let's see dear, my predictions never get wrong. King Harry said to Krone how can we break this curse Mister Krone please tell. Is there any solution to break this curse? Krone replied, nothing can break this curse because of Cris behaviour of not believing in predictions and not having the guilt and courtesy is the reason that this prediction will come true. Cris glared at him in an irresponsible way and left the kingdom, which he usually do to run from the problems he took Michel ( his horse) and go for a long ride in fresh air to calm his aggression and run from his responsibilities.

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