
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Where Is Mom

"Cough cough cough"

 "Come on you bastard, spit it out, don't go dying on me"

At the moment in a very tidy and arranged room, a woman could be seen holding up the back of a boy who was fervently coughing his head being the only thing about him moving and making for quite the comical sight.

 While the woman who was heavily patting the boy's back cursed at him for first being in this situation, the boy in question was fighting for his life as he tried to force whatever was in his windpipe out and escape the darkness that was taking him.

 "I don't want to die, this is such a pathetic way to die, but wait, what if I die and go to heaven and am allowed to fuck all the angels

 Yeah, that will be true heaven."

 Though Randy was currently fighting for his life, he saw no reason to make plans in case he died, but fortunately for him, he didn't as a second later he coughed out a round bean.

 "You Devil, are you trying to give me a heart attack, what do you think would have happened to your mother if you had died." Linda who had collapsed in relief on the bed's backrest said, her breathing hard and her head covered in sweat while she looked at the ceiling, the woman not minding the fact that Randy was resting on her chest.

 "Sorry" Randy said his voice remorseful but his face carrying a smile which he tried to keep from leaking to his tone as his head enjoyed their current soft resting place.

 "Just sorry, I kept warning you to slow down but you wouldn't listen, you kept on swallowing and now you've almost choked to death." Linda gritted.

 "Welp, Hey this isn't completely my fault you know, you're the one who starved me for the entire day, I was horribly hungry."

 "If you hadn't gone thinking perversely and even threatening me, would I have punished you?

Oh and don't think I can't feel you pressing your head into my breasts."

 Randy froze when Miriam pointed out his little act and he was just about waiting for a knock or for pain to be inflicted somewhere on his head when the woman reached for the bowl of food to the side and brought a spoonful of food to his mouth.

 "Are you still eating?"

 Randy had no idea what was up with Miriam, but he had no issues with the woman being happy so he eagerly nodded his head and opened his mouth.

 Minutes later, Randy had finished eating and he was now watching Miriam pack up the dishes.

 "You didn't poison the food right" Randy inquired, "Mom won't be happy if I die."

 "Neither will I" Miriam said giving Randy a serene gaze.

 "Welp hahaha, just what did my aunty do for you want to impersonate her, I mean her character can't be that interesting for someone to want to act out" Randy said, a smile on his face.

 "That poor woman, I hope her death was very painful," Randy added.

 For a few seconds, Miriam was confused and then her face went mad with anger as she realised what Randy was saying and she raised her hands at the boy.

 Seeing that he had once more pushed Miriam over the edge, Randy cursed his dumb self as he waited for a heavy slap to his cheek but then the slap never came.

 "Your mother won't be coming back home this evening, she would be quite busy" Miriam said in a dull tone.

 Struggling and turning his head, Randy was just able to catch a glimpse of sadness in Miriam's eyes before the woman turned back to him with a furious gaze.

 "And you, behave yourself tonight, I've fed you a ton of food, so the least you can do is sleep like a proper human, is that clear."

 Randy would have lives to say yes and get their whole conversation over with so the woman could leave and he wouldn't make the mistake of annoying her once more, but unfortunately, a certain worry of his preceded his selfish desires.

 "What happened to Mom" Randy asked just before Miriam could leave out the door.

 "What are you talking about," Miriam said turning and looking back at Rany with annoyance.

 At this point, Randy would have backed down as he wouldn't want to draw Miriam's wrath, but the memory of the sad look in her eyes and the fact that she had come to give him the first food of the day at 9 pm told him that something was wrong.

 Sure this wasn't the first time Randy had annoyed Miriam and made her decide not to feed him his meals, but never had the woman allowed him to starve past 3 pm.

 For all her evilness she at least knew that in a day he needed his own share of energy and nutrition.

 "What truly happened to my mother Aunty, she doesn't disappear for the whole day without telling me a thing, not even a call."

 "Well get used to it, she did, now go to sleep and stop bothering me with another one of your imaginations," Miriam said, turning and resuming her walk.

 "Hey wait, aunty, wait, bitch I said wait." Randy roared from his bed and though Miriam ignored him and left, her actions only served to further strengthen Randy's suspicion because the Miriam he knew would never spare him if he called her bitch, not even if his mother was present.

 "No, no, no" Randy cried twisting his head left and right, frustration on his face and tears building in his eyes.

 Randy trashed around for a while before then realising moments later that his actions were getting him nowhere and that there was only one thing he could do.

 With haste, Randy closed his eyes and stayed still on the bed, remaining like this for several seconds before then blinking his eyes open only to be met with disappointment.

 "Urghh" Randy grumbled and then repeated his actions, but this time he stayed a minute longer with his eyes closed, but unfortunately when he opened them, the result was the same.

 "Ahhh" Randy screamed in frustration and then repeated his actions several more times with failure and then it was just as he had given up on succeeding, tears already going down his cheeks, that the next time he opened his eyes after having closed it in defeat, he found himself staring at a white ceiling filled with familiar red drawings.