
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Stuck In Danger

Though his kick-off and attack had seen no input of mana, it had still caused depressions in the ground and left a trail of dust on his path of movement.

Unfortunately, despite the sudden burst of strength from Baz, it was still not enough to suppress the monstrous strength hidden in Randy's smaller body.

Randy was pushed back by Baz a few meters before he was able to kill all of the man's momentum and then he looked at him amusingly.

"Hehehehe, say Baz do u really want to dance this dance."

Randy had expected some kind of quirky reply from Baz after his tease, he expected the man to ask who he was and why he was killing a group of harmless villagers but instead the man had stayed silent and it was only Randy's sense of danger and his unexplainable ability to sense energy being churned within Baz that had him quickly letting go of the man's huge blade which was still caught between his hand and hurriedly jumping backwards.

A second after Randy let go, Baz's great sword was immediately engulfed by golden flames and then the next second, holding his blade to his side, he was shooting towards an airborne Randy who had jumped too high in his attempt to create distance between him and Baz.

Immediately Baz shot towards him, Randy understood how grave a mistake he had made and the next instant, a look of horror climbed onto his face.

Despite seeing the horror and fear on Randy's face, Baz unhesitatingly jumped in the air and swung his blade at Randy when he got close to him, his eyes hard and seeking nothing but death from his attack.

For the second time within two days, Randy saw death coming for him, but fortunately, this time he could do something about it.

Working on autopilot, Randy pulled on the energy within him, directing it to his hands, and then without hesitation he went shooting out both his arms and clamping his palms on the blade and stopping it when came to slice him in two.

In a turn of events, Randy performed the action he had done earlier when Baz first attacked him, but fortunately, seconds into this successful stop, Randy who had been gritting his teeth the entire time let out a scream as his hands exploded like a balloon into bits of flesh.

It looked like several minutes had passed, but all this happened in an instance, and by the time the legs of the figures fit touched ground, one firmly landed on his feet, while the other fell to the ground with a roll and pushed himself back on his feet almost instantly, turned and shot off, running away from the other.

"Calm breaths Randy, calm breaths" Randy chanted in his head as he filled his legs with as much energy as he could and tried to get as far away from Baz as he could.

Thinking back to how confident he had been seconds ago, Randy wanted to facepalm so bad, he wanted to punch his arrogant self that had first gotten into the carriage with Baz and most importantly he was beginning to regret that he hadn't listened to Linda and just returned back to her after learning the hand signs.

The unlocking or awakening of the energy within himself had given Randy a great boost of confidence, it had made him haughty and completely blind to the fact that at the moment he was kind of a driving amateur behind the wheels of an extreme sports car.

Randy didn't know how, but he could in a way feel for certain that the energy within himself was far more abundant and stronger than that within Baz, but now when it came to wielding it and using it to crush his weaker enemy, it was a whole different story.

Subconsciously Randy had always known that he used the energy within himself like an amateur or more aptly a barbarian, but it had taken Baz catching him in the air for him to realize exactly how impactful his lack of proper training or experience could be in a fight.

For a moment, Randy had been able to stop Baz's blade, but then the heat from the golden flame on the sword and the intense complex energies swirling within it had overpowered the simple energy he had desperately channelled to his hands and proceeded to explode his precious hands.

For a second, Randy's mind had threatened to fall into panic but thankfully this wasn't the first time he had lost a limb or even several limbs.

When you are a weak ignorant little kid who continuously visits a world full of zombies before the place finally becomes your playground, you will unfortunately need to live through several losses to the zombies, loses which most of the time end up with you being eaten alive, mutilated or dismembered before finally dying of blood loss

Randy's adventure into the dreamworld hadn't always been fun and full of games of perversion, but that was a story for another time, as at the moment, the most important thing was that his years in the dream world had built and tempered him in ways no one but perhaps Linda could understand and right now it helped him quickly calm down from the shock of losing his hands and instead begin focusing on how to escape the enemy.

Within a few seconds of taking deep breaths, Randy's mind was as calm as could be as his figure shot past multiple trees, the boy had already left the village and Baz far behind.

Looking behind him, despite the scary intense speed he was moving at, one which saw him smashing into multiple obstacles and simply bulldozing his way through them, Randy was able to clearly inspect the scenery behind him and confirm that Baz was not in pursuit and that even if he was, then he had long left the man in the dust.

As Randy made this confirmation, he began slowing down, seeing no reason to keep making a mad rampage through the forest, but just as his speed made a massive drop, the boy no longer pumping energy to his legs, his instincts flared up, and without missing a beat Randy once more picked back up his pace.

"Linda, I don't know if you can hear me, but at the moment I think I'm in serious trouble and I could really use your help," said Randy who once again felt like he had really bitten off more than he could chew.

Baz was no normal fighter and at the moment, Randy felt the copious amount of energy he was sending to his leg and outputting from his body was the only reason he was still alive.