
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


The words Randy heard stunned him for a second, but like the hyperactive kid he was, a reply to Linda's words came to mind.

"Hello Linda, I'm Randy, Arnold Randy, not Raul" Randy said getting to his feet with a jump and extending his right hand.

"Hmmm" Linda hummed getting to her feet and taking a grinning Randy's hand, allowing the boy to grasp her palms and shake as hard as he wished.

 After letting Randy have his fun with her hands, just as he was about to let it go, Linda spoke.

 "Is that enough for a greeting?"

 Randy was caught off guard by Linda's words, confusion on his face on what she meant but when she opened her arms and looked at him invitingly he couldn't help but gulp.

 Like a bolt, the thought that Linda wanted to give him a hug entered Randy's mind but just as he was about to jump and dive headfirst into her melons, his eyes narrowed and he went on guard.

 "Why would you do that, what do u want," Randy asked caution and wariness in his tone.

 "Not bad, though I had no bad intentions, it's still good to see you're cautious," Linda said with a flick of her tongue.

 "What do you want" Randy repeated, his face one of seriousness.

 Linda was taken aback by Randy's reaction for a second, letting her surprise show, and then she spoke,


 Randy was still on his feet and watching Linda like a hawk when she spoke, and before he could even think as to why she would want him to kneel and even think he would, Randy found himself falling to his knees.

 "Oh shit, I went and annoyed her again."

 These were Randy's last thoughts as his knees dropped to the flat ground, and then given that he had been standing on the stairs, his body couldn't balance on his knees due to its position being lower than his feet and as a consequence, Randy fell face first to the ground.


 "Ouch" Randy cried his face rising with pain and when he tried to use his hand to push himself to his feet, he found that just like he hadn't been able to use his hands to break his fall he also couldn't move it to push himself up.


 On the floor, a ton of thoughts on what could possibly happen to him flashed through his mind but then he suddenly found his body floating Into the air and then he was put standing on his feet.


 "You ask what I want right, so fine I'll tell you, I want your help."


 "Huh, my help how?"


 "Randy are there powerful people in your world" Linda asked.



 "Do you want to be strong and powerful like them?"


 "Strong and powerful..." Randy drawled out, not understanding what Linda was saying.


 "Just like them, Randy becoming strong enough to defeat 1 or 4 or 9 or 50 or even 100 men all on your own.

The strength to create mass destructions on your own.


 Strength which will give you money fame, women and have others bow to you.


 That is what I am talking about Randy, do you want that power."


 Understanding Linda's words, Randy skipped to chase and asked what was most important,


 "Are u saying you can offer me such strength?"



 "Badum, badum, badum."


 Like that, with just that word, Linda sent Randy's heart beating rapidly and his breath heavy.


 If Randy said he had never thought about having powers and being all-powerful, then he would be lying because no one alive could ever say they had never thought about being all-powerful.


 Being all-powerful and having money, fame and women wasn't a fantasy as there were several people with such in the world and now here was Randy hearing that it could be offered to him.


 "The ability to manipulate flames, the super strength, the extraordinary feats, you're saying that I would be able to do them" Randy asked still wanting further clarification.


 "Yes, Randy you would," Linda answered taking her seat once more her legs crossed and a look of confidence on her face


 "And how would you do that, why would you do that." Randy asked, also taking a seat on one of the stairs."


 "I would do it the same way I was going to with Raul and as for why, it's because I genuinely need you to become strong."


 Hearing Linda's words Randy blinked at her and then spoke.


 "You're being quite vague, not the kind of attitude you should have on when you want someone's help."


 "You're right Randy it isn't, but watching you and seeing more than half of my plans become invalid I can't help but be disgruntled and rude."


 Watching the woman before him, Randy's heart beat and melted for her sweet innocent beautiful and stressed face, but his brain had been through a harsh enough episode to be cautious and so with ruthlessness, he tore down his feelings of pity for Linda and kept his guard up.


 After losing his ability to move, life had lost all meaning to Randy, and it had remained so until he found the dream world.


 Here in the dream world Randy was free and could do anything he wished, he had no fears or worries up until now.


 Linda, the goddess-like woman whom he had spent the better of his past days admiring had come to life and then now instead of her being the fantasy sex doll or maid he had imagined, she had instead become a threat to his stay in the dream world and perhaps his life.


 Not being an idiot and priding himself as a smart boy, just from Linda's words, Randy could already tell that she was goading him into asking her questions, stroking his curiosity.


 Randy would have liked to remain mum and play disinterest, but then his brain burned for knowledge and his soul and body burned for power and without wasting much time, he asked,


 "What happened, what were your plans."