
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Power Of Warmth

This looks quite familiar Randy thought as he pushed himself to a sitting position and though his initial intention had been to sit up and have a proper look at the familiar burnt trees, his eyes couldn't help but come in contact with two pairs of eyes that were standing a few meters away and looking at him in shock.

 Before Randy could speak the pairs of eyes that belonged to two young men turned and like a monster had suddenly appeared in front of them, the men sped away screams of help leaving their mouth.

 "What the hell is happening " Randy thought as he narrowed his eyes at the fleeing figures and then he remembered Linda's words, her warning that he was in grave danger being particularly strong and the second his mind processed that information, Randy pushed himself to his feet, his body tense and ready for danger.

 Just as Randy stood, he remembered Linda's instructions that he should immediately run, and it didn't take him long to connect the vague dots of where he was and what was about to happen.

 "Damn I came right back to that battlefield, why did Linda send me here again" Randy cried inwardly, but unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do and with haste he scampered on the scorched black ground beneath his feet, wanting to run before he then paused.

 "Even if I tell you what happened, what are you going to do about it"

 Right at the moment when Randy was about to turn and flee in response to Linda's warning, Randy remembered Miriam's words and his feet planted themselves into the ground.

 "Linda told me that if I train hard and get stronger, I will soon be able to walk. Just yesterday I fought and nearly died and in return, I got a sixth sense in the real world.

 If I don't want to be a burden to Mom, then I need to be able to walk, and the only way to do that is for me to get stronger here.

 Though Linda's method of growth by putting me on the edge of life and death is scary and risky, the results and clear.

 If I want to quickly become strong, I need to stop being a coward, I need to face my battles head-on, and I need to conquer.

I'm so going to crush the skulls of these villagers."

 At the moment, Randy was antsy and full of energy, and with his thoughts of power and conquering he found himself unable to hold down the urge to push his feet off the ground and charge forward, this time rushing in the direction where the two individuals he had woken up to had fled.

 Randy's eyes were narrowed as he moved, and the second he caught sight of a group of 6 people running in his direction, two of them being the young men he had seen when he had woken and the others being men dressed in a sort of metal Armor with markings on it and having a sword in their hand.

 Not slowing his pace even for a second, Randy quickly searched for a warmth within himself and when he found it, he pulled on it with all his might, a loud shout leaving his mouth as the world suddenly moved too fast and seconds later he found himself smashing through a tree and falling to the ground.

 "Urghh, what just happened" Randy wondered pushing himself up from the ground with just a wince and shaking his head as he stood up.

 Blinking his eyes, Randy was first taken aback when he looked behind him and saw a tree which had been blown apart and then he noticed the red liquid on his hands and then on his body.

 "Did I injure myself" Randy muttered once more beginning to look his body all over to find the injury on himself but then he heard a scream and then quickly looked up and stared at the three people some distance away.

 "There used to be 6 of them, but now there are just 3, those two young men from earlier and one of the men in armour are gone," Randy thought, and then he noticed the dug-up ground in the middle of the three men which led up to him and an idea of what had happened began forming in his head.

 Randy turned and gave his surroundings a careful look and this time he noticed the bloody body parts that were scattered all around him.

 "Woah, I ran so fast I crashed into them and turned them to paste" Randy muttered a wide smile coming to his face, a chuckle just about to leave his mouth, but then his head snapped to his left.

 "Welp they already ran off" Randy said with a groan and shake of his head.

 "Then again, it would have been incredibly stupid of them to stay watching after what I had done to their colleagues."

 Not paying much mind to the three whose figure he could still see fleeing in the distance, Randy instead gave his body a once over and then tightened his fist.

 "Feel the warmth, pull on it, and then direct it to your fist"

 Randy silently muttered these words and when he felt the warmth engulf his arm and then his fist, he spread his legs and punched the ground.


 A loud bang rang out as Randy's fist connected with the ground and then when the boy whose feet were a bit unsteady took a step back and observed his hand work through the heavy dust that had risen, he burst into laughter.


 "I am super strong" Randy announced as he stared at the deep shattered mini crater beneath him.

 "Well the dust sucks but hahahahaha" Randy said and began laughing once more stopping some seconds later and then with a smile went into a sprint but then seconds later he crashed into another tree and found himself lying flat on the floor.

 "Urghh, sucks, let's start slow Randy" Randy told himself and then doing another stretch went into a jog but this time he didn't pull on the warmth within him.

 "Hmm, I feel quite light" Randy muttered and then he upped his speed.

 Without pulling on the warmth in himself, Randy found himself already zooming past the scenery around him.

 "Explains why I can't control my speed when I use that warmth, I begin to move so fast my body can't handle it.

 I guess I'll have to see Linda about this, but for now, it's time for me to visit one very stubborn village that refuses to burn to the ground.

 Hehe, I hope they make me stronger."