
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


With relish, Randy used his sixth sense to observe Miriam shoot up from her desk and begin looking around in panic after he called her name.

 "Hahahaha" Randy laughed from the comfort of his bed.

While Randy could not clearly see Miriam's expression, his very imaginative mind did a good job of using his past interactions with her to draw up an image of what she looked like and it made for a very funny image.

 Moving his head left and right as he laughed, Randy was quick to remember that he had to further confirm that this sixth sense of his was all real and not some hallucination.

 "Aunt Mirima, Aunt Miriam" Randy started calling, keeping his mysterious sixth sense focused on his aunt who was in her room, and as the woman began moving from her room and rushing over to his, his heartbeat picked up till she opened the door to his room.

With the several observations Randy had been making since he discovered his sixth sense, he had used up quite a lot of his mental energy and though right now his observing of his aunty wasn't a heavy task, he still felt a slight headache as he watched her but the moment the woman pushed open the door and entered with an unhappy expression Randy burst into another round of laughter.

 "Ha, ha ha, ha"

 "What are you laughing at, what's funny," Miriam who had rushed into Randy's room wanting to give him a piece of her mind asked taken aback by his laughter.

 Knowing that he couldn't afford to make Miriam too angry at him this morning, Randy held back his laughter, suppressing the joy he was feeling at knowing that his new superpower wasn't a farce and facing his aunty with a tight expression.

 "I'm sorry Aunt Miriam, I just heard your loud yelp and I got worried. I was worried something had happened to you, so I called out your name." Randy said remorsefully.

 "I'm just glad that you are okay" the crippled teen finished with a smile and then stared at his aunty.

 Miriam was taken aback by Randy's words for some second, but then her face hardened.

 "So then why were you laughing when I came in" the woman said moving closer to Randy until she was staring down at him.

 "Sorry, that was just me being weird, I remembered a funny scene from one of my movies and couldn't help but burst out laughing."

 Miriam stayed silent keeping her eyes narrowed on Randy, and when Randy felt like the woman wasn't buying his lie and might just punish him, he spoke.

 "Say how is mom Aunt Miriam, is she okay, will she be coming back this morning." Randy quickly said and even though the main aim of the question had been to distract Miriam, he couldn't help but also go sad as he remembered his mother.

 "Yes Randy she's fine" Miriam quickly said and though she tried to hide it, Randy who had been alert caught the sadness that had quickly gone through her face.

 "Say how was your night" Miriam suddenly said as she leaned down and began unbuttoning Randy's clothes.

 Catching the sad expression that had passed through Miriam's face, Randy had wanted to throw another tantrum about what had happened to his mother but he in the end held back his tongue and let her take care of him.

 Two hours later, their meal for the morning had been delivered and Randy had already been fed.

 Miriam was just packing up and about to leave when Randy in a calm tone spoke.

 "Aunt Miriam I know you don't like me much, but I believe the one thing we both have in common is that we both care about Mom.

 Please I know something is wrong with her, just tell me what it is I can't rest if I don't know."

 Miriam paused when Randy began speaking and when he was done, she quietly picked up the last of the wrappings strewn around.

 "Like I told you Randy your mother has a lot to do, it's unfortunate she can't be here this morning but be assured that when she's done she will meet you immediately" Miriam said and began moving away, but Randy was not one to let things die that easily.

 "Aunty no, please tell me"

 "And like I said, everything is fine and she will soon be back."

 "You're lying, everything is not fine, there is something wrong with her " Randy barked back raising his head for effect and it was these words of his that snapped the camel's back.

 "So what if I'm lying, if I tell you the truth, what will you do, go crying to her that I refused to feed you, go telling her that you're hungry?

 Other than make her worried, there is nothing else you can do for her Randy so stay shut in this room of yours and be grateful that you are being fed and taken care of for free."

 With these words, Miriam stormed out of the room and Randy was left staring at her departing figure in shock, his eyes going teary.


 At first, Randy's scream had started out as one of rage, but then in his anger, he sent his sixth sense spreading as far as it possibly could and in no time his scream changed from one of rage to one last shout of pain

 Blood shot out of Randy's nose and ears and the same would have happened to his eyes, had he not quickly stopped using his power.

 A sharp pain went through Randy's head and along with the pain, loud bells rang in his head but unfortunately, through all this pain, the only thing he could do was groan, squeal and move his head left and right, deeply regretting his misuse of his sixth sense.

 Randy didn't know how long his head kept on beating in pain, but he did know that he kept falling in and out of sleep, till one moment he opened his eyes and was staring at Linda's surprised face.

 "I don't know how you got here so early, but you came just in time, you have to return to your body quickly or you'll die, at the moment you are in serious danger Randy, so here's what you will do.

 Run away, find somewhere safe and then call my name in your head three times.

 Ensure you are in an absolutely safe location before calling my name" Linda said and then without giving Randy the chance to reply sent the poor translucent figure before her into his second body.

 "What the hell" Randy barely began but by this time Linda's face was gone and he was now staring at the early morning sky with several burnt trees hanging at the side of his vision.