
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


For whatever reason, it took the carriage several minutes and perhaps even close to an hour to come to a stop once more, and just as Randy was figuring that his time with Melissa's breast was coming to an end, Braz spoke up.

"Melissa, wait in here I'll go check the situation outside and make sure it's safe."

At this time, to Randy's displeasure, Melissa had taken his head off her chest and was rather anxious to get out of the carriage, but unfortunately, Baz was stopping her.

"Every second I spend here is one where someone whom I am not present to save dies," Melissa said her expression fierce with unhappiness.

Unfortunately for Melissa, Braz was having none of it and with a fierce gaze, he had the lady quietly sitting down with a pout, her arms crossed beneath her busty chest and nearly giving Randy a nosebleed.

"Ehh don't be so worried, he'll soon be back" Randy said slowly resting his head back on Melissa's chest and smiling as the woman took one hand from beneath her mounds and began stroking his head once more.

Not even minding the future scenarios that were soon to take place, Randy slumped into the sweet feel of Melissa's chest, his eyes dropped and they remained like that for close to 10 minutes before the door of the carriage was opened once more.

"He did quite the thorough check," Randy thought.

"Alright Melissa you can come out" Baz's voice came sounding from the door and the next thing Randy knew, an arm went over his waist and he was being carried out of the carriage.

In surprise, Randy's eyes went wide for several seconds and when Melissa finally let go of him, allowing his legs to touch the ground he had to take a few steps to stabilise himself while also blinking multiple times to adjust to the sunlight in the sky.

"She is cute and busty, but her strength is rather scary," Randy said as he took in his surroundings.

Other than when he initially strolled into the village and began setting everything on fire while also committing massacres, it had been a while since Randy was in the village and right now standing smack dab in the midst of it and the people whose nightmare he had become, Randy couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Though his blood was pumping to get into a fight, Randy couldn't also help but feel wary, after all, he was smart enough to know that he was right in the middle of enemy territory.

Looking around, Randy once more took In the sweet sight of Melissa his heart beat increasing and blood pumping faster, but then several Dirty, smoke-filled and tired faces surrounded her and soon they were the only thing he could see.

Listening to the words of the several people who had rushed up to Melissa with their pitiful faces, Randy got to understand that his first escapade had taken the lives of about 89 people.

Most importantly, Randy got to understand that he had been absent for the entirety of the previous night before suddenly popping up today.

"Hmm, does that mean that while it is night on Earth, it is daytime here, that will explain some things" Randy muttered but before his mind could go wondering some more, he felt a gaze land on him.

"Ehh hello Baz" Randy said waving his hand at the tall staunch face man who was for some reason now staring at him intently

After coming down from the carriage, Baz had taken position behind Melissa, harshly staring at the several people who came to talk to the woman.

Seeing the man taking a protective role beside Melissa and paying him no attention, Randy had also taken his gaze off the man and temporarily forgotten about him, but now he had to refocus his attention on the man as he noticed that a group of people in messy clothes were standing beside Baz and looking at him

"You say it was a kid with red hair" Baz loudly asked the three men beside him while looking at Randy.

"Yes sir, it was a kid with red hair and I am more than sure that he is that kid, they look just the same." An average-height man with puffed red eyes said looking at Randy with angry but fearful eyes.

"Baz what are you talking about, what did Randy do...."

Baz's shout had attracted a lot of attention to himself and eventually Rnady whom he was looking at, but just as Melissa came to Randy's defence, worry on her face, a loud scream rang out,

"Evil flame spirit"

Randy wasn't sure who exactly shouted it, but that single scream had nearly all eyes looking at him and then the next instant over 95 percent of the people around him began running away, screams leaving their mouths.

"Well that took quite some time" Randy murmured watching as the large crowd dispersed and then focusing his gaze on the few people who decided to remain.

Other than Melissa and Baz who had stayed, there were four other men in armour, about 8 men in normal clothing and two women who clinging to one of the normal men.

All these eyes were on Randy and he was for a moment lost for what to do till his eyes landed on a certain someone in armour.

"Hey you're Zatsubi right, I thought I gave you a mission," Randy said accusatory.

The eyes of the man in question were already widened in shock by the time Randy pointed him out, and reacting to his fear which had drastically increased with Randy's attention on him, he spoke

"Lord Baz he is no evil flame spirit" the man began with a shaky and hurried voice, "he is a demon, a demon Sir Baz, you need to kill him quickly."

"What do you mean a demon, soldier...." 

Hearing the words which had been spoken, anger quickly climbed Melissa's face but just as she exploded with a question, Baz who was beside her exploded with strength.

One second Randy was looking at Zatsubi and the next his eyes were following Baz whose swift approach was sending all manner of danger bells ringing in his head.

Though Baz's image was a bit blurred, Randy was still able to follow the man till eventually both his hands shot forward and like he was catching a fly, his hands slammed on the huge golden blade that Baz had taken out from nowhere and swung at him.

"Hehe, say Baz do u really want to dance this dance," Randy spoke as the momentum of Baz's charge had him sliding backwards the man's blade still between his palm.