
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Dreams Of The Future

With a gasp, Randy's eyes snapped open and he instinctually moved to raise his upper body, but unfortunately, reality wasn't kind to him and the only thing that went up was his head which dropped down seconds later.

 "Welp, damn it, urghhhhh my head, the pain feedback is horrible.

 Damn that woman is she trying to kill, does seeing me in pain tickle her fancy."

 No matter how much experience Randy had acquired from his multiple years fighting in the dream world and being a pervert, there was no way he could stand up to a bunch of unending zombies even if his stamina was infinite.

 As important as it was to have great endurance, it still couldn't make up for one's mental strength.

 After bashing several heads, legs and heads and covering himself with blood and flesh bits for hours, Randy's mind had gotten very tired and in the end, he had been overwhelmed and killed.

 "Overwhelmed only to be revived again, at least the zombies weren't those super powered one she sent after me earlier" Randy grumbled as his brain calmed down from having to handle all the pain his body had felt at death.

 "Ha, haha, haha, haha haha, damn that was fun, I want to go again."

 After up to a minute of grumbling, Randy had stayed silent for a few seconds and then burst out into laughter his head whipping left and right.

 "It was so fun, I could do anything I wanted with those idiots, there is that group of tall slim zombies hehe, I should have cut one of their arms and then seen if I could shove it up their asses.

 That will be disgusting, but still, I'm curious what sound the zombie will make, will it scream in pain like a human or go 'moooo' like a cow hehehe.

 Hmm, I could also put it in women, hmm will Linda allow it though?

 The women are always pissed when they see me doing stuff to other women, will Linda be like that."

 Just like that, Randy spent his first 20 minutes awake imagining different scenarios and muttering words to himself while laughing, Randy was so consumed thinking about the experiences that he had in the dream world that he began muttering them out and had no idea when a figure entered his room and moved to the side of his bed.

 To Randy, he was just there all alone minding his business and having his fun thoughts when a hand reached for his face and then he found his lips closed shut by two long fingers which belonged to a frowning face.

 "What kind of sick thoughts are you having? How dare you lie down here and be thinking of rape, are you telling me your mom and I are raising g a rapist."

 "No, no, no" this was what Randy would have liked to say, but with his mouth closed shut he could only let out groans as he furiously moved his head left and right trying to alleviate the pain from having his lips sharply pressed by Miriam's fingers.

 As someone who spent his days indoors and was in a sense constantly pampered, Randy's skin leaned on the softer and so did his mind's ability to cope with pain.

 The pain from Miriam's grip hurt Randy a lot, but more than ever it filled him with anger and when eventually the woman freed his lips, Randy's tongue went loose

 "Bitch I swear one day I'll strip you naked and whip you till you beg to be a dog."

 Randy's eyes were moist with tears when he spoke these words and even Miriam was taken aback by them.

 A pool of anger seemed to want to explode from Miriam, but the woman seemed to think about something and then held it in and the end snorted.

 "This kind of evil thought is the reason you are crippled, its the reason you are such a mess and why your mother's hard prayers are bearing no result.

 And by the way, since you want to punish me that badly, then I might as well do the same for you, no food for you till midday."

 After talking Miriam turned on her feet and walked out of Randy's room, leaving the boy staring at her in a mixture of anger and shock.

 "She can't be serious right, she has to be kidding, she has to be kidding" Randy muttered with a bit of fear, and as if to confirm that he was right to be scared, his stomach let out a grumble.

 This was the thing with Randy, he loved and needed food.

 With all the thinking he loved to engage in, his body burnt quite a lot of energy and by the end of his intensive sessions, he was always left deeply hungry.

 To deal with his hunger issues, Randy had his thinking sessions planned out so that they happened within his meal intervals, his naps also having a place in his planning.

 Unfortunately, though his time in the dream world had its scary moments the excitement from the whole experience was just too much for Randy and had resulted in his hyperactive mind going into overdrive.

 Lying down on the bed, Randy so much wanted to rub his grumbling tummy but in the end he could only stare at the ceiling and shake his head left and right in defeat.

 This wasn't the first time Randy had been placed in such a scenario but while in other times he would only be able to lament about the unfairness of life and the evilness of his aunt, this time just as he was beginning to bemoan his situation, he remembered Linda and his mind froze for a moment.

 "The ability to walk once more, could she have been serious."

 Linda had promised that she could make Randy so strong that he could defeat up to 100 men and cause mass-scale destructions.

The talks of all these power made Randy's mind to for the first time think about the blesseds of the world, the few lucky people in the world who could pray to one of the gods and be granted extraordinary power.

Since he lost his legs, Randy had never once dared to dream about being among this group of exclusive people, but now the thought came to mind and he wondered if it was possible.

"Urghh, forget this thing, what I really need right now is to be able to walk, everything else can come later"

 Without even knowing it, scenarios where Linda could actually make him walk began filling Randy's mind and he was soon laughing and grinning as he imagined all the things he would become able to do