
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs


When the accusation had first been made against Randy, Baz had at first been hesitant to act, but then seeing the calm on the boy's face and then the words he had proceeded to speak, Baz had decided to trust his intuition which had begun hammering at him and with that he had unhesitatingly gone in for a kill.

Baz attacked with the intention to decapitate Randy and nothing else.

Irrespective of whether Randy was innocent or not, the accusation of being a demon was no light matter and Baz was not looking to risk Melissa's life on a doubt.

After seeing his attack be stopped in such a mocking way by a boy whom he was more than sure had been caught off guard by him and had nearly zero combat training, Baz had decided to take things seriously and for a moment things had begun going his way. 

After destroying the hands of the truly ill experienced boy or demon as Randy had proved himself to be, Baz had calmy activated the 100-meter array he had placed when he went out to initially inspect their surroundings.

With the array putting Randy in an illusion where he was deceived to believe he was moving forward when in reality he was just running in one place, Baz had thought he would just easily kill the boy while he was trapped in the illusion, but instead, moments later he found himself in a situation where his knees where buckling and he wanted to completely succumb to Randy.

As a golden knight, Baz had experienced a lot of things in his life he had come across several demons in his lifetime and been left in awe by their prowess, but never had he come across a demon with riatsu so powerful that it froze his body for several second and then tried to fill his heart with terror.

For several seconds Randy forgot who he was and where he was, his body kicked into a sort if survival mode that had his entire being striving to ensure he lived.

This primal state of survival was something that Baz hadn't felt in a long time, and when he finally got a grip on himself and regained control of his body, his first thought was to turn around, pick up Melissa and flee and he would have done just that if not for the steadily increasing output of energy coming from Randy.

Standing there before Baz was a boy who was running while staying in the same position and it would have made a funny sight if it wasn't for how fast his legs were and most importantly the bright purple energy that was pouring out of his body and causing a small storm around him

"He has already released so much in his desire to flee, and yet his outpour hasn't begun to decrease."

By this time, Baz had made two jumps back his eyes quickly scanning the area, the results making him feel more comfortable as he noticed that Melisa was the only one in the vicinity, and as for those he could still see those who had been in the village, they were all fleeing away.

Though he felt nothing for the fleeing villagers, at the same time he didn't look down on them as he could only imagine the kind of terror they would be experiencing if even he was unable to completely escape it.

"Baz are you alright" the golden knight heard a voice say, the worried tone having come from a woman who was smart enough to remain several meters away from him.

"Yeah I'm fine, but I'm going to need you to run away," Baz said his gaze quickly leaving the fragile woman meters away and staring at the running boy some distance from him.

"Baz no, come let's go" the woman started, her voice fragile and seeming to be a step from tears, but Baz wasn't in the mood for emotions.

"This boy is a serious threat, Melissa, so do as I said." Baz barked as he spread his legs and rested his huge blade on his shoulder, ready to bring it down at a second notice.

"I'm sorry, please don't die," Melissa said quickly turning around and with a step blurring away.

That was all Baz needed to hear for a small smile to come to his face while his resolve hardened.

As the personal guard of Melissa, protecting the young lady's life was always Baz's priority and for all reasons, he should have fled with her, but unfortunately the situation did not allow it.

"With energy of such quantity and quality, if this boy is to have a semblance of skill, then I am doomed.

If I join Melissa to flee though we might escape, it will also mean that this boy will get to live another day and most importantly be able to hunt him down.

That he fell for such a simple illusion and is still trapped in it shows how much of a newbie he is.

He is a gigantic tank of potential, potential which he can easily turn to strength and if I don't want this boy to come pursuing after me in future when he has already realised even just a bit of his potential, then I have to kill him now.

Demons can be scary trackers when they want something I can't take any risk with him.

I'll let him stay here and keep running with all his might, trying to attack him while he is like this is bound to fail as now more than ever his senses are on alert and there is also the issue of him overpowering me given how much power he is releasing at the moment, instead, I'll allow him to exhaust all of his Riatsu, and then when he is drained I will kill him."

Baz's plan was a rather simple one but then seconds later just as the plan began playing into fruition, Randy's speed slowing down and his energy output drastically dropping, it suddenly picked back up, this time coming out even stronger than before.

The explosion of energy from the boy had the ground beneath their feet tremble and a more powerful wind rise around him, the wind being so strong that it began blowing against Baz and forcing him to squint his eyes even if for a bit.

"All this from a little boy, this is scary" Baz thought, but then he found that he hadn't seen the worse as though the output of Riatsu from Randy began to drop once more the vague image of Randy's hand which he had destroyed speedily regenerating dipped him in another episode of terror.

Despite his scary potential and energy, that Randy had gone and foolishly gotten his hands destroyed was one of the things that gave Baz confidence in facing Randy, but now seeing the boy back to full health, the surprise on the boy's face showing that it was just an ability he himself had discovered, Baz's beliefs threatened to collapse but then immediately Randy stopped running, Baz firmed up his mind, ready to go all out.