
Cripple At Day, Devil At Night

Unable to move any part of his body save his head, daytime is an absolute nightmare for Randy, it reminds him of what a waste he is to society and his family and most importantly it keeps him away from the dream world and the mysterious frozen woman that resides in it. In the night, while others sleep, Randy gets taken to a place where he can walk, bash whichever head he pleases, be the legendary pervert he wishes to be and most importantly become a figure so powerful even his maker becomes wary. While Earth puts up a strong front against an invasion from the demons, preparing to fight off their several great armies, a devil in the guise of a crippled boy is revived and nurtured in their midst, several women having a hand in this devil's rise for their own selfish reasons.

Bad_Bishop · Kỳ huyễn
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37 Chs

Aunty And Mommy

A cripple is someone who is unable to walk because of an injury or disability, while a quadriplegia is someone whose body is paralysed from below the neck.

Now, while Randy couldn't move his body, the issue was that he could move his neck, a peculiar and abnormal thing considering that it required action from his spinal cord, the same one that had a hand in rendering all his limbs useless.

Since the day Randy became a cripple, he had found life to be a dark, lonely place, wishing that he could just die.

Randy's pride had been destroyed and his life seemed like hell, but then, after three years of anguish and inner torment, the gods in the heavens decided to give him a gift, a sort of consolation, his looping lucid dream.

At first, Randy had been excited when he found himself perfectly self-aware in a dream one night. Though he hadn't gained the ability to create whatever he wanted in his dream, he found the ability to walk, jump, and run, and he considered all these things more than enough, not to mention who in the real world could boast about killing people whenever they want.

As days went by, though Randy found himself wondering why the dream world had come into his life, he ultimately concluded that it was a gift from God.

"Mom is religious and always says that God is with me and that he would perform a miracle in me, so this is most likely that miracle."

With such a reason, Randy comfortably resolved any thoughts or doubts he had about the dream world and enjoyed his stay there.

To Randy, the dream world was his personal daytime while the daytime was his nighttime, passing the day in boredom and enjoying the night in the dream world was what Randy's life was about.

Now, though Randy had still yet to explore every avenue of his looping dream, there were predetermined paths and events that he already had under his belt, the rising of the white-haired woman at the temple being one of them until now.

Several times Randy had been to the run-down temple and watched the entire process of the white-haired woman. Just like with the other events he had become familiar with back in the dream world, there had never been a change.

Rising out of the water, standing on it for a few seconds, while revealing the marvellous curves on her chest, and then going back.

That was all there was to it. But now Randy had experienced a whole new set of activities.

"Is this change all because of me? Could I have fulfilled some prerequisite the last time, or perhaps it's a set of preset orders for the dream world?"

"That woman, she's quite interesting, beautiful, and delicious too. I wonder what I'm going to do to her."

"She sent me flying away the last time like she was some telepath. Will I have to fight her? Will she be my archenemy?"

"An archenemy, that will be cool."

Like that, Randy spent his time making up future scenarios between him and the white-haired woman, getting so lost in his thoughts that he lost track of time and was startled when Miriam walked in.

"You're still talking to yourself and your imaginary friends," the blond-haired woman said, the lighting from the rising sun expertly revealing her scattered hair and rumpled white gown, with a bit of darkness under her eyes clear for most to see.

"Welp, Auntie, good morning, your eyes are shining like stars this morning."

With an instinctual response, Randy gave his greeting and added a bit of compliment, not letting the frown on his face from the hunger pang that just hit him at the moment show.

"Tchhh, yeah, no need to sugarcoat things; you're hungry already. What a waste of time and space, but oh well, someone's got to do something," Miriam grumbled, "it's time to take care of you."

Though Miriam went grumbling and complaining as she cleaned Randy, the boy easily ignored her words, as his thoughts were on the food he was soon to eat.

While Randy's mother had to leave the house to go to work, Miriam, by some miracle, worked remotely, her situation making her the perfect person to take care of Randy, which saved the family from paying for house help.

Though there was an upside to saving costs, the downside was that Randy pretty much got abandoned for the rest of the day.

After being sat up in his bed and made to lean against a stack of pillows placed behind him, the occasional naps and his imaginations and well the movies Were all he knew.

Luckily for Randy, today's movie was interesting so he had no problem keeping his eyes on the screen all through the day till it was finally nighttime.

8 o, clock, sharp on the dot, Randy lay in bed, his mother next to him and spoon-feeding him, telling him jokes and teasing him.

"Mom I saw a very pretty lady last night." Randy suddenly said as he finished chewing the food that had been put in his mouth.

"Hmm is it that white hair statue lady," Julia asked.

"Yes, and this time she moved she sent me flying with just a flick of her hand, she seems violent."

"Maybe it was because you were busy staring at her despite the fact that she's naked."

"Oh but she's really pretty and has like real good-looking breasts, you should see them, Mom, you would also want to grab them..."

Watching her son be a pervert and go describing a naked woman so damn well, Julia could only sigh within herself, and as much as she wanted to make her son a man of virtue, a gentleman, she could do nothing but watch.

In the past when she had tried telling him to stop saying those obscene words and descriptions, Julia had noticed Randy becoming closed off from her and as his mother who worried about him all day there was no way she could let that happen.

For her darling son whom life had delivered such a bad hand, Julia waived the flag and let him say what he wanted, she listened to his dirty thoughts and rabid imaginations, giving her advice where she could but never strongarming him into changing his thoughts after all he was a doomed cripple, no matter how bad his thoughts, what could he do.

"Fine, I've heard u darling, now the next time you see her try closing your eyes and tell her to put on her clothes, ladies like a man who respects them."

"Hmm are you sure, I know for a fact that all women are inherently sluts and though they say otherwise, they like being disrespected, and treated like dirt"

Julia wanted to speak to Randy against such a thought and especially find out how he had learned this but then her shoulders fell down as the stress of the day got to her and so she decided to just put this to rest.

"Maybe, Randy we'll talk about this another time, it's time for you to go to bed."

"Welp, you're right, sleep time" Randy excitedly said, a smile on his face as his mother adjusted him on the bed.

"Good night mom, I'll deal with that white-haired woman."

"Yeah sweety, make sure you show her who is boss" Julia said giving Randy a peck on his forehead and walking out the door.

"Welp sleeping time, Hmm I hope that woman still moves, it will suck if things actually go back to how they were."