
Crimson Kissed Bride

(DEMONS AND DRAGONS Books) #2 Demons & Dragons {MATURE CONTENT R18+. No Rape} "So, Lady Aisling," Baron Kylian Hawkrige's voice rumbled, a dark caress that sent shivers down her spine. He stood across the room, a silhouette of broad shoulders outlined against the flickering flames. "Do you intend to play the reluctant bride all night?" Aisling lifted her chin, emerald eyes flashing defiance. "And what role would you have me play, Baron? The grieving widow, perhaps? Or perhaps the grateful concubine?" A muscle ticked in Kylian's jaw, the air crackling with unspoken tension. "Neither, my dear," he countered, taking a menacing step closer. The firelight glinted off a silver skull signet ring – a memento mori glinting on his hand. Aisling's breath hitched. This wasn't the reserved, haunted man she'd envisioned. This was a predator, and she, his captive prey. "Marriage," she spat, the word laced with venom, "is a sacred bond, Baron. Consummation shouldn't be a mere duty." A slow, predatory smile spread across Kylian's face. "Formality can be most…pleasurable, Lady Aisling," he murmured, his voice dropping to a husky whisper. "Especially when the wife is as defiant as you seem to be." His hand shot out, a blur in the firelight. A gasp escaped Aisling's lips as he grasped the delicate lace at the back of her gown. A single, swift tug sent the crimson fabric cascading to the floor, leaving her bathed in the flickering firelight, a beautiful, defiant statue carved from ivory and rebellion. Kylian's eyes burned with an intensity that both terrified and strangely thrilled Aisling. He leaned in close, his breath hot against her ear. His voice, a low growl, sent shivers down her spine. "Now, Baroness," he murmured, "let us see if your screams can rival the ghosts that haunt these halls…or perhaps, they'll be a melody far sweeter." The air crackled with unspoken desires and a darkness that promised a wedding night unlike any Aisling could have ever imagined. ***** Aisling, a fiery redhead barely a woman, is bartered away to the enigmatic Baron Kylian Hawkrige. Whispers of a haunted past and a brooding solitude shroud Hawkrige Manor, a gothic monstrosity that chills Aisling to the bone. Her arrival is marred by a shocking crimson stain on her wedding dress – a violent secret that binds her to a fate worse than death. Kylian, a man as handsome as he is haunted, offers a chilling proposition – a marriage of duty, not desire. Yet, beneath his stoic facade lies a darkness that both repels and strangely attracts Aisling. As she delves into the manor's dusty secrets, she uncovers a chilling truth - the stain on her dress isn't the only mark of violence that taints these halls...

Rhysmonde · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs

Gloves and Fangs

Aisling pounded through the undergrowth, her pristine white wedding gown a stark contrast to the dark, gnarled branches that clawed at her skin. Blood, a horrifying crimson stain against the fabric, spread from a gash on her arm, a constant reminder of her escape. Her lungs burned, her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs, and the taste of panic filled her mouth.

He was after her.

The man from her dreams, the one with eyes that gleamed like chips of ice and a voice that resonated with an unsettling familiarity, had become her nightmare. His name, Baron Hawkrige, hung heavy in the air, a bitter echo of the vows she'd been forced to utter moments ago.

But she wouldn't be his possession. Not willingly.

Memories of the ceremony played in her mind like a grotesque film reel. The Baron's cold touch, the whispered promises that sent shivers down her spine, a feeling of violation that gnawed at her very core. Had he already…? The thought sent a fresh wave of terror crashing through her.

Sudden movement in the undergrowth made her whirl around, fear a paralyzing force. There, bathed in the moonlight filtering through the dense canopy, stood the Baron. But unlike the frantic chase that had fueled her escape, he walked with an unsettling calmness, a predator stalking its prey.

Yet, something was off. Despite the terror coursing through her veins, Aisling couldn't help but notice the unnatural speed with which he moved. One moment he was a distance away, the next he was a mere two steps from her. How was that possible? It defied logic, adding another layer of chilling mystery to the man who haunted her dreams and now, her waking life.

Before she could even register the impossibility of it all, she collided with a solid wall of muscle. The air whooshed out of her lungs as she stumbled back, her head hitting the ground with a sickening thud. Stars danced in her vision, the world blurring around her.

Then, with a gasp, she opened her eyes. There, mere inches away, was the Baron, his face obscured by the hood, but the glint of his ice-blue eyes sent a jolt of fear through her.

But he wasn't the one she'd been running from.

He knelt before her, his movements measured, devoid of the predatory urgency that had fueled her escape. A gloved hand reached out, a single finger brushing a stray strand of hair from her forehead. His touch, surprisingly gentle, sent a tremor through her, a confusing mix of fear and… something else, something she couldn't quite define.

"Aisling," he murmured, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through her very core. "Finally, you are truly mine."

A million questions swirled in her mind. Who was he, truly? Was he the monster from the ceremony, or the strangely gentle figure who knelt before her now? And most importantly, what did he truly want from her?

As he spoke, a single tear rolled down his cheek, glistening in the moonlight. It was a tear that spoke of a pain far deeper than any she'd ever known.

In that single tear, in the vulnerability it exposed, a new question emerged, one that sent shivers down her spine.

Was he the one who truly needed saving?

Aisling's breath hitched as the Baron's gloved finger grazed her lips, sending a jolt of electricity through her. He leaned in, the musky scent of woodsmoke and something indefinably ancient filling her senses. This wasn't the cold, predatory man of the ceremony. This… this was something else entirely.

A flicker of vulnerability crossed his features, a plea unspoken yet potent. "Please," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion.

Against her better judgment, against the screaming terror in her mind, Aisling found herself turning towards him. His lips met hers, cool and surprisingly gentle at first. But then, a spark ignited, a fire that spread through her with alarming speed. The taste of him was intoxicating – of forbidden fruit and suppressed longing. All thoughts of resistance fled, replaced by a primal urge to surrender.

She kissed him back, hungrily, her fear momentarily forgotten. His touch, no longer gentle, became insistent, exploring every corner of her mouth with a desperate fervor. She wanted it, needed it – this inexplicable connection, this forbidden desire that defied logic.

When they finally broke apart, gasping for breath, Aisling's eyes flew open. The Baron was gone. In his place stood the cloaked figure from her dreams, his dark eyes burning into hers.

A scream rose in her throat, choked back by a gloved hand that clamped over her mouth. Panic clawed at her, a primordial fear taking root in the pit of her stomach.

"Aisling," he whispered, his voice echoing the way he'd spoken in her dreams, a strange tenderness underlying the urgency. But then, with a swift, brutal movement, he did something that shattered the fragile connection, the fleeting sense of trust.

He sank his teeth into the exposed skin of her neck, a sharp pain lancing through her. A guttural cry escaped her lips before it was silenced by the hand over her mouth.

Then, blessed darkness.

Aisling awoke with a gasp, her heart pounding a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Cold sweat slicked her skin, the remnants of the nightmare clinging to her like a shroud. She scrambled back against the headboard, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings of her room.

The dream, so vivid, so real, filled her with a chilling dread. But amidst the terror, a single detail clung to her mind – both the Baron and the dream figure wore gloves.

Was it a coincidence? Or did it hold a deeper meaning, a hidden truth that lurked beneath the surface of this terrifying mystery? A shiver ran down her spine, a premonition of something far more complex and dangerous than she could ever have imagined.

A choked sob escaped Aisling's lips as she clung to the sheets, the fading taste of fear metallic on her tongue. Liam, awakened by her distress, stirred beside her. His hand, warm and reassuring, found its way to her cheek, gently brushing away a stray tear.

"Aisling, what is it?" he murmured, his voice heavy with concern. The remnants of sleep clung to his eyes, but his gaze was clear and unwavering.

In a rush of words, Aisling poured out the horrors of her dream. The desperate chase, the chilling kiss, the biting pain – she recounted it all, the vulnerability in her voice a stark contrast to her usual bravado.

Liam listened intently, his frown deepening with each chilling detail. When she finished, a fierce protectiveness flared in his eyes. "That's it," he said, his voice hardening with determination. "I won't let him hurt you. I'll find out everything there is to know about this Baron, unearth every secret he hides. Together, we'll find a way to break this cursed wedding."

A sliver of hope flickered within Aisling. Liam's unwavering support was a balm to her fear-addled mind. Yet, the dream lingered, a dark stain on her consciousness.

Meanwhile, within the opulent confines of his chambers, Baron Hawkrige reveled in the forbidden memory of the touch. He had slipped into Aisling's room unseen, a phantom in the night. The sight of her vulnerability, the soft rise and fall of her breath, had fueled his obsession to a fever pitch.

He wasn't just drawn to her beauty; he needed her. Not just as his wife, but as an extension of his very being. The bite, a mere prick of his fangs, was a dark promise. A silent claim he knew she wouldn't remember upon waking, yet undeniable nonetheless. Even in her dreams, she belonged to him.

A cruel smile played on his lips as he swept his gaze across the room, landing on a life-sized portrait of Aisling. His gloved hand reached out, tracing the depiction of her slender neck with a possessive touch. Thorns from the meticulously painted roses pricked his fingers, a sensation oddly intertwined with the vivid memory of her real flesh. A thrill shot through him, a dark counterpoint to the burgeoning hunger.

"Soon, my Aisling," he murmured, his voice a low caress in the silent room. "Soon, you'll be mine, not just in dreams, but in reality." A shadow of a smirk danced on his lips. "But first," he added, his voice hardening, "I must deal with the pesky knight who stands in my way."

With that, he vanished into the night, leaving behind an unsettling silence and a single, chilling clue. The portrait of Aisling, once flawless, now bore the faint, crimson mark of two tiny puncture wounds on her painted neck.