
Crimson Hollow

"What is this red thin-----" That was the last words of a person in front of him. If he wants, he'll get it.

Kitsoune · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

Almost there!

It's been a few days since Noah was on the ship.

Nothing noteworthy happened during that time. Some people had a fight a few times, but that was common. Some of them tried to come up fight on Noah for being a child. They were jealous of his saber and his techniques and wanted to take it from him by force.

But unfortunately it didn't end well for them, as soon as they looked into Noah's eyes, they retreated several steps as they paled heavily. The same people who did this became a joke because they were frightened by an 8-year-old boy who didn't even move.

But one thing they all had in common: afraid of that kid. Although they make fun of those who were frightened by trying to intimidate him, they know that if anyone there were in their place, they would have the same fate.

Noah was once again training, his saber made cuts as the wind churred around him. Every move was graceful, even more so than when it began. His eyes were focused, while his field of vision showed several lines on the boat.

But he didn't try to cut any of them, because he knew that if he did, he could destroy the boat as a whole. He only focused on them while moving his saber according to the techniques that were in his memory.

Compared to the first day he activated, the lines were more visible. Not being so hard to find yourself, much less to cut them.

Soon after a few minutes of training with the saber techniques, he began using his saber as a floret while making drilling movements. Every move was as graceful as the saber techniques.

But these seemed to contain more attack power in every blow in the air. The wind seemed to open to each side, signaling the strength in each swing. His hair rattled with every movement, along with the wind of the sea that went against his face.

Everyone on the ship was used to it and did not pay as much attention as on the first day, despite taking a look or another with a tone of admiration. But none dared approach.

A few more hours passed, when Noah finally retracted his saber and picked up a cloth to wipe the sweat. The sun was about to set, signaling the end of the afternoon.

He looked up as he breathed heavily.

'Huh... I need an urgent bath.' He thought. On the ship there was no place to bathe, it was the old style, so it served only for locomotion. He had to wait until he got to the island where the hunter exams would be.

And as if your prayers were met...


The sky filled with gray clouds, as sounds of occasional thunder resounded across the deck.

It didn't take long for the rain to start falling on everyone there. Everyone went inside the ship, but Noah continued at where he was, as he looked up and enjoyed the rain on his already hot body because of the training.

And that continued for a while until the thunder got more violent, leaving him on alert for a few seconds. But soon he didn't seemed to care anymore, he had sonido and could get on the boat anytime he wanted, even if it fell.

And then he stayed on there. The sound of heavy rain mixed with occasional thunder entered his ear, making it difficult to hear anything other than the storm starting.

The inside door opened when the ship's pilot left and looked at Noah.

"Hey BOY! GET IN! THE STORM IS JUST BEGINNING!" He screammed, trying to make his voice taller than the sound of rain and thunder.

But Noah just signaled to his ear as if he hadn't heard anything that was said. Obviously he was faking it, and it was very obvious to the ship's pilot as well. Realizing the sarcasm, he didn't care about the boy anymore.

'If you want to fall off the ship so badly and not get to the island, do what you want.' The pilot thought, as he turned inside and looked at the situation there.

The boat was moving strongly, with the waves crashing on its sides, this forced everyone to lean on to maintain balance. Many were vomiting, while others were feeling sick.

Unlike the original, there were no altruists here to help each of them. There was also no problem with the ship's sails.

Meanwhile, Noah was lying on deck, as if he hadn't noticed the world was practically crashing in storms around him.

He whistled sometimes at the rhythm of a song, but no one could hear it because it was overshadowed by the sound of rain and waves hitting the ship's wood.

He seemed stuck in the corner, even as the ship swayed to the point of having to hold on, he remained where he was, while he was sitting on the side.

After a few hours, the storm finally showed signs of ending, as the clouds opened and gave way to the starry night sky.

Noah was rinsed in the rain, but he didn't mind, he wouldn't catch a cold... Probably... Yes, probably...

Getting it out of his head, he got up, showing two small holes where he was sitting.

Yes, he used their tails to attach himself to the deck of the ship and not leave his place. He could completely control the size and width of his tails, as long as it does not exceed the amount of Rc he had.

One of the advantages of having full control was this, and he felt happy to have made this kind of wish. Trivial things would be much more easy like that.

Getting up from his spot, he walked to the inside of the ship as he looked around. Seeing the floor all vomited and some people leaning themselves on the walls of the ship, he refused to contract his face.

The captain soon got to where he was and looked at him shocked.

'He didn't fall?... Well, it looks like I caught a big fish for the exam this year...' He thought, as he looked directly at Noah, that he was watching the others grunt as they held their bellies.

The captain then approached Noah.

"Pleasure, I'm Estefan. What's your name?" The captain introduced himself as he held out his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Noah." Noah said, while repaying the length. Thinking about what would probably happen. 'Maybe he's going to ask you something about me... Like my motives or something, like in the anime.' He thought.

"Very pleased, Mr. Noah." He said, as he let go of Noah's hand and looked at everyone who fell and some still nauseated. "Well, Mr. Noah, if I may ask... What are your goals?"

'Heh, I knew... It's not much different from the canon, maybe it's some kind of tradition?' He thought, as he opened his mouth to answer.

"My goals? What do you mean?" Noah returned it with another question. He knew it would probably be about the hunter exam, what is your goals would be like hunter and things like that.

"Your goals as Hunter... After all, you came here with that purpose, didn't you?" Estefan said, again. 'I hope the boy is a determined person... A talent like that can't be wasted.' He thought, while waiting for Noah's answer.

"Goal to be Hunter?... I think that... Gain power? Yes, that could be it..." Noah said with uncertainty, not even he knew his goals. 'I just think that's what anyone would do if it was for the world of Hunter x Hunter... After all it's the best thing to do here...' He thought, with his hand on his chin.

"Gain power? This is good! I hope you determine yourself to do so. I can see you have a lot of talent!" Estefan said, getting a nod from Noah, while realizing that Noah didn't want to talk for a while.

The captain returned to the room without taking a second look at all the crew members who were feeling sick.

"Soon we will arrive at the place where the exams will begin. Just wait a little longer." He said at Noah as he left the scene.

Noah nodded as he thought about what he would do when he arrived.

'I don't know what the tests will be... But I'm prepared for that. In the worst case, I have my kagunes...' He thought, maybe he'd find someone eccentric at the test site, but that would only be when he got there, and he was confident he wouldn't lose to anyone if he matched his kagunes with his death eyes.

His kagune had high cutting power, and if he kept training to the point of being able to see points, he could use the ukaku to kill people aiming at those points. So, only a few people would really be a threat to him.

Thinking about it, once again he took out his saber.

'On the other hand, I need to improve my reflexes and skill with the sword...' Guarding the saber again, he lay on the ground. 'That can wait until dawn.' And so he fell asleep on the floor. In the cleanest part where there was no vomit, obviously.

I hope you like it! I'm really trying hard to do the best as i can!

Please leave a comment with constructive criticism so i can improve myself.

And if you have some ideas, please tell me!

Kitsounecreators' thoughts