
Crimson Hollow

"What is this red thin-----" That was the last words of a person in front of him. If he wants, he'll get it.

Kitsoune · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
34 Chs


Noah entered the airship, and the vision that received him was a great place, the beginning were just corridors that led to rooms, and going straight, he would go straight to the center, which would be the bar in there.

Walking forward while following the man who say's that was the responsible here, the other two who were behind him went along with.

He walked while watching around. The doors looked simple, while the floor was with a long red carpet stretching all the way.

"Since only three passed on this penultimate test, you will have separate rooms, kindly accompany me."

He said, as he turned to one of the corridors. Along the corridor, there were exactly three doors.

The first door was with the number 001, the second door with the number 010, and the third with the number 015. Those were the room numbers.

Noah looked into the room with his number, and then at the other two rooms door, before looking at the badges of the other two participants who was there as well...

'Did they already know who was going to win?' Noah thought, while looking at the person responsible with suspicion.

"Well, gentlemen." The guy said. "These are your respective rooms, each with their own number. It contains a bathroom, a bed and a refrigerator in case you want to cool something down. We also take the liberty of putting new and clean clothes for all of you in your rooms. I'm going to retire myself now, see you when we get to the destination." He continued as he left the place, leaving the three alone.

Noah looked at himself, while the other two did the same and gave an ironic smile. Seeing their clothes all worn out and dirty because of the challenges they had, they couldn't help but think together.

'I need a bath...' They thought in unison. Noah was the first to leave, while opening the door to the room whose number was 001.

The girl wanted to talk to him, but seeing that he had already entered his room, she went to her own room, leaving the man who was practically in his underwear there. But soon he went to his room too.

Inside Noah's room, there he was, sitting on the bed, while removed his sneakers and putting them on the floor. His sneakers were the only part of his clothes that had not been damaged. He was just dirty and folded up because of the rush. Even his backpack was a little torn, but nothing fell from there.

Even the head of the giant hawk he picked up was still in one piece, as he left it on the floor next to his sneakers and backpack.

Removing the rest of his clothes, he walked to the bathroom while filling the tub.

'Ah... After all that, I just needed a bath...' He thought, as he lay in the hot water of the bathtub. 'By the way, shouldn't we have already won the hunter licenses? Are they still going to have one more test? We're in three, does that mean there's only going to be one this year?' He continued, while picking up the loofah.

'Well, anyway... I can't be more grateful that didn't have rules of not killing on the first test... If i didn't end up like Hisoka.' Again, thinking, while cleaning up the dirt and blood. 'Speaking of Hisoka... Wasn't he supposed to be here? In the anime it was said that he tried a year before...' He pondered Hisoka's whereabouts as he finished washing.

Getting up, he took his towel while he was drying himself.

'It's not like I'm complaining... I mean, I'm in a child's body...' He thought as he shudder. 'The less I meet him, the better...'.

After drying himself, he returned to the room, only to see a wardrobe in one of the corners. Walking to this, he opened it and picked up some simple clothes.

A white short-sleeved shirt and ordinary jeans. His sneakers were still dirty, but he saw new pairs inside the wardrobe. picking up them too, he looked inside the wardrobe to see if there was anything else, just to find another backpack, but different from his, this one was whole.

Bringing the belongings that didn't break in his backpack to his new one, he put it to bed while he fell on his back to the bed.

'Ah... I needed a break. A lot has happened today.' He thought, as he sighed and enjoyed his relaxing back.

Closing his eyes, all he could think about was the future.

'I already have some ideas about what to create as my Heiatsu... I hope everything goes as I plan...' He thought, as he opened his eyes again.


His stomach snored, causing him to contract his face.

"But first, I need to eat something!" He spoke as he got up from the bed and put on the casual slipper that was in his room when he came in.

Leaving with his clothes that could only be described as casual, he opened his door and walked down the aisles, toward the bar of that place.

Arriving there, he saw the girl, who was sitting at the chair in the counter with a glass that appeared to be with soda in her hand.

She was already clean, unlike before, her face was no longer dirty with dust or her clothes torn. But she was wearing different clothes.

Wearing a white shirt with a pink vest and blue denim shorts, she looked more casual. Instead of having hair bands, she was wearing a red tiara, which held her short hair back. She was wearing blue sandals, which matched her pants.

Noah didn't pay much attention to the details of the outfit as he sat at the counter next to her and called the waiter there.

"Yes, sir?" The waiter arrived while asking what Noah's orders were.

"Something good to eat ... Preferably meat. And some water too, or juice..." Noah said, listing your orders. The waiter waved in agreement as he went inside.

As soon as the waiter left, the girl turned to Noah as she stood up her glass, which was with a straw.

"So, what's your name?" She asked, while taking a sip through the straw.

"Hm? My name? And what do you want to know that for?" Noah answered back while waiting for the waiter.

"I have to know the name of a talented person, don't i?." She answered while she thought. 'an 8 year old child acting totally different than an 8 year old child would normally act ... Isn't a surprise he came to the hunter exam.'.

"Why should I say my name to someone I don't even know?" He asked, as he looked at her.

"If that's the point... My name is Alice, nice to meet you. Now that you know me, what's your name?" She asked with a smile while playing with the straw in the glass.

"Alice, huh... My name is Noah." Noah replied, without saying anything else, wanting to end the conversation there.

"Noah? What a beautiful name... So, Mr. Noah, what's your reason of wanting to become a hunter?" She asked, as she carried the straw to her mouth once more.

"Reason? Being a hunter is a way to get stronger, and it's also a bit to have fun... Well, not that I really need a reason to be a hunter." He responded, again, without asking back, giving serious indictments that he no longer wanted to talk. But unfortunately, Alice didn't seem to understand that.

"Having fun is it? That sounds nice. I'm doing this so I can help people." She said with a smile.

"Huh... An altruist?" Noah grumbled as he watched the waiter arrive with a plate of lots of meat and a glass of orange juice.

Picking it up, he started eating his food while listening to what Alice was saying.

"Altruist? No... It's just that the best way to be recognized and make money is to help people." She answered. "Why do you think politicians do anything to please before the elections, even if they don't keep their campain promise?" She went on.

'Yes, in this she is right, one of the best ways to be accepted by the population is to pretend to be an altruist...' Noah thought. "So you want to be political?" He asked, while eating the meat and drinking the juice.

"Politic? No... Maybe so, but my goal is money." Alice said, while drinking from her soda with her straw.

"Hmmm... Really?" Noah forced the conversation to end while finishing his plate. Drinking the rest of his juice, he got up from his chair.

"Well, i'll see you in the final exam." He said, as he waved and went back to his room.

'What a strange boy...' Alice thought, while drinking the juice by the straw.

Noah came into his room while closing the door.

"Well, I'm going to take a nap until it's time to arrive." He said, as he lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

'I hope the test is easy, I want to finish this soon... Pick the hunter's license and go my way... At least until the chimera ants show up.' He thought, as he entered into the dream world...


Author begging:

Don't forget the power stones! That's what motivates me to write this!

(I don't will beg anymore, i promisse! But anyways, leave a comment if you like, and a review too!)


I hope you like it! I'm really trying hard to do the best as i can!

Please leave a comment with constructive criticism so i can improve myself.

And if you have some ideas, please tell me!

Kitsounecreators' thoughts