
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

Wrath !

As Team 7 and Haku arrived at the bridge construction site on the final day, they were met with a chilling sight. The workers lay lifeless, their bodies scattered across the area. It was a grim scene, and it became clear that the long-anticipated attack had come to pass. Standing at the center of this dark tableau was Zabuza, his presence menacing, and the witch by his side.

Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, and Tenzo exchanged concerned glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. This was the moment they had been preparing for.

"What—what happened here ?! "

"It seem like it was as expected…"

Haku couldn't contain his anger any longer. He approached the witch with determination, his voice firm as he demanded, "Release master Zabuza now!"

The witch turned to Haku, her gaze cold and calculating. "Why should I? Zabuza serves a greater purpose now." 

"You—--- "

Haku's fists clenched in frustration, and he took a step closer. "Master Zabuza is not your pawn. Release him, or you'll regret it."

The tension in the air was palpable as Haku and the witch locked eyes, each determined to stand their ground.

"Hahahahahaha, what a cute fellow. "

The witch's laughter echoed through the somber scene as she continued to mock Haku. She reached out to touch Zabuza's face gently, her fingers caressing his cheek, and asked in a taunting tone, "Does he truly desire freedom, dear Haku?"

Haku's anger surged as he watched Zabuza seemingly acquiesce to the witch's touch. He clenched his fists, his teeth gritted in frustration. The witch then turned her attention to Haku, her eyes gleaming with malice as she insinuated, "It seems Zabuza prefers my company, my dear."

Haku's rage was on the verge of consuming him, but Tenzo stepped forward and restrained him. He whispered to Haku, "Don't lose your composure. We need to approach this carefully."

Naruto, his determination unwavering, stepped beside Haku and reassured him, "We won't let her keep Zabuza like this. We'll save your friend, Haku."

With their emotions running high, Team 7, Haku, and Tenzo stood united against the witch's sinister influence, ready to confront the looming threat and rescue Zabuza from her grasp.

Haku, having regained his composure, felt the support of Team 7 and Tenzo strengthening his resolve. He knew that the battle ahead would be tough, but he was ready to face it.

Tenzo turned to Haku and inquired about the witch's main strength.

"Anything to add about this witch ? "

" don't let her absorbe your blood. Her mind control abilities are fearsome. Her genjutsu are good too "

Haku's response was a grave warning about her dangerous genjutsu abilities. He emphasized the need for extreme caution when dealing with her illusions.

Haku also cautioned Tenzo against letting the witch consume his blood, as it could result in control similar to what happened to Zabuza. The stakes were high, and they couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

"Alright, you hear haku guys. Naruto, be careful here"

"Hey what are you mentioning me now ?! "

Tenzo took it upon himself to handle Zabuza, recognizing him as the strongest enemy. Meanwhile, Haku prepared to face the witch, knowing that their teamwork would be essential to overcome this formidable foe.

As the team prepared for the upcoming battle, Sakura turned to Haku and said, "Haku, I'll focus on protecting Tazuna with my genjutsu. You can count on me."

Tenzo, in his usual composed manner, addressed Haku, "I'll handle Zabuza. You concentrate on dealing with the witch. Remember, teamwork is essential."

Naruto, eager to prove himself, turned to Sasuke and grinned, "Sasuke, let's take care of those bastards together. We've got this!"

Sasuke nodded in agreement, bloodlust evident as he replied, "Let's finish them off quickly and join the others."

"Team, let go! "

"Men, kill them ! "

"Master ! "

As Tenzo and Zabuza clashed blades with incredible speed and precision, their swords rang out in the midst of the intense battle. Tenzo couldn't help but wince as he acknowledged Zabuza's remarkable physical strength, realizing that he was facing a formidable opponent.

Tenzo, gritting his teeth "Zabuza, you're as strong as ever."

The controlled Zabuza on gave an expression of rage, growling

Meanwhile, Haku confronted the witch. He swiftly formed hand seals and spat a water ball towards her, making it clear that this time, his master Zabuza wouldn't be there to protect her.

Haku, looking determined "You won't escape this time. Master Zabuza won't shield you any longer."

Sakura remained vigilant, staying close to Tazuna and clutching a rat seal ready for genjutsu, prepared for any sudden threats.

Meanwhile, the witch displayed her supernatural abilities. She conjured a broom out of thin air and skillfully seated herself on it, evading Haku's water ball attack with ease. Her mastery over her craft was evident as she brandished a wand and released dark balls of energy. Haku, having seen the devastating effect of these dark balls before, narrowly dodged them. Their ominous impact on the ground caused it to melt, leaving no doubt about their destructive potential. The battle against the witch was proving to be a formidable challenge for Haku.

"What a shame. Haku-chan, i hope you don't bore me too much. Just because you broke the circles in the country doesn't mean you can beat me, hahahaha "

The witch taunted Haku, expressing her disappointment that he had managed to evade her curse.

"Ice release : Death needles ! " In response, Haku swiftly performed a series of hand seals, causing the water on the ground to transform into deadly needles aimed directly at her.

Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke, both filled with excitement and determination, leaped into action. They dived right into the midst of the enemy henchmen.

Sasuke unsheathed his blade with precision and executed rapid slashes, combining them with powerful kicks that left his foes incapacitated in their wake.

Naruto, on the other hand, utilized the Shadow Clone Jutsu to its full potential. His clones overwhelmed the enemy forces, swiftly dispatching them to the ground one after another. The combined efforts of Naruto and Sasuke proved to be a formidable force against the enemy henchmen.

Their competitive spirits ignited as they exchanged determined glances amidst the battle. Naruto couldn't resist a playful challenge, vowing to defeat more enemies than Sasuke.

"Hey, Sasuke, I bet I can take down more of these guys than you!" Naruto declared, a competitive fire burning in his eyes.

Sasuke, never one to back down from a challenge, responded by activating his Sharingan. He intensified his assault, determined not to be outdone by Naruto, even if he often referred to him as an "idiot."

"You're on, Naruto," Sasuke retorted with a smirk. "Let's see who can clear the path faster."

Their friendly rivalry pushed both Naruto and Sasuke to push their limits and showcase their impressive skills in battle.

As the battle raged on, Kakashi raced towards the Land of Waves, his heart heavy with worry for the safety of Team 7 and their allies. He knew that the situation must be dire for him to be summoned.

Meanwhile, Tenzo, locked in a fierce melee fight with the formidable Zabuza, realized that this close-quarters combat was not sustainable. With quick hand seals, he conjured a water-based jutsu and spit a water ball towards Zabuza. To Tenzo's surprise, Zabuza, despite being under the witch's control, displayed remarkable sharpness. Zabuza responded with a jutsu of his own, causing their water balls to collide in a clash of elemental power.

"So even controlled, you can react. "

Tenzo couldn't help but acknowledge Zabuza's impressive instincts and rationality, even while under the witch's control. Zabuza remained silent, making hand seals with precision, and then he unleashed a spiraling wave of water towards Tenzo.

Quick thinking and experience guided Tenzo's actions. He created an earth wall to shield himself from Zabuza's powerful attack. However, as he crouched behind the wall, a sudden sense of impending danger washed over him. In a split-second decision, Tenzo leaped away, narrowly avoiding a razor-sharp water pressure that sliced through the earth wall like a blade through butter.

Tenzo, relieved by his narrow escape, couldn't afford to underestimate Zabuza's abilities.

"Sorry tazuna-san, seem like I can't take it easy on your bridge " He turned to Tazuna with a solemn expression, apologizing for the turmoil their battle would cause on his bridge. With a series of hand seals, Tenzo summoned strong roots that burst forth from the ground, shattering it as they lunged towards Zabuza. 

Zabuza displayed his remarkable agility, swiftly evading the tenacious roots. He wielded his sword skillfully, cutting through the roots with precision, making it clear that this would be no easy battle.

In Haku's confrontation with the witch, Haku continued launching water balls at her.

"Suiton : water balls "

"Is that all you got ? " The witch, displaying her agility, mocked him, flying around and challenging him to be quicker if he wanted to hit her. She started with genjutsu, attempting to ensnare tazuna's mind. However, Sakura, ever vigilant, intervened by simultaneously casting her own genjutsu, disrupting the witch genjutsu.

As Sakura demonstrated her skill in countering the witch's genjutsu, Tazuna couldn't help but express his gratitude. He turned to Sakura with a heartfelt tone and said, "Thank you, young lady. I've seen enough pain and suffering in my life. I don't know what you did it, but you just spared me from witnessing torment once more."

Sakura smiled, her determination shining through. "It's my duty to protect our team and those we care about," she replied. "You can count on me, Tazuna-san."

Tazuna nodded, deeply appreciative of the young kunoichi's resolve.


Naruto and Sasuke, standing back-to-back after their impressive takedowns of enemy thugs, decided to take a moment to catch their breath. Naruto turned to Sasuke with a competitive glint in his eye and asked, "Hey, Sasuke, how many of these guys have you taken down?"

Sasuke, a smirk on his face, proudly responded, "Seven. What about you, Naruto?"

Determined not to be outdone, Naruto announced, "I'm at six, but I see the rest of them over there!" He pointed to the remaining enemies who were still standing and decided to jump right into the fray, utilizing his shadow clone jutsu once more.

As Naruto engaged the remaining foes, Sasuke suddenly displayed a surprised expression. Naruto, noticing Sasuke's reaction, couldn't help but inquire, "What's wrong, Sasuke?"

Sasuke questioned Naruto's claim of having only six takedowns when there were initially ten enemies. Naruto, puzzled by Sasuke's statement, turned around just in time to evade an unexpected attack from one of the supposedly defeated enemies. He performed a rapid rotation, using his leg to kick the assailant away, narrowly avoiding a potentially lethal strike.

The battle continued to intensify as Naruto and Sasuke realized that the enemy wasn't going down without a fight, and they needed to stay on their guard.

As Naruto swiftly evaded the unexpected attack from one of the supposedly defeated enemies, he recognized the assailant as one of the thugs Sasuke had targeted earlier. He couldn't help but berate Sasuke, frustration in his voice, "Sasuke, why didn't you make sure these guys were down for good?!"

Sasuke, his own irritation apparent, retorted, "Don't blame me, Naruto! No matter how much damage I inflict, they keep getting back up!" He slashed at another enemy attempting to strike him.

Naruto, puzzled by the situation, observed the enemies' glazed eyes and took note of a mysterious red stone embedded in their chests. His curiosity piqued, he couldn't help but voice his growing confusion, "There's something weird going on here, Sasuke. Look at their eyes and that strange stone."

Sasuke, now realizing that the situation was more complex than they initially thought, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Naruto. These guys seem...undying. We need to be careful. Something's not right about this."

With that, Naruto and Sasuke continued to battle the seemingly relentless enemies, determined to uncover the mystery behind their unusual resilience and the enigmatic red stones.

Naruto, undeterred by the enemy's seemingly unending endurance, summoned even more clones, each one fueled by his determination. He shouted, "I don't care if you guys can't die! We'll fight you until you can't stand anymore!" With a wave of clones at his side, Naruto charged back into the fray.

Sasuke, not one to be outdone, channeled a hint of fire chakra into his sword, a display of his own growing strength. Flames danced along the blade as he skillfully dispatched the enemies. He glanced at Naruto and commented, "You're not the only one getting stronger, Naruto."

Naruto, busy battling alongside his clones, couldn't help but grin in response to Sasuke's words. The two continued their fierce assault against the relentless enemies, determined to push their limits and overcome whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the witch grew increasingly annoyed by Sakura's resistance to her genjutsu, she reached into her cleavage and retrieved a small doll. With the doll in hand, she raised her wand and continued to cast multiple dark cursed balls, hurling them indiscriminately in all directions. Some of these cursed balls landed dangerously close to the battlefield where Naruto and Sasuke were engaged in their intense battle.

Naruto and Sasuke, locked in combat with their opponents, had to react swiftly to the incoming threats. They skillfully dodged the cursed balls, witnessing the horrifying effects these dark spheres had on the fallen enemies.

Upon contact with the cursed balls, the fallen men began to experience a draining of their vitality. Their once-human forms transformed into ghoul-like figures, their strength waning until they ultimately collapsed. Naruto and Sasuke, still engaged in their fierce battle, watched in shock as the cursed balls effectively killed the enemies, leaving them lifeless.

"What the hell ?! "

"Alvida ! What are you doing ?! " As the witch approached Zabuza with the doll in her hand, Haku yelled at her, at which she cast a cursed spell directed at Tenzo side.

In response, Tenzo reacted swiftly by creating a protective barrier of wooden walls. However, to his dismay, the wooden walls began to decompose upon contact with the witch's curse. Realizing the incredible potency of her attacks, Tenzo knew he had to act quickly to protect himself. He jumped away, creating distance between himself and the formidable adversary.

Recognizing the danger posed by the witch's attacks, Haku, Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura regrouped near Tenzo. Sakura, who was carrying Tazuna to shield him from the witch's assaults, instructed her teammates to remain vigilant and ensure that they did not allow the witch's deadly attacks to make contact with them. The team understood the urgency of the situation and prepared to face this formidable adversary with caution.

The witch, now close to Zabuza, melted the doll containing the red stone inside Zabuza's body without any hesitation.

"What a drag, i wished to absorb more emotions " She casually informed them that it couldn't be helped, displaying a disturbing lack of remorse.

She mentioned her readiness to use the lives of the people in the area to complete the stone, further showcasing her callousness.

"What are you doing ?! Leave my master alone ! "

Haku, overwhelmed by fury and desperation, couldn't contain himself and yelled at her, questioning her horrifying actions.

"...and by the oath of blood and darkness, i summon thee, my lord. Bless your servant, for I pledge an eternity of blood in your name ! Arise, demon of the mist, and be born anew ! "

However, the witch remained unfazed by Haku's protest. She continued to chant incantations, instructing Zabuza to awaken the demon within him and become the new harbinger of wrath in the world. Zabuza's chakra surged, and he experienced intense pain, clutching his head in agony. As the transformation took hold, his chakra materialized into a grotesque, oni-like purple face. His skin took on a fiery red hue, and a red stone appeared on his forehead. His hair turned stark white, completing the eerie transformation.

"Behold, the real demon of the mist! The wrath of our lord Jashin, hahaha!" the witch proclaimed, reveling in the nightmarish transformation she had unleashed. The situation had taken a turn for the worse, and the team now faced a terrifying foe in Zabuza's transformed state.

" ■■■■■■■ !! "