
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

What does it mean to be Genin ?

A day later, Team 7 could be seen waiting for Kakashi on the village bridge, all wearing expressions of frustration and impatience. It was evident that Kakashi was running late again.

As Kakashi finally appeared, he greeted them with a casual "yo," only to be met with a collective yell from his students, informing him of his tardiness. In response, Kakashi calmly explained that he had encountered an elderly lady on the road who needed assistance getting home. On his way back, he had come across a black cat, and being superstitious, he felt compelled to return home, light some incense, and purify himself to ward off any potential bad luck.

Naruto couldn't contain his disbelief, yelling at Kakashi, "That doesn't make any sense at all!"

Sakura chimed in, "Kakashi-sensei, couldn't you have just said you overslept?"

Sasuke, with his usual stoic demeanor, added, "Time is valuable. We don't have the luxury to wait for your encounters with old ladies and black cats."

Kakashi chuckled, "Well, you know, life is full of unexpected twists. But I'm here now, so let's get started on today's planning. "

Kakashi stood before Team 7, a sense of mystery lingering in the air. The trio, eager to unravel the day's agenda, looked at their sensei with anticipation.

"Today's program is a bit different, team. We'll be exploring facilities and training grounds that were previously off-limits."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, his curiosity evident.

"Off-limits? Why were they off-limits in the first place?"

Kakashi, with his usual nonchalant demeanor, began to elaborate.

"Well, some areas pose potential danger, and others contain sensitive information. It's crucial for us to be familiar with them so we could avoid going into sensitive places, but it wouldn't be suitable for civilians."

Naruto, always eager for excitement, chimed in.

"So, are we talking about top-secret ninja stuff?"

Kakashi nodded, his eye crinkling with a hidden smile.

"Exactly. But remember, it's not just about the thrill. There's a reason for the secrecy. We wouldn't want anyone wandering into dangerous grounds or being mistaken for a spy."

Sakura, ever the conscientious one, raised her hand.

"So, what happens if someone does end up in a sensitive location? Interrogation cells?"

Kakashi nodded again, acknowledging her astuteness.

"You catch on fast, Sakura. We need to be cautious and aware, and that's what today is all about."

As they ventured into the unknown, the trio couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation at the prospect of unraveling the mysteries concealed within the village's hidden corners.

Naruto, looking both excited and cautious, spoke up, "So, sensei, what kind of places are we talking about here?"

Kakashi, still smiling, replied, "Well, Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, you're about to find out. Today's mission is all about expanding your understanding of the village and of your rights and duties. "

Content with their attention, Kakashi began outlining the rights and responsibilities that came with being Genin in Konoha. Leaning against a nearby railing, he addressed his attentive students.

"As Genin, your responsibilities extend beyond the realms of combat. In these relatively peaceful times, your initial duties will involve fulfilling a variety of basic tasks – from deliveries to chores, catering to the needs of our diverse clientele," Kakashi explained, his tone measured

"While combat might not be on the immediate horizon, your primary objective is to familiarize yourselves with the intricacies of the village. Learn every nook and cranny, and understand the emergency measures in case of an attack. The safety of the civilians is our top priority; ensuring they reach safe zones swiftly and unharmed is a duty you'll shoulder."

Kakashi's lone visible eye gleamed with seriousness as he emphasized, "As Genin, you're also tasked with familiarizing yourselves with your teammates. Knowing your fellow ninja is crucial, and you'll be expected to learn multiple formations and strategies. Teamwork is the foundation of successful missions."

Sakura nodded in understanding, "Sensei, what kinds of formations should we focus on?"

Kakashi, appreciating her enthusiasm, replied, "Great question, Sakura. We'll start with the basics – understanding offensive and defensive formations, adapting to different terrains, and developing strategies based on your individual strengths. As we progress, we'll delve into more advanced techniques. "

"Make no mistake, while this period of your training may seem calm and perhaps even boring to some," Kakashi stated, casting a knowing glance at Naruto and Sasuke, "it's an essential phase for your growth. Ensuring that all your basics are solid enough is crucial before venturing into higher levels of ninja skills."

As the curiosity in their eyes intensified, Kakashi decided to quench their thirst for knowledge. "Just as you bear the responsibility of your duties as Genin, you'll be granted access to higher levels of intelligence. You'll have unlimited access to D-level jutsu, and with the permission of your Jounin leader or the administrative building, you can even delve into C-level techniques."

Naruto's eyes widened with excitement, "So, we get to learn more powerful jutsu? That's awesome!"

Kakashi chuckled at Naruto's enthusiasm, "Exactly, Naruto. But remember, along with that power comes the responsibility to use it wisely. These skills are tools, and how you wield them defines you as a ninja. "

"Of course, if you're lucky enough to meet the Hokage, you can directly seek permission to learn or acquire something Above your level, in exchange for military points." Kakashi mentioned this, and each member of Team 7 displayed different expressions. Naruto mumbled to himself about never having a problem meeting the old man, failing to understand what was so lucky about it. Sakura, curious as ever, asked Kakashi how military points were calculated, while Sasuke listened attentively.

Kakashi, catching Naruto's mumbling, thought to himself, "Not everyone is as high-profile as you, Naruto." He then turned to Sakura and explained, "First and foremost, the completion rate of your missions plays a crucial role. Additionally, there are multiple ways to earn points, such as actively engaging and defeating enemies that threaten the village."

Sasuke's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of facing formidable opponents. Kakashi continued, "You can also earn points by reclaiming sensitive information for the village, volunteering in crucial parts like the hospital, repairing training grounds after shinobi exercises, or opting for the easiest route: being taken in an apprenticeships. By doing so, you'll learn the skills of your mentor, and in return, Keep your accumulated military points for your personal use."

Naruto, now intrigued, joined the conversation, "So, who can we apprentice under, and how do we choose?"

Kakashi grinned, "That, my dear Naruto, is a decision you'll make based on your interests and goals,along with the Agreement of the one mentoring you. " 

At this, Naruto wore a confused expression,thinking Kakashi is already their mentor, asked, "You won't teach us jutsu, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi responded with an awkward expression, "To be frank, a Jounin leader is not obliged to share or teach all of his skills to his students. The duty of a Jounin leader is to impart more esoteric skills related to chakra control and body training, such as tree walking, water walking, and the basics of elemental chakra control. The goal is to ensure that you are prepared for future missions, feeding you with experiences and making sure you grow up safely. After all, no matter how much of a genius you could, only a living genius can shine, while a dead one will get swept away by the winds of time."

Having delivered his lecture, Kakashi's eye smile returned as he assured them that getting stronger would depend on their efforts. He emphasized that he was there to protect and guide them, underlining the importance of taking the initiative to learn on their own. "Not taking the initiative to learn by yourself is how you will waste your potential," he concluded.

Concluding his lecture, Kakashi gestured for his team to follow him, leading them on an extensive tour around the village. The first stop was the Mission Hall, a bustling hub where shinobi received their assignments. Kakashi explained the meticulous process of accepting missions, ranging from D to S rank, and how each was carefully chosen to match the skill level of the assigned team.

Next on the itinerary was the village hospital, a vital institution for ninja recovery and medical care. Kakashi emphasized the importance of knowing the location and function of such facilities, as it played a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of the village's defenders.

They then moved on to the Information Technology (IT) building, where the village's intelligence operations were coordinated. Kakashi briefly touched upon the significance of information gathering and the role of intelligence in strategic planning. he also told to make sure to not get inside unless for a mission,or by request of the hokage or after being given permission by the people inside.

The tour continued to the library, a serene sanctuary filled with scrolls and books on various ninja arts, history, and tactics. Kakashi encouraged the trio to explore the wealth of knowledge stored within the library, as it could prove invaluable in expanding their understanding of the ninja world.

"Shinobi battle are mostly information battles,with the one having the most information to be more likely to win and survive. While power may be a determining fact for winning the battle,it would an enorme power gap for that to be the sole reason of your win "

Passing by the emergency shelters strategically scattered throughout the village, Kakashi stressed the importance of knowing safe zones and evacuation procedures. In times of crisis, these shelters played a crucial role in protecting the villagers.

Approaching the Jounin headquarters, Kakashi took a moment to elucidate the importance of Jounin in the intricate workings of the village.

"Alright, Team 7, this is the Jounin headquarters. Jounin are the backbone of our village. They're highly skilled ninja who take on leadership roles, guiding and overseeing the younger generation."

Naruto scratched his head, trying to grasp the concept.

"So, they're like very important ?"

Kakashi chuckled at Naruto's simplification but nodded in agreement.

"You could say that, Naruto. Jounin are experienced and entrusted with crucial responsibilities. They lead missions, train Genin, and make decisions that shape the village's future.They can also represent the village in diplomatic events"

Sasuke, ever analytical, sought more specifics.

"What distinguishes a Jounin from other ranks beside their power then?"

"Great question, Sasuke. Achieving Jounin status requires mastering a wide range of ninja skills, tactical thinking, and completing challenging missions. It's a testament to their expertise and capability.No jounin is weak,and each trained jounin require lot of ressource and investement from the village,making them strategic ressource"

Sakura, always eager to understand the dynamics of the ninja world, chimed in.

"And what's about the hierarchy among Jounin?"

"Jounin are classified into different ranks, with Special Jounin and Elite Jounin being notable examples. The higher the rank, the more responsibilities and complex missions they handle. While the jounin head could be the strongest jounin,they may also be choosen for their indentity or tactical prowess and fame "

He then pointed out the Chuunin building nearby, a building where most chuunin representatives meet,and where they would receive their assignment,or push for a specific request. 

 "Over there is the Chuunin building. Chuunin are the middle rank, between Genin and Jounin. They're experienced ninja who've proven their abilities in various missions."

Sasuke, showing his usual curiosity, inquired further.

"So, what do Chuunin do, and how do they differ from Jounin?"

"Good question. Chuunin often lead smaller squads on missions and play a vital role in executing the village's plans. While they have less authority than Jounin, they're essential in maintaining the village's overall strength and security."

Naruto, eager to understand how it all worked, asked about the role of the Chuunin building.

"What's the deal with the Chuunin building?"

"The Chuunin building serves as a hub for Chuunin activities. It's where they gather to receive assignments, discuss strategies, and sometimes push for specific missions or requests. It's a place of coordination and planning."

Sakura, absorbing the information, contemplated the progression within the ninja ranks.

"So, becoming a Chuunin is the next step after being a Genin?"

"Exactly. Chuunin exams assess a ninja's skills, and those who pass take on more challenging tasks. It's a significant step in a ninja's career."

Approaching the Genin Reserve building, Kakashi shed light on its purpose and the distinction between missions for Genin with and without a Jounin sensei.

"This is the Genin Reserve building. It's where newly graduated Genin who haven't been assigned to a specific squad wait for their missions."

Sasuke, always focused on practical matters, asked for clarification.

"So, what kind of missions do they get?"

"Genin in the reserve typically handle less complex missions, things like D-ranks and simple patrols. These missions help them gain experience and prove their capabilities."

Sakura, ever the studious one, sought to understand the difference.

"What's the distinction between missions for Genin with a Jounin sensei and those without?"

"Great question, Sakura. Genin with a Jounin sensei usually get assigned to more challenging missions, even from the start. It's a way to assess their capabilities under guidance. Those without a sensei might start with simpler tasks until they prove they can handle more."

Naruto, ever eager to prove himself, thought about when he'd get missions without Kakashi overseeing every move.

"When do we get to take on missions without Sensei watching our every move?"

Kakashi, with a hidden smile beneath his mask, responded.

"That will come in time, Naruto. As you prove yourselves on various missions, you'll gain the trust to take on more independent tasks."

Naruto, eager for more information, couldn't help but inquire about the term "Genin Reserve." Kakashi, ever patient, explained that not all students were fortunate enough to have a Jounin sensei. Jounin, he emphasized again, were the elite of the elite, strategic resources for the village, and each possessed the ability to act as envoys in foreign lands.

Naruto, always curious, posed another question:

"What's the deal with the Genin Corps thingy?"

Kakashi, with a thoughtful expression, explained:

"The Genin Corps is where graduates with lesser combat abilities compared to their classmates end up. They might come from different academy classes, and those who didn't pass the Jounin test are often redirected back to the academy before eventually being transferred to the Genin Corps."

Sasuke, ever perceptive, sought clarification:

Sasuke: "So, having a Jounin leader means you're talented?"

Kakashi nodded in affirmation.

"Exactly, Sasuke. Having a Jounin leader is a sign of talent. It's a recognition that you possess the potential to attain the elite rank one day. It signifies that your abilities and growth are deemed worthy of the attention of a Jounin, someone who will guide you toward becoming a powerful force for the village."

Sakura, absorbing the information, began to see the significance of having a Jounin leader.

"So, it's like a mentorship, guiding us toward becoming elite ninja."

Kakashi, impressed by her understanding, smiled beneath his mask.

"Precisely, Sakura. A Jounin sensei is not just a teacher; they're mentors who help you unlock your full potential. It's a crucial step in your development as a ninja."

"There are simply too many Genin in the village," Kakashi continued, "and not all of them can receive the direct guidance of a Jounin. Instead, many are placed under the leadership of Chuunin or Special Jounin, who are more readily available and form the backbone of the village's strength."

Turning around and leading the way once more, Kakashi directed Team 7 towards the training grounds. As they arrived, he gestured toward a bustling area filled with shinobi engaged in rigorous training, each displaying determination and passion in their exercises.

Kakashi emphasized the significance of the scene before them, stating, "Even if the road is hard, there are always people working even harder. The training grounds are a testament to the commitment and dedication of our fellow shinobi. It's a reminder that in this world, complacency is not an option."

He looked directly at Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, underscoring the importance of humility and hard work. "Naruto,Sasuke,Sakura !Never get conceited with your power ! " Kakashi advised. "The journey to becoming a formidable ninja is a challenging one, and it requires continuous effort. If you don't want to be left in the dust, you must be willing to work hard, consistently pushing your limits and striving for improvement ! "

Naruto, taking the words to heart, nodded with determination.

"Yeah, sensei! I'm ready to work hard and become the strongest ninja!"

Sasuke, his competitive spirit ignited, added:

"No one's going to surpass me. I'll make sure to Kill that man one day."

Sakura, equally driven, chimed in:

"I won't be left behind either. I'll work as hard as it takes to become a skilled ninja."

Kakashi, pleased with their responses, led them away from the training grounds, where the echoes of dedication and the clashing sounds of combat served as a constant reminder of the rigorous path that lay ahead for Team 7.

A long chapter,hope you liked the work !

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