
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

The realm of shadows : Obsession !

In the hospital room, Team 7 visited the recovering Kakashi, expressing concern for his well-being. Kakashi, with a small smile, assured them that he would be back on his feet soon. 

"Sensei, how are you feeling? Will you get better soon?"

"Don't worry, Sakura. I'll be back on my feet in no time" 

Taking a moment to explain the lingering effects of the Sharingan on his body,His gaze lingered on Sasuke, silently questioning if there would be any issues with him having a Sharingan. To Kakashi's relief, Sasuke shook his head, denying any problems and displaying a subtle understanding.

Sakura, genuinely concerned, offered her help "Is there anything we can do to assist with your recovery?" 

Naruto, ever enthusiastic, chimed in with a boisterous suggestion

"I could bring you some ramen! It's the best healer, believe it!"

Kakashi chuckled at Naruto's typical offer

" Thanks, Naruto. "

He took a moment to explain the lingering effects of the Sharingan on his body, expressing that he was still not completely used to it after all those years. Sakura, with genuine concern, asked if there was a solution

Kakashi, shaking his head, spoke to Sakura about the challenges of using the Sharingan as a non-Uchiha.

"Using the Sharingan comes with a price, especially for those who aren't Uchiha. It's already quite an achievement that I can use it at my current level." 

Intrigued, Naruto inquired further, prompting Kakashi to delve into the concept of bloodline rejection and the inherent difficulties in utilizing someone else's bloodline without being a part of it.

"What do you mean ? " 

Kakashi, leaning back in his hospital bed, began to shed light on the concept.

"Well, Naruto, bloodline rejection is a term used when someone tries to use abilities tied to a specific bloodline without actually being a part of that lineage."

"Huh? So, what's the big deal ? If you can use cool stuff, why not go for it? "

"It's not that simple. See, these bloodline limits, like the Sharingan, are often intricately connected to a person's genetics. When someone outside the bloodline tries to wield those powers, it can lead to all sorts of problems. "

"Problems? like you are being right now ? "

"Exactly. Physical strain is one aspect. Your body might not be naturally attuned to handle those abilities, causing stress and exhaustion. in some cases, it can even lead to crippling,or death "

Sasuke, leaning on the wall, asked " What else? "

"Control becomes a significant issue. Bloodline limits often require a unique understanding and affinity. Without that inherent connection, using them effectively is like trying to master an instrument you've never seen before.It may cripple your potential as a shinobi or make it better, if you survive the operation,of course " 

Naruto scratching his head " So, it's like borrowing someone else's power, but it might backfire? "

"Precisely, Naruto. It's a risky business. Bloodline rejection is a reminder that some things are meant to stay within the family.It also a way of naturel protection. As it wouldn't surprise you, shinobi are not known for their ethics. this natural barrier protected lot of legacy over the years, even if it never stopped some " 

"Now, there are exceptions to this rule. Nature can be a bit unpredictable. In some rare cases, individuals might exhibit a remarkable compatibility with certain bloodline traits despite not being part of the lineage.

Sakura is intrigued " So, are there people who can actually use these powers without any issues? "

"Yes, but it's extremely rare. It's like finding a needle in a haystack. Even then, those individuals often face challenges in fully mastering the abilities compared to those born into the bloodline. "

"What about your case, Kakashi-sensei? How did you manage with the Sharingan? "

Kakashi, leaning forward, responded " I'm what you call an exception too. My situation is a bit unique. I received the Sharingan as a gift from a friend on his deathbed at a young age,where my body was still nurturing. My body had to adapt, and I've been dealing with the consequences ever since. in a way, you could say i got both lucky and unlucky "

"So, it's not just about blood, it's about adapting and maybe a bit of luck? what do you mean by unlucky " 

"That's a good way to put it, Naruto. Adaptation and a sprinkle of luck can sometimes break the rules of bloodline limits. But always remember, chakra is still a mystery. People are continuously discovering its particular characteristics, and it's not just about physical adaptation; it involves a spiritual aspect too "

"And by unlucky, I mean that receiving the Sharingan at such a phase of my development crippled my potential in a way. The Sharingan... it's a very strong power. But such power comes with its price, and for years, I was stuck from growing "

"The reason is that the Sharingan is both a physical and spiritual manifestation of the Uchiha power. It doesn't just require a strong physique; it also demands strong mental power to resist it." 

Touching his hidden eye,he added "Sometime,I feel as if this eye got a will of his own "

"I also paid a heavy price for it too. If we go by calculation, someone with my potential and ability should already have touched that realm at my age. It's just that my body had to adapt to the Sharingan, making me take a long detour "

Sasuke's eyes shining "That realm?"

Kakashi looking at the trio, nodded

"Yes, the realm of those who broke the limits of normal shinobi potential.called as the monsters by some, and the reason why shinobi became the greatest force after appearing, even when you take into account the power of the samurai and those people in the east "

Looking at their awed faces, he added "All famous people are those who touched this realm,or on the way for it "

"When you heard tales of one man army,people able to fight multiples jounin or armies on their own—-"

He gave a smirk, with the sun glowing on half his face and hiding the other

"They are people in the realm of transcendence. The realm of shadows! " 

"Kage level shinobi ! " 

the trio,all swallowing their spit,with naruto asking if he's one of them now 

Kakashi's derisive smile lingered as he continued to explain his unique situation.

"You see, I'm navigating the delicate balance between the ordinary shinobi and those who have transcended their limits. It's like straddling two worlds, and I'm neither fully in the realm of the extraordinary nor completely part of the standard shinobi community.I guess that's why I jokingly refer to it as the 'Kakashi realm'."

Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke exchanged intrigued glances, absorbing the gravity of Kakashi's words. The term "transcendence" and the notion of a realm beyond ordinary limits sparked their curiosity.

Naruto,Grinning at the joke " So, we can use you as a way to know how strong someone is ? "

Turning to sakura,he made a seal,suddenly manifested out a weird looking glass,looking at sakura with a serious face,he told her 

'Masaka…your power is over 0.05 Kakashi ! " only to get him in the head by sakura,telling to be more respectful 

Kakashi Sweat Dropping at their interaction " Not to this degree, Naruto. But don't let the joke fool you; it's a unique journey with its challenges. The "Kakashi Unit" is just a playful way of describing the limbo I find myself in "

Sasuke, always focused on strength and progress, couldn't help but ask a more serious question.

"What does it take to fully step into that realm? "

"It's not just about power or skill, Sasuke. It requires a profound understanding of oneself, mastery over one's abilities to the peak, and a connection to the spiritual aspects of chakra. It's a journey that goes beyond the physical, delving into the realms of the mind and spirit,transforming your whole being "

"Transforming the whole being…"

" The journey is about understanding oneself, conquering inner demons, and forging yourself anew."

"How to explain it…you need to break the limiter,and be reborn anew "

"but more than this,you need to be obsessed ! " 

"to be obsessed ? " the trio asking 

"Yes ! you need to believe in something with all your being,your own creed,your own obsession ! Like naruto dream,or sasuke desire for revenge,or on my friend passion with being youthful,all the strongest people are people obsessed with something ! "

the three sweating slightly,sasuke asked if kakashi got an obsession too 

"I do,but obsession alone is not enough,thats why it require talent,effort,and obsession,an unshaken believe " 

As Kakashi spoke, the sun cast a warm glow on his face, emphasizing the obsession in his eye.

Naruto, inspired, couldn't help but express his enthusiasm 

"I'm gonna touch that realm too, just you wait! "

Kakashi smiling at him,he finished 

"The realm of shadows, the realm of transcendance—call it what you will. It's a place where the strongest shinobi reside, and my journey is still ongoing. Perhaps, one day, I'll take that full step in. I sincerely pray you all atteint that realm too "

The conversation left an indelible mark on Team 7, igniting a newfound understanding of the shinobi world 

"Enough of this. It still too soon for you "

The atmosphere lightened as Kakashi shifted the conversation, inquiring about Team 7's training progress. 

"How has your training been going, Team ?

Sakura,her hands behind her back said

"I've been delving into some medicine books. "

Naruto, grinning "I've been thinking about how I could use my Kage Bunshin to make news techniques "

Sasuke,with an indifferent face added "I've mastered a new technique "

"That sounds great. Any challenges you're facing? "

Naruto scratching his face mark " It's going a bit slow for me. "

Sakura,echoing his feeling " Same here. "

"I just need someone strong to practice my new technique on " Sasuke,his eyes flashing.

Kakashi approving of their enthusiasm 

 "Good job, team. Now, to not let you to your own devices, I've arranged for someone to replace me while i rest"

With a subtle nod, Kakashi signals to someone nearby 

"Tenzo. "

Tenzo steps forward from the shadows, greeting Team 7 with a nod of respect. 

"Hello " with the trio Giving a greeting back.

Sakura, always curious, can't help but ask, "Will we be doing missions with him, Kakashi-sensei?" Kakashi, with his signature eye-smile, replies, "Certainly. Tenzo here will be guiding you through some training while doing missions "

Naruto, ever enthusiastic, adds, "Awesome! Can't wait to learn some cool stuff." Sasuke, more reserved, observes Tenzo silently.

As Kakashi mentions that Tenzo will be his temporary replacement, Sakura expresses concern, "Is everything really okay, Kakashi-sensei?" 

Kakashi reassures them, "Just need a bit of time to recover. Meanwhile, Tenzo will offer you a different perspective on your training."

Turning to Tenzo, Naruto eagerly asks, "What kind of missions have you been on?" 

Tenzo, with a humble smile, replies, "Various ones, Naruto. We'll just focus on enhancing your skills and teamwork."

Kakashi then directs the team to meet in Training Ground 3, and as Tenzo bids farewell to Kakashi,the latter encourages Team 7

"Make the most of this opportunity. Tenzo is someone I respect a lot, and you'll learn a great deal from him."

Tenzo, slightly embarrassed by the praise, nods appreciatively, "I'll do my best." The atmosphere becomes charged with anticipation as Team 7 looks forward to the upcoming training sessions with their new temporary sensei.


Well thats it, Hope you like it the chapter ! i got the next chapter on my kofi for early release for the interrested ! 

my kofi id /lightofcertainity/

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