
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

The demon final moments

As Naruto lay injured and mentally anguished, a dormant being within him suddenly awakened, connecting with Naruto's consciousness.

"You're just a pathetic little child, Naruto. Helpless, as always," the voice sneered.

Naruto's frustration grew as he grappled with his own insecurities. He desperately wanted to make a difference, to save his friends and allies.

But then, the voice in his mind changed its tone, its laughter turning dark and sinister. "Oh, what's this? You want power, Naruto? Fine, I'll give you a little taste, but don't expect it to be free."

With that, a surge of dark chakra flowed into Naruto, transforming his body and healing his injuries. It was a bittersweet gift, one that came with a price. Naruto's eyes displayed slitted red pupils, and the menacing aura surrounding him grew stronger. He had been granted power, but it came from a source that seemed far from benevolent.

With newfound strength and a ferocious demeanor, Naruto rose to his feet. His appearance had changed dramatically, with sharp fangs and claws. He let out a furious and deafening roar, grabbing the attention of everyone still engaged in the intense battle.

The transformed Naruto moved with incredible speed, disappearing and reappearing near Zabuza in an instant. With a powerful kick to Zabuza's face, he sent the rogue ninja crashing into one of the bridge pillars. The impact of their clash raised a cloud of dust that obscured their battle.

Tenzo, still concerned about Naruto's transformation, attempted to communicate with him. Naruto, although still conscious, was overwhelmed by his newfound power. He tersely instructed Tenzo to support him and, with a hint of aggression, told him to shut up.

As the dust began to settle, Zabuza reappeared seemingly unharmed. Both he and Naruto engaged in a frenzied taijutsu battle, their movements characterized by incredible speed and power. They clashed with one another in a display of raw strength and rage.

Tenzo, recognizing Naruto's struggle to maintain control, made the decision to support him in the battle. He created wooden roots that briefly restrained Zabuza's movements, allowing Naruto an opportunity to act. With a burst of rage, Naruto seized Zabuza's sword and swiftly slashed open Zabuza's chest, drawing blood. Their eyes, now both with red and purple hues, met as they exchanged fierce blows. Naruto continued his relentless assault, but Zabuza fought back with equal ferocity. Eventually, Zabuza managed to break free from the wooden restraints, kicking Naruto away. Naruto lost the sword and slid on the ground, his anger unwavering as he faced Zabuza.

Haku, observing the intense battle, began to emit a white, frozen steam from his body. He shouted at Naruto, indicating that he wouldn't take long to prepare for his next move.

Naruto, in response to Haku's encouragement, formed shadow clones that surrounded Zabuza and engaged him in a frenzied battle. Tenzo, feeling the effects of exhaustion, implored Haku to act quickly, as he was teetering on the verge of fainting.

Meanwhile, Sasuke persisted in targeting the witch, utilizing a combination of weapons and fireballs to keep her occupied and prevent her from intervening in the battle with Zabuza. The witch grew increasingly irritated by Sasuke's attacks and threatened to turn him into a doll. Sasuke's taunts about her age only fueled her anger, and she retorted by calling him an old hag, further intensifying their confrontation.

Haku, realizing the critical moment has arrived, turns to Naruto, who is locked in combat with Zabuza, and informs him that he's ready to proceed. However, when Haku looks back at Tenzo, he is struck with panic as he finds that Tenzo has fainted.

In the midst of their battle, Naruto has been enduring a relentless assault from Zabuza, who repeatedly strikes him to the ground. Naruto finally manages to retaliate by releasing a shockwave from his mouth, breaking Zabuza's hold on him. He then leaps back near Haku, his red eyes filled with determination. Naruto turns to Haku for instructions, expressing concern about Tenzo's condition.

Haku instructs Naruto that he only needs him to temporarily immobilize Zabuza, giving Haku an opportunity to approach and use his jutsu. Naruto, silent but resolute, creates more clones that engage Zabuza, keeping him occupied. He takes a scroll and tells Haku that they have only one chance to make this work.

As Naruto's clones start circling around Zabuza, using wire and explosive tags to disorient him, Naruto hands a scroll to one of his clones with specific instructions. The clone salutes and jumps at Zabuza, striking him with the open scroll labeled "immobilization."

At the same time, Naruto closes his eyes, his focus solely on the sealing jutsu. He recalls the old man's teachings on the importance of understanding the name and intent behind hand seals, as well as his own experience of being unable to move and feeling crushed.

With unwavering determination, Naruto executes the sealing sequence, calling out the jutsu's name. The scroll glows, and characters appear around Zabuza's body, freezing him in place. The witch, sensing this sudden development, turns in surprise, yelling at them not to do anything. However, her attempts to intervene are swiftly subdued by the exhausted Sasuke.

The battle reaches a momentary standstill, with Zabuza immobilized, the witch incapacitated, and Naruto and his allies preparing for their next moves.

Naruto, veins popping on his face, watches with growing impatience as Haku rushes toward the immobilized Zabuza. Haku's mind races with memories of the moments they shared together, from the day they first met to all the adventures they embarked on.

Upon reaching Zabuza's body, Haku does something unexpected. He gently embraces Zabuza, leaving Naruto puzzled and shouting Haku's name in confusion. But Haku smiles with a sense of resolution as the glow of his body intensifies, creating an aura that rises to the sky. The aura freezes them both in an ice column, and Naruto cries out in anguish, realizing the sacrifice Haku is making to save his beloved master.

Naruto yells out Haku's name in anguish as he watches Haku's and Zabuza's figures encased in the ice column. The witch, feeling the connection breaking, erupts in a rage, blaming Sasuke for interfering. She prepares a large cursed ball to finish Sasuke off.

As Sasuke is about to face the final blow, he hears the cry of birds and thunder, and is suddenly saved by Kakashi, who arrives with a burst of lightning.

Sasuke gives a bitter sigh of relief as he calls out Kakashi's first name. Kakashi apologizes for being late and humorously corrects Sasuke when he calls him by his first name, maintaining his usual calm demeanor even in this intense situation.

Kakashi turns his attention to the frozen figures of Haku and Zabuza, with Naruto watching anxiously. As the mist settles, they see Haku with a gentle smile and Zabuza, now calm but confused, both trapped in an eternity of ice.

The witch, unhappy with the turn of events, blames Sasuke for stopping her. She mentions Kakashi's name and speaks of his reputation, feeling the power emanating from him. She hints that she knows someone who would be interested in facing him.

Naruto, after seeing the ice trapping Haku and Zabuza, jumps away from them, feeling devastated, wondering if Haku died for nothing.

Kakashi reappears near Naruto and tosses Sasuke toward him. Kakashi then praises Tazuna for taking Sakura to safety, recognizing his efforts in protecting their injured teammate.

Kakashi, his one visible eye reflecting understanding and compassion, offers his condolences to Naruto. "Naruto, don't underestimate what Haku did for us. His sacrifice allowed us to break free from the witch's control."

Naruto, still trying to process the events, watches as Zabuza, now free from the ice, appears calm but introspective. Zabuza's hand gently caresses Haku's frozen face, and he speaks with a mixture of gratitude and remorse. "Thank you, Haku, for everything. I'm sorry I was such a terrible master."

Naruto, wanting to know if Zabuza is truly back to himself, starts to ask a question, but before he can finish, the sound of approaching footsteps interrupts their conversation. Everyone turns to see who is approaching, their guard still up after the intense battle.

As Gato and his company arrive, the tension in the air rises. Gato, demanding the promised product, the Stone of Immortality, looks to the witch who claims that Zabuza possesses it.

Gato, showing his ruthless nature, threatens Zabuza, but Zabuza remains silent, his eyes locked on Haku's statue, lost in his thoughts.

Gato, growing impatient and unaware of the significance of the statue, casually asks about it, ordering one of his men to take it away along with the Stone of Immortality.

However, as the man approaches the statue, Zabuza's purple eyes, now with a white triangle in them, suddenly snap to attention. His intimidating presence freezes Gato's men in their tracks. eyes flashing, causing them to faint, blood trickling from their mouths, under the sheer force of his mysterious power.

The witch, now ecstatic at the turn of events, exclaims in jubilation as she refers to Zabuza as the most perfect doll. She eagerly takes out a scroll and attempts to make a seal, clearly enthusiastic about studying Zabuza's new ability and powers.

The witch attempts to control Zabuza again, but his mere gaze causes her to cough up blood. Her blood stone breaking

Her efforts to manipulate him are futile, and she hastily flees on her broom, recognizing the danger she's in.

Zabuza then proceeds to deal with Gato's men one by one, dispatching them with his sword in a methodical manner. His ruthless efficiency leaves no room for escape. He finally reaches Gato, who begs for his life, offering wealth and anything Zabuza desires.

In response, Zabuza questions the sincerity of Gato's promises, asking if he can truly provide anything. Gato, growing more desperate, boldly agrees to grant Zabuza anything he desires, whether it be women, gold, land, or slaves. However, Zabuza has only one request: the resurrection of Haku. Gato realizes the gravity of his mistake, but it's too late. Zabuza, with a single stroke of his sword, cleaves Gato in two, ending his life. Stopping at looking at gato with indifferent eyes.

Naruto, unable to contain his emotions, confronts Zabuza, questioning why he doesn't seem to feel anything at Haku's death. He asks why Zabuza isn't crying, tears streaming down his own face as he grieves for his fallen friend.

At this , Zabuza approaches Kakashi and Naruto. Kakashi instinctively shields Naruto, ready for a potential confrontation. However, Zabuza surprises them both by stopping by Haku's side and gently touching his face. He asks Kakashi to relax, indicating that he has no hostile intentions.

Zabuza then inquires if the blond kid is Kakashi's real student, to which Kakashi affirms. Zabuza smiles and tells Kakashi that he's fortunate to have such a gentle and caring student, advising him to cherish Naruto.

Raising his left arm, Zabuza retrieves a small, glowing red stone from his chest. He proceeds to destroy it, demonstrating that he has resisted the allure of immortality. Kakashi acknowledges that not many could resist the temptation of such power.

Zabuza turns his attention to Naruto and asks about his "nindo," his ninja way. Naruto, initially puzzled by the question, reveals that his creed is to never give up and to protect his cherished people. Zabuza bursts into hearty laughter, acknowledging Naruto's creed as a great one.

Finally, Zabuza makes a humble request. He asks Naruto if he can do him a small favor: to bury him together with Haku. As his vision blurs and blood drips from his mouth, Zabuza continues to caress Haku's statue, which bears a fixed smile. He doesn't hear Naruto's answer or see the tears that fall from Naruto's eyes, lost in his own thoughts and memories of Haku.