
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

Of seedling and Growth

Moments later,The Sandaime Hokage sat in his office, receiving Team 7's mission report from Iruka. As the details unfolded, including the fate of Narisawa at the hands of Naruto clones, the Hokage chuckled, finding amusement in the unpredictability of Kakashi's teaching methods.

"Those kids sure got lot of energy " 

After a moment of mirth, the Sandaime instructed Iruka to grant Narisawa some days of rest, recognizing the need for recovery after Kaashi's unconventional training. He also advised Iruka to relay a message to Kakashi, reminding him not to be too harsh on his Chuunin while training the next generation of ninja.

As the Sandaime put down the report, he took a thoughtful breath from his pipe, allowing the room to fill with smoke. Acknowledging Kakashi's unorthodox yet effective teaching style, he remarked, "Kakashi is showing promising potential as a teacher. His methods may be unexpected, but the results are evident."

"I agree. I didn't expect kakashi-senpai to be so good at it. "

Iruka concurred, expressing how Team 7's performance seemed to thrive under challenging conditions. The Hokage, intrigued, inquired about the status of other teams. Iruka began with Team 10, noting their average number of missions and the consistent satisfaction of clients with Ino's enjoyable presence.

Moving on to Team 8, Iruka reported positive overall performance but highlighted client complaints about Akamaru's occasional indiscretions. Kiba, it seemed, needed to be more vigilant with his ninken. Shifting to Team 6, Iruka shared glowing feedback, mentioning the hospital's interest in a more permanent internship for Makoto, recognizing his remarkable talent. 

The Hokage, deep in thought, cautioned against agreeing to a permanent arrangement and suggested leaving the matter for further consideration. 


The Hokage's attention then turned to Team Gai, led by the energetic and passionate Might Guy. Iruka provided an overview of their recent activities and performance.

"Team Gai has been maintaining a high level of energy and dedication," Iruka began. "Guy's unyielding enthusiasm has undoubtedly influenced his team positively."

He continued, detailing their mission completion rates and client feedback. "Their missions have been executed with precision, and clients have consistently praised their efficiency. Neji's Talent, Tenten's versatility, and Lee's unrelenting spirit make them a well-rounded team."

However, Iruka hesitated for a moment before mentioning, "There have been a few incidents where Lee's excessive training regimen resulted in some collateral damage, and Tenten's occasional weapon demonstrations raised concerns among civilians."

The Hokage nodded thoughtfully, recognizing the strengths and potential challenges of Team Gai. "Guy's unorthodox methods mirror his own personality," he mused. "But we must ensure that their exuberance doesn't inadvertently create issues for the village. Keep an eye on them, Iruka, and offer guidance when necessary."

The Sandaime Hokage, with a contemplative look on his face, leaned back in his chair. "Iruka, it's about time the Jounin guides impart more specific skills to their charges. Chakra control is crucial, and the young ninjas need to delve into more comprehensive shinobi intelligence."

Iruka, ever the dedicated educator, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Hokage-sama. Chakra control lays the foundation for advanced techniques and ensures their safety during missions. And expanding their knowledge of shinobi intelligence will better prepare them for the challenges they may face."

The Hokage continued, "Assign each team specific areas of focus. Kakashi should emphasize chakra control with more combat opportunity for Team 7, given its importance in their growth. Asuma can guide Team 10 in tactical strategies,ask him to contact the intelligence building,and open some Rank C missions for them. focus on building on their existing strengths."

"As for Kurenai, she should delve into stealth and reconnaissance with Team 8, honing their ability to gather vital information.giving them more opportunities to get out of the village's farther outpost but not too far."

The Hokage, considering Team 6's positive performance under Genma's leadership, offered a suggestion to further enhance their capabilities.

"Iruka, relay my suggestion to Genma," the Hokage instructed. "Encourage him to incorporate more advanced techniques into their training regimen. Team 6 has shown great potential, and exposing them to higher-level skills will not only broaden their capabilities but also better prepare them for more challenging missions."

He added, "Additionally, ask Genma to guide Makoto in refining his medical ninjutsu. His progress has been commendable, and nurturing this skill could make Team 6 an even more versatile asset for Konoha. Medical shinobi are very important,we should nurture all seedlings showing talent on it "

Iruka took notes, mentally preparing to convey these directives to the Jounin guides. "Understood, Hokage-sama. I'll ensure the teams receive targeted training to enhance their individual skills and overall effectiveness."

The Hokage, looking out at the village from his office window, murmured, "These young ninjas are the future protectors of Konoha. We must ensure they are well-prepared for the challenges that lie ahead." With a final nod, he allowed Iruka to leave.

Back to inhaling his pipe,the room becomes full of smoke,hiding the old Hokage face. 

Days later, teamn7 eagerly gathered at Konoha Training Ground Number 3, their anticipation palpable as Kakashi approached. With a subtle nod, he closed his book, slipping it into his pouch.

"Good morning, team," he began, a smile in his visible eye. "Today, we shall delve into the subtleties of chakra control. Follow me." The trio exchanged curious glances but obediently trailed behind their sensei.

As they reached the tranquil tree line, Kakashi paused, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Today's lesson is all about mastering the art of tree walking. It's a fundamental skill that requires finesse and control."

Sakura, always eager to learn something new, couldn't help but ask, "Sensei, what's the relationship between tree walking and chakra control ?"

Smiling,and preferring to show her an example first, Kakashi demonstrated the art of tree walking, effortlessly ascending the trunk. "See, it's all about channeling your chakra into the soles of your feet, creating a bond with the tree's surface," he explained, balancing effortlessly.

Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto exchanged glances, absorbing the lesson. Kakashi continued, "Mastering chakra control lays the foundation for all jutsu. Whether it's genjutsu, ninjutsu, or taijutsu, the key is understanding and manipulating your chakra efficiently. Tree walking is a tangible way to refine that control."

As they attempted their first steps onto the tree, Kakashi elaborated, "Theoretically, this skill enhances your overall ninja abilities. It's not just about scaling trees; it's about precision, balance, and harnessing your chakra for any situation."

Sasuke, always focused on improvement, questioned, "How does chakra control relate to, say, fire jutsu?"

Kakashi, his tone measured, responded, "Imagine the amount of chakra needed for a fire jutsu as the fireball jutsu is 10 unite of chakra. With refined control, you can mold that flame precisely, unleashing its power with accuracy,and not wasting unnecessary chakra,like using 15 units,wasting 5. Chakra control is the bridge between concept and execution,while helping you maintain enough stamina in a fight."

Naruto, confused but still struggling to understand, added, "So, it's gonna help us save up on the chakra thingy ?"

Kakashi sweat dropping,just nodded. "Exactly, Naruto. It's the cornerstone of it. The more adept you become at chakra control, the more efficiently you can perform any jutsu. This skill is the gateway to unlocking your full potential as a ninja."still seeing him confused, kakashi gave a sigh, and simplified it even more "with it,you can summon more clones with the same amount of chakra.you can learn more jutsu,and you will be able to last longer fighting someone " receiving an understanding expression.

Naruto, ever the brash one, was the first to attempt to mimic Kakashi's movements but stumbled,sliding on the tree while falling on his back. 

"This is harder than it looks!"

Kakashi, reassuring him,told him. "Don't worry,it takes time. Konoha wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastery over chakra control. Now, focus, and try to synchronize your chakra with the tree's surface."

From his vantage point, Kakashi noticed Sasuke's bored expression. Sensing the silent question , Sasuke admitted, "I've done this before."

Naruto, ever eager to prove himself, retorted, "Well, I haven't! Show me, Kakashi-sensei!"

With a characteristic leap, Kakashi descended, swiftly hurling kunai at Sakura and Naruto's feet. "Focus your chakra under your feet, use the kunai as a guide, and reinforce your body against gravity," he instructed.

As Sakura gracefully made her way up the tree, she couldn't resist a triumphant grin. "Easy enough, right, Kakashi-sensei?"

Naruto, however, found himself on his back after a failed attempt. Undeterred, he jumped back up, determined to succeed. This time, though, he used too much chakra, causing the tree bark to shatter.

Kakashi, impressed by Sakura's control, praised her, "Excellent chakra control, Sakura." Turning to Naruto, he offered tips, "Focus on finding that delicate balance. Too little won't hold you, and too much will break the surface."

Naruto, fueled by both determination and Kakashi's playful challenge, attempted again. Kakashi's words sparked a fire in him, and he sprinted towards the tree. However, a misjudgment caused him to break the bark once more.

Undeterred, Kakashi encouraged, "Sakura might become Hokage before you at this rate, Naruto. Give it your all!"

Turning to Sasuke, he created a Shadow Clone, instructing Sasuke and Sakura to follow him to the pond, leaving Naruto with his clone.

Near the water, Kakashi delved into the intricacies of the water walking exercise, providing detailed instructions. "This exercise is about constantly channeling your chakra to create a buoyant force on the water's surface, essentially allowing you to walk on water. The key is to finely tune the chakra under your feet, balancing your weight and synchronizing with the water's natural resistance." he explained.

After the thorough explanation, Kakashi demonstrated the technique with finesse, showcasing the delicate harmony between his chakra and the water.

Now, he prompted Sakura and Sasuke to try. Sakura, seemingly attuned to the exercise, achieved a perfect result on her first attempt. In contrast, Sasuke struggled, nearly sinking to his knees as he grappled with the intricacies of the exercise.

Observing Sakura's natural talent, Kakashi praised her once again. "Impressive control, Sakura. Now, focus on building your stamina. Repeat the exercise until you can't anymore."

Turning to Sasuke, Kakashi couldn't resist a teasing remark. "Is this all the Uchiha can manage? Getting beaten by little girls?"

Sasuke, visibly frustrated, shot Kakashi an angry look. Kakashi, sensing the tension, decided to ease off the teasing. "Alright, Alright,Sasuke. take your time. It's about learning and improving. No need to rush."

Hours passed, and on Naruto's side, Kakashi's clone sat perched on a tree, engrossed in his book, observing Naruto's repeated attempts and failures. Growing bored, the clone decided to initiate a conversation with his determined protege.

"Having a bit of trouble there, Naruto?" Kakashi's clone remarked casually, still absorbed in his book.

Naruto, undeterred by his repeated failures, shot back defiantly, "I can't give up now! I'm gonna learn this skill and not let Sasuke beat me!"

Kakashi's clone, looking up from his book, raised an eyebrow. "Does Sasuke's opinion matter that much to you?"

Naruto's eyes blazed with determination. "One day, I'm gonna beat that arrogant bastard, and I'll get so strong that the villagers will have to respect me for it!"

Kakashi's clone fell into a thoughtful silence, contemplating Naruto's unwavering resolve. Turning his head back to his book, he offered a piece of advice, "Naruto, being calm and in control of your emotions is crucial. Frustration can make you lose control of your chakra."

Hearing Kakashi's advice, Naruto grinned with determination. Forming a seal, he focused on himself, sensing the flow of his chakra from his stomach to his feet. Carefully balancing the chakra emission, he ran towards the tree, this time ascending much farther than before. Excitement painted his face as he cheered, but in his elation, he lost focus and tumbled backward.

Closing his eyes and instinctively shielding his head, Naruto suddenly felt a tug on his clothes. Opening his eyes, he found Kakashi quickly appearing, having caught him mid-fall. Kakashi sighed, cautioning Naruto to be more careful.

Praising Naruto for the evident progress, Kakashi added, "You're getting the hang of it. Keep it up, but stay focused."

Naruto, a mix of sheepishness and joy, responded, "Thanks, Kakashi-sensei! I'll do my best."

As Naruto stood up, a pulsating light could be seen inside him, a symbol of the budding bond between mentor and student, infusing him with renewed energy. Naruto, eager to continue, returned to his training, determined to master the tree walking technique by today. The rustling leaves echoed the persistence and growth of the young ninja beneath the canopy of the training ground.

Late in the evening, Team 7 members gathered again, with Kakashi's clone bringing a tired and hungry Naruto on his shoulder.

The original Kakashi sighed, looking at Naruto's fatigued state, and asked the clone why he let the young ninja push himself so hard. The clone, wearing an enigmatic smile, simply replied, "You'll understand once you release him." Setting Naruto down gently, the clone dispersed, leaving Kakashi with a contemplative expression.

Naruto, rubbing his sore muscles, groaned in displeasure, "I can't believe I couldn't finish it today ! "

Kakashi, glancing at the exhausted Naruto, chuckled. "Training is about pushing your limits, but it's equally important to know when to take a break."

With a nod, Kakashi patiently waited for them to regain some energy. Sakura, also looking tired, asked Naruto, "Are you close to it, Naruto?"

Naruto, still catching his breath, grinned. "Yeah, just a bit tired. But I'm not giving up!"

Smiling with one eye, Kakashi then declared that it was time to rest and head back. Seeing Sasuke and Naruto exchange unwilling glances, Kakashi emphasized the importance of rest and recuperation after intense training, underscoring the necessity of balance in their endeavors

Kakashi, leaning against a tree trunk with his hands in his pockets, emphasized the importance of rest and recuperation after intense training. "Training is essential, but recovery is just as crucial," he explained, his lone visible eye conveying the weight of experience.

"Your chakra network needs time to heal and grow stronger. Pushing yourself without adequate rest can lead to injuries and diminishing returns in the long run," Kakashi continued, his tone measured yet filled with a sense of wisdom. "It's about finding that balance between pushing your limits and giving your chakra veins the time it needs to recover."

Sasuke, who usually maintained a stoic demeanor, nodded in acknowledgment. Sakura, concerned for her teammates, asked, "How do we strike that balance, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi, adjusting his headband, replied, "It starts with listening to your body. If you feel fatigued or notice any signs of burning in your chakra network, it's crucial to take a break. Rest allows your chakra network to repair and adapt, making you stronger in the process."

Naruto, still catching his breath, chimed in, "But I want to get stronger as fast as possible!"

Kakashi gave a knowing smile. "Patience is part of the process, Naruto. Rushing can lead to burnout, and sustainable strength comes from consistent, well-balanced training and recovery."

Wanting them to rest, Kakashi mentioned, "Today's meal is on me. Where would you all like to eat?"

Naruto, suddenly perking up, shouted, "Ramen time!" Kakashi turned to the others, finding Sakura giving a nonchalant shrug and Sasuke displaying indifferent eyes. With a slight sweat drop, Kakashi conceded, "Alright, Naruto, lead the way."

Naruto excitedly chanted, "Ramen, ramen, ramen is good!" multiple times, setting the tone for their journey back and the promise of a well-deserved meal. The group departed the training ground, the camaraderie evident in their banter and shared exhaustion. 

Ramen ramen,ramen is good

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