
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

I got a mother ?!!

The trio, filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity, watched the unfolding events with anticipation.

Hiruzen, his hand glowing green,touched kakashi head,pushing him to awakening 

"You gave quite a performance back there."

Kakashi, slowly opening his eyes 

"Ugh... What happened?"

"You pushed yourself too hard. That Sharingan consomation of your is no joke.you should work more on your stamina "

Kakashi, sitting up slowly,gave a sigh 

"Yeah, it comes at a cost. Feels like I got hit by a truck."

Hiruzen, smiling at him, putting back his hokage hat on his head

"I owe you an apology. I went a bit too far with my words. It was a test, but I underestimated the impact it would have on you."

"Test or not, you hit me where it hurts, Hokage-sama.A low blow, But I get it."

"You've grown a lot, Kakashi. And sometimes, growth comes with pain. I'm proud of the ninja you've become."

"Proud? Even after all my failures and mistakes?"

"Especially because of them. You learn from your failures, and that's what makes you strong."looking to sky, hiruzen added

"No one is free from mistakes. "

"What was the point of the fight, then?"

"To remind you of your potential, to break through your self-imposed limits. You're capable of so much more, Kakashi."

"I guess I needed that wake-up call. Thanks, Hokage-sama."

Hiruzen shaking his head, he denied the thanks

 "Dont thank me,its also for a selfish desire of mine,wishing to nurture the next generation before i take a break.And besides, you're the more likely to be Hokage one day after me."

Kakashi, showing a disgusted expression "Let's not get ahead of ourselves. But I appreciate the trust."

Hiruzen smiling, just turned his eyes away,looking at the direction of kakashi team

"Take some time to recover. And remember, the path to greatness is often paved with challenges."

"Got it. I won't forget this lesson."

Hiruzen, catching his breath from the intense battle, signaled for the ANBU operative to join them. The operative and the Hokage exchanged nods before Team 7 was directed to follow them. The scene shifted, and they all appeared around Kakashi, who was recovering from the rigorous fight.

Team 7, each displaying different emotions, began conversing with Kakashi. Naruto, filled with enthusiasm, animatedly described the battle with sound effects, showcasing his admiration for his teacher's prowess. Sakura, concerned, asked if Kakashi was alright, showing her caring nature.

"Kakashi-sensei, that was amazing! Pow, whoosh, clang... you were like a ninja tornado!"

 "Are you okay, Kakashi-sensei? You looked pretty beaten up there. "

"You look like crap,kakashi "

"I'll survive, Sakura,Thanks for the concern,Sasuke. And its kakashi-sensei,not kakashi "

Simultaneously, Hiruzen directed the ANBU operative to clean up the battlefield and take Kakashi to the hospital once the task was completed. Turning his attention back to the children, the Hokage initiated a conversation, asking if they enjoyed the spectacle. Naruto, still buzzing with excitement, exclaimed about discovering the Hokage's strength, only to be reminded by Sakura to be respectful.

"Did you enjoy the show, youngsters?"

"Old man, you're way stronger than I thought! Didn't know you had it in you!"

"Naruto, show some respect!"

Sasuke, the quiet observer, looked at the Hokage with a respectful expression. His eyes gleamed with the fighting intent, and he admitted, "You're strong." The air almost vibrated with the unspoken challenge, as if Sasuke was on the verge of requesting a battle, eager to test his own skills against the legendary Sandaime Hokage.

The Sandaime Hokage, his eyes filled with kindness, commended the trio for their impressive growth. Starting with Sakura, he inquired if she would be interested in learning some skills at the hospital.

"Sakura, I've heard great things about your chakra control. How about honing your skills at the hospital? You'd be an excellent asset there."

Surprised yet elated by the offer, Sakura expressed her honor and gladly accepted.

"I would be honored ! "

Turning his attention to Sasuke, the Hokage casually tossed him a scroll. Sasuke, ever composed, opened the scroll to find a B-rank fire jutsu. The Sandaime explained that he was aware Sasuke had no shortage of fire techniques but hinted that this scroll held some unique insights. Closing the scroll, Sasuke wore a satisfied expression, appreciating the additional knowledge.

Noticing Naruto's envious expression, the Hokage chuckled. Naruto, not one to hold back, called out to his "gramp," questioning what he had for him, eager to receive a gift or insight like his teammates.

"Gramp! What about me? Don't I get something cool?"

"Why do you think that you didnt get anything ? "

The old Hokage, calmly lighting his pipe and puffing out smoke, responded to Naruto's pouting with a question. He asked the young ninja why he thought about himself not getting anything before. Naruto, still with a slight pout, expressed his frustration, not understanding.

"I don't understand "

With a smirk, the Sandaime Hokage challenged Naruto, questioning if he was sure about not receiving anything. 

"Are you sure about it ? "

Confused, Naruto inquired about the hidden meaning in the old man's words, unaware of the gift he received. The Hokage, realizing the lack of knowledge from Sakura and Sasuke at what Naruto was saying, chuckled and brought up Naruto's evening lessons.

"Huh? What are you talking about, old man?"

"Your nightly lessons on handwriting weren't just about pretty letters "

"I thought we were talking of gifts, why are mentioning that punishment? "

Naruto, grimacing, admitted that he considered it more of a punishment than a gift. The old Hokage, still amused, advised Naruto to learn to read between the lines. Starting an explanation to clear the confusion, he revealed that Naruto had been diligently practicing his handwriting for months. All of this preparation was in anticipation of more advanced subjects, emphasizing the importance of the seemingly mundane lessons.

Kakashi's visible astonishment couldn't be masked, even by his usual composure. "Lord Hokage, are you truly considering...?" he started, his sentence trailing as his single visible eye widened.

The Sandaime Hokage, with the faintest of smirks tugging at his aged features, nodded slightly. "Indeed, Kakashi. It's exactly as you're thinking," he replied, the twinkle in his eye betraying the gravity of his affirmation.

Naruto, meanwhile, felt as if his brain was tangled in ninja wire. "What's going on?! Someone explain, now!" he blurted out, the words almost a demand.

The Hokage's gaze turned stern, his hand coming down in a swift 'bonk' atop Naruto's head. "Naruto, a shinobi must master his emotions before he can master jutsu," he chided gently, yet firmly.

Rubbing his head, Naruto pouted, but his eyes were earnest, seeking understanding. Sensing this, the Hokage's expression softened.

"Kakashi, would you do the honors?" the Hokage gestured, offering him the floor.

Clearing his throat, Kakashi turned towards Naruto. "Naruto, what the Hokage is saying is that you're being trained for an important purpose. You're going to learn sealing techniques—jutsu that can contain immense power."

Naruto's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Sealing jutsu? Since when I was learning that ? "

Sakura and Sasuke, both taken aback, expressed their astonishment at the revelation. Naruto, still wearing a perplexed expression, asked what sealing jutsu entailed. Sakura, somewhat incredulous, questioned if he was serious and launched into a detailed explanation of the intricate and obscure art of sealing.

"Naruto, are you serious? Sealing jutsu is a complex and intricate art. It involves the use of various symbols and patterns to manipulate chakra for different purposes" 

"Symbols and patterns? What's that got to do with being a cool ninja?"

On the sidelines, Sasuke commented that only someone like Naruto could receive training in such remarkable subjects and still remain unaware.

 "Only you could get trained in something so incredible and yet remain so clueless" 

"Hey! I'm not an idiot! Just tell me what this sealing thing is !" This led to Naruto's outrage at being labeled an idiot

Sakura, giving a sigh to their interaction,started explaining 

"Sealing jutsu is all about containment, manipulation, and release of chakra by way of medium. It's used for various purposes like trapping entities, storing objects, or creating barriers." 

"containement ? like...sealing an object ? or a thing in something ? " seemingly thinking of something.

"Exactly "

Kakashi, turning to the sandaime with a deadpan face,asked "Are you sure about this? I'm not entirely convinced Naruto possesses the right... mental faculties for such advanced techniques "

The exchange drew a snort from Sakura and a smirk from Sasuke, while Naruto wore a depressed expression, questioning if they truly considered him that much of an idiot.

"The only seals this idiot brain could learn are the ones that could be used on ramen containers." Added Sasuke 

"Hey ! Im not that bad !...you think i could use a seal to heat ramen quicker ? "

The Sandaime,chuckling, denied Sasuke words "Sasuke, you underestimate Naruto. It's in his blood "

Kakashi raised an eyebrow, surprised that the hokage brought it so openly. 

The trio's confusion deepened, prompting Sakura to interject with a question.

"Blood? "

"No doubt about Naruto's talent in this. He descends from the Uzumaki clan, and those folks were all made of the same mold "

The revelation left the trio bewildered. Sakura voiced their collective confusion, asking, "Uzumaki clan? What does you mean, Hokage-sama ?" Hiruzen,with a pensive expression started

"The Uzumaki were a renowned clan of shinobi known for their sealing jutsu and incredible life force. Unfortunately, their village was destroyed in the Second Shinobi War by those who feared their power and potential."

Naruto, shocked, exclaimed, "I'm from a clan?!" The trio, taken aback, looked at each other in surprise.

Hiruzen,looking confused,asked "How did you not know about this? It's part of the academy history curriculum. even a small research in the Library could give you access to this information "

Sakura, showing understanding expression , nodded to herself, her fist in palm "That would explains why Naruto wasn't aware "

Hiruzen sighed, shifting his attention to Sakura. "What about yourself?"

Sakura blushed, playing with her hair. "I was more interested in the Uchiha clan history."

Turning to Sasuke, who seemed uninterested, the Hokage asked, "And you, Sasuke?"

"Boring stories don't interest me as much as training my skills "

Hiruzen, giving a tired expression, lamented, "Kids today, not interested in learning." 

Naruto,awakening from his shock

"Wait, how can you be sure I'm an Uzumaki?"

The old Hokage took a thoughtful pose, nodding before revealing, 

"Because I know your mother. She was an Uzumaki."

Naruto, shouting in disbelief, exclaimed, "I have a mother?" Sakura and Sasuke showed a mix of pity and surprise at Naruto's question. The Third Hokage scratched his front, expressing his confusion about Naruto's unusually loud behavior. He asked why Naruto seemed so surprised by having a mother.

"Why are you reacting this way ? i remember telling you a story on why you shouldnt anger woman, especially red head ones "

Pointing an angry finger at the Hokage, Naruto retorted,

"You're the one who told me before that you didn't know about my parents!"

Hiruzen corrected him, stating, "I didn't say I was unaware; I said it wouldn't help you to know. I'm telling you now because you are stronger and more likely to protect the information about your real identity." 

The revelation left Naruto grappling with newfound information about his heritage and family.

Naruto,with complex emotions asked 

"What do you mean? What are you talking about? Why would hidding it protect me ? "

Sakura placed a comforting hand on Naruto's shoulder as they all sought answers from the Hokage.

Hiruzen,giving a serious expression,told them 

"The Uzumaki clan was destroyed for their powerfull and rich fuuinjutsu , along with their unique blood. by enemies coming from all over the worlds, greedy for their legacy. when it happened, it was a choc for every nation, and after it, it become a power grab for the surviving ones "

Sasuke, seeking clarification, pressed the Hokage for more information 

"What kind of power would make the whole world so hungry? and who exactly did it ? "

Hiruzen cryptically answered with a smile, deeming it too early for such revelations.

"It's still too early for you to get this kind of information. "

Turning his attention back to Naruto, the Hokage noted the absence of the typical Uzumaki red hair

"Naruto doesn't look like a typical Uzumaki, as his mother kushina did. Anyone seeing his hair color would think him a fake one, and that's how we've protected him so easily until now "

Naruto, disappointed at not having red hair, displayed a sad expression.

"Kushina ? so that was her name...i wish i had red hair too "

Hiruzen,shaking his head,told him "You should be grateful for it. Surviving Uzumaki are still hiding over the world, probably living in worse conditions "

Sasuke, with a grave expression, questioned the mysterious power that had led to the destruction of the Uzumaki.

"What kind of power would make the whole world so afraid ? "

The Hokage, his eyes hidden by the hokage hat, cryptically replied, "The scariest one," leaving the trio contemplating the hidden depths of the Uzumaki legacy 


The two Anbu operatives reappeared, informing the Hokage that they had completed the cleanup. The Hokage, now sporting a smile, instructed Team Seven to return, rest, and reflect on today's battle to grow from it. He turned to Kakashi, looking almost lifeless, offering another apology for the extended time it took.

"I'm sorry for the wait, let's go "

Nodding to his subordinates, they swiftly took Kakashi and vanished, heading towards the hospital. Addressing the trio, the Hokage bid them farewell and reminded Naruto not to miss his lessons. With a smirk, he disappeared in a burst of smoke, leaving the trio alone with their thoughts. 


advanced chapter on my kofi for the interrested ! 

always felt that hiru boy could have shared more on the uzumaki clan history with naruto. so here im ! enjoy !

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