
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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55 Chs

Ambush : Free Fall !

As Team 7 and the convoy passed along the mountain road, a sudden ambush disrupted their journey. A group of armed men, resembling bandits, emerged from hiding, their faces concealed by masks. The leader, with a masked face, demanded Kakashi to hand over the old butler and Lady Kaguya, threatening consequences if he refused.

"Hand over the old man and the lady, and you can all walk away. Otherwise,don't blame me for your life."

Kakashi, never one to yield to threats, calmly refused the bandit leader's demands.

"It's been awhile since I met someone so weak and so daring. We won't be handing anyone over." Closing his book,he added 

"You chose the wrong convoy to mess with buddy."

The refusal triggered the start of a fierce battle. The narrow path along the mountain edge restricted the use of large-scale techniques, intensifying the challenge for both sides. 

Kakashi, maintaining his composure, found himself engaged in a bladed fight with the bandit leader, who exhibited impressive power and speed.

"You think you can stop us, shinobi? We'll see about that."

While Kakashi faced off against the leader, the bandit's underlings targeted Lady Kaguya's guards, attempting to overwhelm them and create an opening to kidnap the noble lady. 

Sakura and Naruto, positioned near Lady Kaguya's cart, swiftly moved into action to protect her.

"Stay behind us, Lady Matsumoto ! We'll handle this!"

Naruto, with determination in his eyes, joined Sakura in shielding the Lady in the cart.

"Who are you assholes ! I'm gonna kick your ass ! "

The butler, standing nearby, urged Lady Kaguya to hide inside the cart and wait for the fight to conclude.

"My Lady, please stay inside. We'll ensure your safety."

The chaotic skirmish unfolded along the precarious mountain road, with Team 7 and the convoy guards fighting to repel the bandit ambush and safeguard Lady Matsumoto from harm.

Sasuke, swiftly moving through the fray, materialized amidst a group of bandits. A precise kick to one man's face sent him careening into another, both plummeting over the edge of the cliff with their cries fading into the abyss below. Undeterred, Sasuke leaped into action against the remaining assailants.

Another adversary, wielding a swift blade, aimed a deadly strike at Sasuke. With a fluid movement, Sasuke evaded the attack, his eyes locked onto the opponent.

"Ready to die, pretty boy?"

Sasuke, wearing a disdainful expression, lunged at the bandit with his kunai, initiating a rapid exchange of blows. The clash echoed with the sounds of steel meeting steel, each movement calculated and precise.

Meanwhile, Naruto recognized the outnumbered situation,swiftly summoned multiple shadow clones to reinforce the guards. 

"We're not letting you Win ! Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

The clones engaged the bandits, diverting their attention and creating openings for the guards to counterattack.

In the midst of the chaotic battle, Naruto, not fully grasping the limited space along the mountain road, found himself dangerously close to the cliff's edge. As the skirmish unfolded, one of the bandits, sensing imminent defeat, opted for a desperate measure. In a suicidal attempt, he lunged at the butler, grappling him and dragging both of them over the cliff's precipice.

"Wha— "


Ignoring Sakura's frantic yell and Sasuke's surprised gaze, Naruto reacted instinctively. He leaped off the edge after them, his eyes briefly flashing red as he descended. In mid-air, he engaged the bandit who held the butler, swiftly kicking him away to separate the two.

Free-falling towards the abyss, Naruto called out to the butler, closing to him and urging him to hold onto him. With chakra-infused feet and hands, Naruto attempted to get closer to the cliff walls, using his chakra on the rocky surface to slow their descent. The duo slid down along the cliff dirt wall,With Naruto desperately trying to maintain control of his chakra.


"Shut up and Hold onto me, old man! We're not going down like this!"

As they continued their descent, Naruto pulled out a blade in an attempt to assist their precarious situation. However, the blade couldn't withstand the combined forces of weight and friction, shattering under the pressure and wall solidity.

Naruto, determined to find a solution, gritted his teeth and used every ounce of chakra and skill to navigate the perilous fall, the fate of the butler and himself hanging in the balance.

The ground rapidly approached, and with quick thinking, Naruto unleashed the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Clones materialized in rapid succession, each exploding upon the impact on them. The series of clones effectively acted as a makeshift cushion, slowing their descent and preventing a catastrophic landing. The scene played out in a comical yet lifesaving manner as Naruto, the butler, and the remnants of his clones tumbled down to the river below.

As the last explosion occurred, Naruto found himself submerged in the river, Directly used his chakra to stand on it,feeling thankful for Kakashi's seemingly eccentric exercises that had inadvertently prepared him for such an unexpected situation. The duo now emerged from the water, wet but unharmed, on the riverbank.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Naruto chuckled nervously, looking around at the water.

"Well, that wasn't exactly how I planned it, but at least we're in one piece!"

The butler, initially shocked, managed a weak smile, appreciating Naruto's resourcefulness.

"Young man, you—-,...Why did you jump after me ? " 

"Ehh ? What do you mean by why ? "

"I must admit, Uzumaki-san, I am perplexed. Why would you, someone with clear dislike for my behavior,and not even the target of your protection, risk your life to save mine?"

Naruto, with a slight frown, looked away, his expression revealing the complexity of his emotions.

"Well, I might not like you much, but I'm not heartless. Even if you behave more boring than those old gramps that visit the oldman in his office,I saw how genuinely worried you were about Lady Matsumoto. Couldn't just let you fall to your death without trying something."

The butler, now standing with Naruto's support, regarded him with a mix of surprise and gratitude.

"To sacrifice yourself for the sake of another, even when you harbor ill feelings, is a mark of true nobility. I am grateful, Naruto-sama."

Naruto, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the formal address, mumbled under his breath.

"Just Naruto is fine. No need for the 'sama' stuff."

The butler, still overwhelmed with gratitude, couldn't help but express his respect.

 "No, Naruto-sama. Your bravery and compassion set you apart. Lady Matsumoto will surely be grateful for such a dedicated protector."

Naruto, still uncomfortable with the formal address, scratched his head.

"Well, yeah, I guess. But don't go overboard with the 'sama' stuff, okay?"

"I cannot help but show the proper respect to one who has saved my life. You have the noble heart of a true hero, Naruto-sama."

As the butler continued to express his gratitude, Naruto found himself in an unexpected position of receiving admiration and respect. The exchange, filled with a mix of sincerity and comedic awkwardness, marked an unusual turn of events for the young ninja.

"Just Naruto is fine. Save the 'sama' stuff for Lady Matsumoto." 

"Very well, Naruto. Your help is invaluable. Once we reunite with Lady Matsumoto, I promise you a token of gratitude."

Naruto, appreciating the change in tone, gave a determined nod.

"Let's go. We can't waste any more time."

 "You are right.Our immediate concern is to return to Lady Matsumoto's side. As for the attack, it's a grave matter. Lady Matsumoto's safety is paramount. Normally, such an assault should never have occurred, especially considering her standing."

Naruto, intrigued and growing more serious, pressed for an explanation.

"Why would anyone want to attack Lady Matsumoto? Kakashi-sensei said it was unlikely, especially with so many guards."

The butler, looking troubled, hesitated before revealing a piece of crucial information.

"Lady Matsumoto recently inherited her father's domain after his untimely demise. She is on her way back to become her younger brother's regent, as decreed by the daimyo until he comes of age. This transition of power has likely stirred unrest among those who seek to exploit such vulnerabilities."

Naruto, absorbing the information, clenched his fists.

"I suspect it might be the younger lord's uncle who wishes for Lady Matsumoto's demise. With her out of the way, he could control the fiefdoms until the young lord reaches maturity. Who knows what could transpire during those years."

Naruto, feeling a chill run down his spine, began to grasp the intricacies of the situation. The butler, with a determined gaze, emphasized the urgency.

"We must return to Lady Matsumoto as swiftly as possible. The moment we reunite with her is when we are safest. Once we're back, I can contact the old lord's retainers and seek their assistance."

Naruto, his sense of responsibility heightened, nodded in agreement.

"Alright,Let's move ! We can't let anything happen to the pretty lady ! "

Naruto, with the butler on his back, leaped from tree to tree. However, he suddenly came to a halt, showing a confused expression.

"Which way should we go, old man?"

"ARE YOU SERIOUS ?! " The butler, comically exasperated, yelled at Naruto, expressing his disbelief that Naruto, a ninja, didn't know the way. 

The old butler sighed, telling Naruto that the capital was behind the big mountain. If they could ascend and pass it, they would likely meet up with the convoy again. 

 "Naruto, the capital is behind that big mountain. If we can go up and pass it, we should be able to meet again with the convoy."

Naruto, with a confident grin, replied.

Naruto: "No problem! Dattebayo! Hold on tight!"

Naruto, without wasting any time, started leaping toward the mountain, determined to reunite with the convoy

The old butler, still on Naruto's back, couldn't help but mutter to himself about ninja and their supposed tracking skills.

"Honestly, relying on a man like me for directions... I thought you Ninja had a natural sense of these things."

Naruto, grinning, responded confidently.

"Well, you know, I'm more of a 'go with the flow' kind of ninja, Dattebayo!"

The old butler, with a mix of exasperation and amusement, shook his head as they continued their journey toward the mountain.

On their way, they unexpectedly encountered Pakkun, Naruto recognizing the ninja dog immediately. He greeted Pakkun loudly, and the little dog inquired if Naruto was okay. 

"Hey Pakkun ! You here ! "

"You okay, kid? Kakashi was worried about you."

Naruto, still brimming with energy, replied:

"Of course! Dattebayo! Just making sure this old man here is safe!"

Pakkun, amused, gestured for Naruto to touch his paw.

"Good job on protecting the old butler,I'll let you touch my paw as a gift. Now, follow me. Your team managed to beat back the assailants. Kakashi trusted you'd make it, so he sent me to guide you back."

Naruto, grateful for Kakashi's trust, asked Pakkun how close they were.

"Are we close ?"

Pakkun assured him that they were indeed close, and Naruto followed the ninja dog with determination, eager to reunite with his team.

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