
My New Home

Ring ring ring ring, "Ugh what is that?" Said loudly opening my eyes very slowly and swing arms left and right. Looking at my bedside table an alarm clock was buzzing and the light from the window was like a warm hug very bright and beautiful. Hitting the clock to shut it off, my bedroom door opened Daisy hanging on the doorknob while it slowly opened her leg dangling like she was climbing up the wall. Giggling a little bit and huge smile she jumped down and climbed on my bed "Good morning! Time to go to school you gotta get ready come on come on" she said while pulling my arm, me with a smile all over my face. " fine let me get ready" saying while getting ready in my black shirt and long skirt. Look in the mirror and thought to myself "I look cute" Twirling around then grabbed DDaisy'sarm and gave her a twirl both laughed and had fun. "Ava! Daisy! Come on time for class" Sister walked up to the door and knocked.

We both looked at her with a smile and agreed. Walking out of the room to the beautiful white hallway full of windows made the walls look like art, the floor layer in marble walking and admiring. "Ava how did u sleep?" Sister asked while glaring at me with a curious look, I glared back at Sister with a huge smile "Slept great like I was laying on a cloud thank u for asking" She got done looking at me then turned her head back towards the hallway " ava we Are getting close to the classroom please be quiet till you're introduced then u can speak understand". She said while walking "Understand" I said following behind her being quiet we kept walking down the hall after about 5 minutes, we ended up at a big door with a window in the middle of it and heard loud laughs through it.

Sister knocks on the door, everyone silences Immediately not a sound in sight, she walks in first holding her hands in front of her and walking slowly. Walking in quietly behind her I saw 20 children in 4 rows sitting i little wooden desks looking around, I saw Noah sitting at a desk by the window the light shined so brightly on him making his beautiful blue endless and his hair glowing. He turned his head and saw me in the front of the class, he smirked and looked away.

"Good morning everyone today we have a new student please introduce yourself." Still in awe and looking at the class in general "Excuse me, Ava!." She looked at me and gave me a little tap I snapped out of my awe and got super nervous then yelled " HELLO EVERYONE I AM AVA NICE TO ME U". Sister covered her eyes and all the other students were giggling and laughing. "Ooh god I am so sorry," I said sweating and being so nervous, sisterthe looked at me like I was being stupid and then pointed "It's fine to go sit in the corner and please don't yell again," she said then turned to the Chalk Bored writing today lesson.

Walking down the middle row, everyone is laughing and giggling nerves rush down my spine and in my stomach. Felt like I wanted to crawl in a hole and die, got to my desk looking right beside me Noah was looking straight at me, leaning his cheek against his hand " Well well isn't it the ugo, enjoy yelling up there?". Noah smirked and stared straight into my eyes.

I looked away right away and just ignored him, after 5 hours of boring lessons and talking lunchtime came upon the hour, and I began to sigh and got up to put my books away. " hey, you ava?" Someone asked sharply behind me turning my head to the voice. A girl with brown hair, dark brown eyes slender face with a big nose turning my whole body towards her "Yes my name is Ava what can I do for you" I said, "you can stay away from my man?! Do you understand! Don't go near or talk to him got it! Since you're new I'll let it go this one time next time you're going to be an in trouble". Looking exactly confused suddenly three girls came behind her crossing their arms and waiting for her to join them when she was done talking to me. "who is youran exactly and are those your Goons?". Saying that with a big smirk, aggressiveness came over the girl and she started yelling " Noah is my man, stay away from him or your dead name Megan by the way remember that". Walked away and flipped her hair like it meant something important.

Being confused and surprised, I left to eat lunch walking down the beautiful hallway, still in awe another girl walked right up to me and gave me a tap "Huh" turned and looked like a beautiful-haired green-eyed girl right behind me looking like a doll. "Hello," she smiled and said slightly, in awe of how pretty she was I said hello back with a big smile on my face.

Being a little shy she stepped back and slightly smiled, Twirling her hair " I was wondering.. if you would like to eat lunch with me.. if that's ok". I jumped in excitement and agreed immediately knowing that I might have made a brand new friend, "what's your name if I can ask" I asked while walking to the lunch room with her side by side, "my name is Ruby it's nice to meet you..". She stopped smiled at me then turned to shake my hand, "Hope we can be friends Ruby". I shake it and we both smile with a big laugh together.

Opening the lunchroom door, it looked like a ballroom with beautiful art and glimmering walls, the tables were clean seated about 4 at each table the kitchen looked spotless with all the tools you could make masterpieces with. The line of children spliced into two lines, and we both stood in line talking to each other the line moved really fast.