
Crimson Awakening

Synopsis: In a world where the supernatural remains concealed from humanity, Alexander McQueen, a seemingly ordinary and powerless young man, embarks on an extraordinary journey. He gains acceptance at "Nexus Academy," a prestigious institution dedicated to nurturing superhuman abilities within its students. Little does Alexander know that his destiny is intrinsically connected to an ancient vampiric legacy. Alexander's parents, valiant warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice on the battlefield while defending Earth from monstrous invaders that emerged through rifts tearing open the fabric of reality, left him a cryptic pendant before their untimely demise. Hidden within this pendant is the key to his true heritage. Upon his enrollment at Nexus Academy, Alexander stands out as the only student devoid of inherent abilities. However, his pendant soon stirs to life, awakening an ancient vampiric bloodline within him. He becomes a "Half-Vampire," the weakest tier of vampire, yet harboring the potential for extraordinary growth. Guided by the ancient wisdom contained within his pendant, Alexander embarks on a series of quests that challenge his character, intellect, and physical prowess, much like a system. These quests not only empower him but also unveil the hidden world of vampires, secretly mingling among humans. "Crimson Awakening" is an epic tale of self-discovery as Alexander McQueen navigates a world where monstrous rifts threaten humanity's existence, vampires coexist covertly with humans, and his own bloodline holds the key to Earth's salvation. His journey to master his vampiric heritage will shape his destiny and determine the fate of two worlds poised on the edge of chaos.

MarshallD_Ace · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Grasping the Power Within

The weekend stretched ahead of Alexander McQueen like an open book. With newfound powers and a system interface that displayed his stats, he was determined to become stronger. His resolve was fueled not only by a thirst for power but also by the desire to protect himself against the relentless bullies who had tormented him for years.

The system interface reminded him of his current status:

- User: Alexander McQueen

- Race: Half Vampire

- Vampire Rank: Unknown

- Bloodline: Massimo

- Clan: Unknown

- HP: 40/100 (State of injury)

- BP: 200/200


- Vitality: 10/50

- Strength: 8/50

- Agility: 9/50

- Endurance: 18/50

- Blood Energy: 100

- Mana: ??

- Natural abilities: Blood Manipulation, Regeneration

- Awakened Ability: ?? Yet to awaken

- Bloodline Ability: ?? Yet to awaken

- Stat points: 0

Alexander couldn't help but feel a sense of inadequacy when he reviewed his stats. His combat abilities were far from where they needed to be, and he knew he couldn't openly use his newfound powers without drawing attention.

Despite the lingering fear of his bullies, he found a glimmer of hope in his stats. His endurance was surprisingly high, a testament to the years of physical and emotional abuse he had endured. It was as if his body had adapted to the constant torment, granting him an unexpected advantage.

The system interface had also reminded him of his second chance to awaken his abilities. This newfound opportunity had ignited a spark of determination within him. He understood the system's mechanics and was ready to embrace the challenge.

His first quest appeared before him:

**Daily Quest: Training**

- Perform a 5km run

- 50 push ups

- 50 squats

- 50 sit-ups

**Reward**: Increase in any random Stat by +1 and 2 stat points

**Punishment**: Stats get halved

Alexander embarked on his daily quest with unwavering resolve. Each step of the 5km run, each push-up, squat, and sit-up brought him closer to his goal. The punishing routine pushed his body to its limits, but he knew that this was the path to becoming stronger.

With every drop of sweat and every aching muscle, he could feel the changes taking place within him. His vitality increased by one point, bringing with it an additional ten hit points. It was a small but significant improvement.

The pendant he wore around his neck allowed him to endure the sun's rays, shielding him from one of the vulnerabilities of his vampiric heritage. It was a reminder of his parents and their sacrifice, and it gave him the strength to push through his training.

Days turned into weeks, and Alexander's determination paid off. He completed his daily quests without fail, gradually increasing his stats and improving his physical condition. But the mysteries of his awakened abilities still loomed, as two remained dormant within him.

During his practice sessions with Blood Manipulation, he stumbled upon new abilities. The first was

-Blood Ray: a focused projection of blood that could be used as a long-range attack.

The second was

-Blood Blade: a manifestation of his blood into a sharp, sword-like weapon.

These skills brought him closer to mastering his powers, but there was much more to discover. With each new skill, he realized that his abilities grew more refined and potent. He had come to understand that through action and practice, his powers would evolve into skills that could be harnessed for combat.

The path of self-discovery and empowerment stretched out before Alexander. As he continued his training and honed his skills, he knew that he was only scratching the surface of his true potential. With every challenge he faced, he moved one step closer to awakening the dormant abilities that would unlock his destiny.