
Lucy: Chapter 1

Hello.. hello....!!! hello!.. who's this? She shouts

*No response*

who is this making calls in the night but don't utter a word!!!!!

*Hangs the call up frustrated*

Lucy puts her phone down and continues to watch the movie when she realizes the phone rings again..

She doesn't pick the call this time

The phone again rings...

rrrr... rrrr... rrrr...

This time she picks the call and remains silent to let the other person speak

*No one speaks*

Why do you call me if you don't speak? Do you think I'm a fool? I'm gonna kill you if you call me again!!! She shouts in anger

Stills frustrated... Lucy switches her phone off, so that she doesn't receive the call again and continues to watch the movie

It was cold outside, and small droplets showered the town. Lucy was tired of getting unknown calls every day and today she tries to be calm, thus switches her phone off. But suddenly the television goes off because of the bad weather and she just lies on her bed with the rug as she couldn't do anything. She takes her eyes towards the ceiling and thinks about the unknown calls she gets every day, and that's what the biggest mystery was.

Huh! It might be a wrong number or what? if it was any of my old enemies or something... Lucy says, wondering

*Someone knocks on the door*

Who is it now

She needs to get out of the bed, and she was too lazy. For a moment she stays calm and relaxed on her bed and forces herself to get outta the bed.

She stands up with her aching head and unbearable pain in her neck from all that irregular sleeping schedule of hers. The door makes an etching sound before it slides open.

Lucy looks right and left for a moment and then realizes that there was a tiny cardboard box right down near her legs.

She picks the box up and opens when she realizes about the piece of paper which says L-U-C-Y written in red.