

How did I end up like this Alain says why did we move to this fucking town thing are weird around here the school is divided into multiple groups and I'm not sure if I fit in any my foster parents said I would meet my parents here but I dont know something else is going on something unnatural

Andrea_Edgington · Thanh xuân
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9 Chs

chapter 2

third person

when Max and Alain arrived at school there was a crowed growing around her car even before they got out so when the got out alain wasn't expecting it but max was he planed it all out he told one of the baseball players that she was threatening him so he knew the guy would go  after her as the guy step up to alain hes said so this is the bitch that's been talking shit right some of his buddy's nodded one of Alains teammates came to stand next to her and said jax she barley talks to anyone let alone start gossip she's a good person. max scoffed all three looked to him as he said Liam do you really believe that shit. Liam looked puzzled as max continued this girl is the only girl to make it to the football team and shes weak right she wants you guys to belive that so she can be left be and not have to fight like the rest of us then out of nowhere Alain atarts laughing and she says wow maxxy ar you that mad to make people think I want them to belive that no dear brother or should I say bastered I don't I keep to myself for the simple fact is that im stronger then most girls and if fyou want to see a fight someone can step up after practice got it at the park anyone who wants to fight me weather girl or boy I will but just so you know I haope you guys have health insurance because you are going to need it . sounds good ok now if you will excuse me me and liam have classes to get to so we can stay on the fooball team with that the crowed separated and they went to class. classes went by really fast so did practice as the football team and alain went to the park. once they got there everyone started to piling  in the park the cops don't go through there bc nobody lives around here it secluded. everyone was here to watch the fights jax stepped to her and said so alain I always thought you where weak still think you are but if everything you brother she corrected him not my brother hes a bastard  jax looked confused and he continued almost everyone her wants to see the fights. she took off her jacket letting it slip to the grown she had a Holter top and ripped jeans on. jax looked her from head to toe and whistled damn alain if I knew you looked like that I would have hit you up a long time ago. the hole football team smirked. max looked confused so did jax what's so funny max asked with anger in his voice. Liam stepped up there are a lot have guys that have noticed her and you see she still isn't dating anyone you wanna know why. jax took a guess umm she likes girls alain started laughing and she said no hun no guy has interested me you dumbass. he looked offended as he launched himself at her she dogged his attacks he ended up falling on his face. she landed an uppercut to his gaw and he slumped to the ground in surrender. he backed up next one was his girlfriend and she was pissed it didn't faze alain she kept the same cold expression on her face and it went one tell 9-10 people got there asses handed to them. then she said I'm transferring schools so ill be playing football for another team but you guys will always be my team as she looked at the faces of her football team they gave her a sad smile and they all promised to keep in touch