

"Gohan, have you prepared the table yet? The guests are due here any minute!" Videl asked from the kitchen as Gohan placed the plates unto the table. They just married and got back from their honeymoon, so they invited just about the whole z gang (Yamcha was to 'busy' with his baseball fans to come) and his family to dinner.

"Yes Videl, I just finished." He responded back as he looked at the time. '6:56, that's good we still have 4 minutes left. As he turned to head back to the kitchen, a chill suddenly crawled up his spine, followed with an intense heat as he lost his breath. He sat down and leaned on the wall to breathe as the heat and cold left a minute later.

'That's weird, I never felt that before. I hope I'm not getting sick or anything.' Gohan thought as he walked back to his wife, Videl Satin. He grabbed around her mid-waist and pulled himself into a hug as she stirred and tasted the food.

"Is everything alright Gohan?" She asked, putting her spoon down and turning off the stove.

"I don't know, I just had a heat flash earlier." Gohan responded as Videl turned around and touched his forehead. Her eyebrows came together in confusion.

"I don't feel anything, so I don't think its a fever." She stated, Gohan just shrugged his shoulders.

"Eh, Its probably nothing, probably just the summer heat getting to me, any way, let's get the food to the table, everyone should be here any second." Gohan stated as he turned towards the dining room when he stopped.

"What's wrong?" Videl asked as Gohan stared at the clock.

'6:56, but wasn't it that time 3 minutes ago? Perhaps the clock is broken.' Gohan thought as he went to the dining room and saw that clock was 6:56 as well. 'Ok, what is going on?' When Gohan sensed a giant ki coming straight from his house. It was big, bigger than anything he ever felt as turned towards the source of the ki. What looked like a giant white circle was forming in the area around him as Videl walked into the dining room that second, dropping the food as she saw the circle around Gohan.

"Videl, don't come any closer!" Gohan screamed as she ran towards him, but it was too late, she was caught in the circle, which was then taking on a sinister blood red, shining a light to bright for any of them to see. But Gohan could still hear.

"Hope you survive in this hell Gohan, everyone and everything will depend on your survival." Someone said as the bright red light covered the both of them completely before disappearing.

With it's disappearance, no one would have known that anything happened except for the pot of dropped soup.


I know it's short, but I really wanted to get on with the main story since it's been stuck in my head for the longest time, Thank you and I promise the future chapters will be longer!