
Chapter 5 Why?

Gohan stood a over by the wall away from the rest of the gang. It was well into the night now and everyone was still partying hard. He had his golden cup of wine that he secretly brought from the otherworld. As he drank and watched everyone, Piccolo slid his way to Gohan and stood by him.

"What is that you have? I've never seen anything like that before." Piccolo asked. Gohan looked towards and back at his cup.

"Oh this, well this is my personal cup that I use during celebrations back in the otherworld, and what I'm drinking is a special type of wine we make called Gold Blood Wine, made from the blood of a hybrid of a Heavenly dragon and a Hell dragon. It is quite a delicious, would you like some, I still have more." Gohan offered, but Piccolo looked at it carefully. It was a rich gold color, almost like liquid gold, and had a rich smell coming from it, but still.

"No thank you, Gohan. I don't want to drink something that came from an animal." Piccolo refused, to which Gohan just shrugged his shoulders and went back to drinking. All of a sudden, he felt a tug at his clothes and he sees Goten and Trunks looking at him with wide eyes.

"Gohan, did you say there were DRAGONS where you went?" Goten asked. At this, everyone turned towards him, even Vegeta raised an eyebrow.

"Really Gohan, there was dragons there?" Krillin asked. Gohan nodded his head and laughed.

"Yes, there are dragons there, but also other even more dangerous creatures that would have been able to destroy Buu in an instant." Gohan started as the others sat around him. Some took chairs, others sat on the floor, while Piccolo and Vegeta leaned on the wall.

"Like what Gohan, and what is the other world like?" Marron asked.

"The other world, it's basically a desert wasteland. There is only one oasis around the whole kami-forsaken world, and it only rains one time a year. And when it does rain, it floods enough to kill people. As for what kind of creatures; well, for starters there are the Basilisks, giant snake-like creatures that can turn people to stone with its glare, and their venom is so deadly that a single nick from their fang, a drop of their poison is enough to kill someone, and worse yet, they could spit out their poison like a dragon can breathe fire." Everyone (except for the two, you know who) gasped at his description.

"That must have been hard to fight." Yamcha commented. Gohan chuckled softly.

"Oh, it's hard to fight alright. The only way to not turn to stone is to not look at them. So when we're fighting them, we have to heavily rely on our other senses to find out where they are. I cannot tell you how many of my men fell by the spitting poison, or how many times I nearly got hit. " Gohan explained as his eyes glazed over with sadness.

"By the way Gohan; I've been meaning to ask, what's with all the jewelry. I mean, the way you're describing the place, it sounds like a tough place to live. But you have more gold on you than I bet Bulma has in her entire house and secret vault." Krillin asked.

"WHY YOU... you know what, never mind you're actually right. Besides, I've been wondering about it myself." Bulma stated, just about ready to hit Krillin as he sighed in relief.

"Although it's very dangerous to live there; and many people die by the day, gold and other gems are in abundance there. Due to my position, my house completely in-laid with gold and gems. I'm also one of the few people who owns multiple Opals as well, you can buy gems so easily and for so little depending on the kind, that even my servants have Amethysts, although that is more of an requirement." Gohan explained, not noticing that Piccolo narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

'The way Gohan is describing the world, it's understandable he looks the way he does. But servants, why would he have servants, and an requirement for them to dress themselves in Amethysts. The better question is...'

"Gohan, you mention you hold a position, is it for the government?" Piccolo asked. Gohan turned towards him, humor evident in his eyes.

"I suppose you can say that." Gohan responded vaguely. At this, Chichi instantly perked up.

"Oh really! What kind of position, are you a scholar, a government official?" Chichi asked. Goku could see a smile, but it seemed... wrong. Like he had a secret that, judging by the way he kept giving glances between him and Vegeta.

"I'm not a scholar, but I do hold a government position, one that I can't be fired from nor allow anyone else to take." He responded. Vegeta looked at him curiously.

'Oh, so the brat has power there?' Vegeta wondered as Chichi thought about it carefully.

"Ok, are you a governor?" Chichi asked.

"Close, but not quite." Gohan denied.

"General?" Bulma asked this time.

"I lead people, but no." Gohan denied again. Goten thought carefully with the everything that Gohan just told them. He gasped and raised his hand. Gohan gave a small smile, knowing that his brother figured it out, as he nodded towards him.

"Is that a crown on your head? Are you a king?" Goten asked excitedly. Gohan smiled widely at him.

"That is correct. I suppose you can say I'm the king of the greatest nation in that world." Gohan said as everyone gasped in shock.

"No, that's impossible! How are you a king? No one in their right mind would willingly follow you!" Vegeta retorted with disdain, although it was really envy he felt. Although he was a prince by birth, his planet was completely destroyed, and his people were only two Saiyan and a bunch of half-Saiyan. While this brat is a king of a apparently, while dangerous, a thriving world.

"Well, it was quite evident what they should do, follow someone who could easily protect them and give them a future and have them their king, even if they didn't want to at first; or let themselves die out. And besides, it was not that hard convincing the rebels." Gohan explained. Goku looked at him, trying to get rid of this feeling he had for a while now.

"So what are you going to do now that you're back?" Goku asked. Gohan looked down, holding a necklace that seemed to be holding something inside.

"I won't be here long. I have to go back to my people in a few days, but first. I'm going to find the one who sent me there." Gohan explained. His eyes darkening in anger as he accidently released some of his blood lust. Everyone gasped as they stood up and quickly got away from him, the fighters getting into position. Gohan looked up suddenly, his bloodlust disappearing as quickly as it came.

"I'm sorry everyone, I get like that every time I think of that person." Gohan explained. Goku came forward, putting a hand on his son's shoulders.

"Gohan, I want you to be honest with me. What will you do when you find the man?" Goku asked nervously. Gohan eyes darkened once again.

"Once I find him, I'm going to kill him slowly and painfully, not just me, but also for Videl." He explained, holding onto the necklace again. Now that Goku could see it, he could see it was beautifully crafted for holding something dear. White gold held a crystal blue diamond case with ashes. Realization quickly hit him with fear.

"Is that..." Goku started, but Gohan didn't need to hear the rest of the question, he knew what it was as he nodded. Goku quickly pulled his son into a hug, he felt the taunt muscles under his tan skin. That only happened if someone was prepared to fight at any and all times; and Goku's pain for his son grew only more. The others stepped back to give them their space that they dearly needed.

When they pulled apart, Gohan lifted the necklace to show the others.

"This is the reason I want revenge. This is all that remains of Videl... and my unborn child." Gohan explained as everyone gasped yet again that night. Even Vegeta's eyes widened quite a bit.

"If that bastard didn't send me there, Videl would never have followed, and she wouldn't have died in the first 3 months of living there! She would have been here, taking care of our child till we died of old age! And now, I can't even age properly anymore that BASTARD!" Gohan exclaimed as he punched the wall. Everyone just looked at him sadly. Until Piccolo picked up something.

"Gohan, what do you mean that you can't age normally? You seem pretty normal to me." Piccolo asked. Gohan looked at him sadly.

"Piccolo, why do you have to ask the hard questions?" Gohan asked back. Piccolo just smirked and shrugged his shoulders. Gohan sighed and looked at them again.

"What you guys don't know is that time flows differently for the two worlds. How long was I gone over here?"

"A little over a year, why?" Piccolo asked. Gohan smiled sadly.

"Guys, I've been in that world for over 100,000 years."