
Chapter 3 Finally going Home

As Gohan looked out of the palace into the vast desert before him, admiring the sun setting behind the giant mountain like dunes, a knock interrupted him from his thoughts.

"Enter." Gohan commanded as a young boy, nobody special, just a servant boy with brown hair and a deep tan from the desert sun; entered his room. It was not a normal room for sure, nearly every square inch was covered in some form of gold and jewelry. Even the servant boy that entered was wearing amethysts with his work attire. Gohan thought back to his home world with a smile as he thought this simple servant was richer than possibly even the Briefs family.

"Your highness, my lord King Gohan, Lord Malcolm says that the device is set for the next world and is ready for when you are." The boy reported carefully, bowing at a perfect 90 degree angle, causing Gohan to roll his eyes again. Despite all these years, he still cannot get used the reputation that he gathered, nor what he and his small group of followers and friends had created together. But he was desperate to go home, and for more than one reason.

"Alright, go tell Malcolm I'll be right over soon. And take this, for your good work and celebrate with your family tonight, after all its Foundation day." Gohan stated as he gave a medium sized ruby, about half the size of his hand, to the boy. The boy smiled brightly, giving off a string of thank you's before Gohan waved him off.

In his world, that ruby would have been able to set a person for life with a family in a mansion. But here, it was worth about 15,000 yen. It wasn't cheap, but it was not expensive either. No, the most precious stones ever to own, and if someone owned one then they are beyond wealthy, was the Opals, created in water and imbued with magic, each one with a different elemental control depending on which one you own. And in a world where the only water that comes is the heavy rainfalls that fall once every year or the underground caves so deep and dangerous only the bravest and hardened warriors and explorers are allowed down there to prepare wells; Opals were very, very rare, and it's no easy task getting them.

Gohan smiled as he looked at his crown. Made of pure gold, there was large studs of different types of opals all around it. No ridges, just a circle band of gold with opals, that way it can't fall off or be taken so easily. At long last, he was finally going back to his world, well, his other world. This was his world too, but he just missed his other one right now. With the grass and forests as far as the eye can see, and the oceans.

The oceans, Gohan knew the first thing he's going to do is jump and swim across the oceans when he get's there. It was impossible that his family would still be alive, not after all this time. Maybe Goten's and Trunk's descendants could still possibly be out there; all he had to do was find them. As Gohan walked through his gold lined palace towards the science observatory, he thought about how far they went from barely surviving to having a kingdom of his own. And one that is not on fire like his grandfather's!

Finally, he reached the observatory, opening up the door only to see two of his greatest Commander's in the Seven Deadly Sins; Evon (known to the people as the sin of Wraith because of his well known anger issues) and Malcolm (The sin of Greed for his never ending want to know everything) as they argued on either their king should go or not.

Gohan watched for another minute, before clearing his throat loudly gaining their attention, quickly bringing an end to their little bicker. As they both stood to attention, Gohan couldn't help once again but marvel at his friends. They were both beautiful and handsome in their own way.

Evon was haggard from endless battles that spring up from the desert now and again, so he was tall 6' 12", nearly 7' , very muscular with a deep tan like many natives here and big, with flaming red hair reaching to his shoulders since he always kept it short and piercing red eyes to match.

Malcolm on the other hand was simply to beautiful for anyone to really withstand. He was also tan, but his hair was a silver like the moon reaching to his ankles, he was tall as well, at 6'9" and silver eyes to match. He caught the eyes of both men and women, causing many problems for Gohan with marriage requests. But it's not like anyone tries to kidnap him. Even though he's beautiful, he's still a Commander; and a very deadly one at that.

"Nice to see you two playing nice." Gohan joked, getting the reactions he was hoping for, pure horror.

"I'm sorry you're majesty but we are NOT playing! This idiot believes that this invention that we worked on for heaven's forbid how many years will not work!" Malcolm explained as Evon nodded.

Gohan sighed as he took another look at them.

"Malcolm, you can't possibly be fighting with Evon on this, he's just worried, that's all." Gohan chastised Malcolm as he looked down in shame. "And Evon, Malcolm and I have ben working on this for so long now and tested it so many times, there's no way that it can't work." Gohan said to Evon as he followed Malcolm's lead, lowering his head in shame too.

"We know your majesty." They responded together. Gohan clapped his hands together to get them to look up.

"Now, I've been told that's its all set now?" Gohan asked as Malcolm started smiling widely.

"Indeed, all we need to do now is just turn it on and put in the coordinates; which mind you was nearly impossible to find. Are you ready to go your highness?" Malcolm asked in excitement. Gohan nodded as he turned it on. A familiar red circle, almost like a door way, started shining. Gohan held a necklace in his hand, a little container holding ashes inside. But before he could walk through, he felt a hand held his arm. He turned to see Evon, who is practically his brother in all but blood, and even that they shared through fights, looking at him in worry.

"Will you be back Gohan?" Evon asked, his voice shaking. Gohan looked at him and held his hand in his.

"Of course I will, I'll only be gone a few days, then I'll be back." Gohan assured as Malcolm came forward with a gold bracelet with a pale blue opal.

"Gohan, you're going to need this. From what our calculations could tell, time flows differently between these two worlds; this bracelet will prevent from the flow of time going to fast, in fact, it will match the two worlds and make them flow together." Malcolm explained as Gohan took the giant gold bracelet and put it on. Immediately, he felt a shift around him. It was subtle, but definitely noticeable.

"Alright, I'll be back soon!" Gohan told them as he stepped through the light. Immediately, he felt something he didn't feel in a long time. Two energy signatures that he was sure he was never going to feel again. It was so long since he felt them that he almost didn't recognize them.

"Piccolo, dad!" He whispered as walked in fully.