
Chapter 1 The return

Goku was having yet another silent dinner with his family. Well, his remaining family. Everything changed since Gohan and his wife Videl vanished a year ago. He still don't really know what happened, all he knew was that he and the rest of the gang; Piccolo, Vegeta (no way he was missing out on free food), Krillen and the others were heading over for a dinner. But when they arrived no one was home. The only thing out of place was the giant pot of dropped soup that was left on the floor.

Goku and Piccolo wasted no time in searching for them while the others searched for the dragon balls, just in case of the worst case scenario. But it was no use , They couldn't find him anywhere in the world, any of them, and the dragon was unable to find him too. It's been a year since they disappeared. He still remembered that dreadful day


"The one you call Gohan is not dead." The dragon announced after finally summoning it. It took them a month before they agreed, and Goku was jumping everywhere around the Look-out in joy.

"Goku, will you stop and focus for a second." Piccolo called out, bringing Goku out of his momentary madness of joy.

"Yes Piccolo, but how can I not, I mean, Shenron just told me my son is not dead!" Goku stated back as Piccolo nodded.

"I know, which brings us to our second question; if he's not dead, then where is he if even you can't sense his energy." Piccolo asked as Goku stopped suddenly, realising that, although they found out he wasn't dead, they weren't any closer to finding him, so they asked Shenron where he was. The dragon's eyes glowed read for a minute before stopping.

"I cannot find Gohan, he is in a realm beyond my power to reach. And with this, I'll take my leave." Shenron stated, leaving the devastated family and friends behind with no real way or idea on how to find Gohan.


Goku continued searching for 5 months before stopping, Krillen only stopped because Goku did. Piccolo however is still searching as he's currently looking through an unmapped island. It was hard for everyone. As Goku went to take another bite, he suddenly stopped. He looked out the door and towards the window, his 9 year old Goten also looking out as he felt it too.

A massive surge of energy was flowing, greater than even Buu. Goku started to sweat in anxiety, but also excitement. It's been a while since a strong challenge came. And while this one didn't seem evil, it was definitely dark.

"Dad, don't you think we should check it out?" Goten asked. With that, Chichi looked up from her food too.

"Check what out?" She asked suspiciously, her eyes narrowed, but Goku didn't notice, he was still feeling the energy.

"There's a massive energy signal out there mom, it feel HUGE!" Goten told her, moving his signals in a circle as big as he could.

"Nope, I don't think so young man! You are not going anywhere near that thing if there's really something out there!" Chichi yelled.

"But mom-"

"Goten, you're mother is right, stay with her till I get back. If what I'm feeling is right, then is guy can be a huge problem if he decides to fight." Goku told Goten as he left.


As Goku flew towards the source, he was caught up by Piccolo.

"Have any idea what it is?" Piccolo asked as Goku flew on.

"No clue, all I can tell is that this thing or person could have fought Buu and won easily." Goku stated as Piccolo grunted in agreement. They flew for another 5 min, meeting up with the others (Krillen, Vegeta, Yamcha and Tien), flying to an open desert before spotting something on the ground. As they landed, they could tell that it was this thing that was giving off the feeling. It was a bright red circle, bigger than Piccolo by at least 4 feet, and very wide. 3 people could stand across it easily. As the Z fighters were watching it, they felt something, the same energy they felt earlier.

The energy was coming through the circle, they realized as a foot stepped through and touched the ground