

The bus ride was long but smells of citrus. I look to see a strong air freshener. why would they use that it's sent carries and sticks to everything. I look at Takumi and Iasmi who nod confirming my fear. This was a test and if everyone doesn't change or shower when we get there we all will fail. The drive wasn't long but long enough got the smell to get in our cloths. "State your name miss." the cranky old woman said looking at papers. "Iris Sakamaki ma'am" I said making her look up at me. she blushes handing me a key and a note. "He said don't read it till you are on the elevator." The old lady said dismissing me. I get on the elevator and open the note. 'We will see each other soon.



"Who the hell is KS sounds like a strippers name." I said getting off on the privileged floor. "why is my room up here. Mom and Dad probably had a hand in it. *sigh*" I said to myself opening the door to a large suite. It smells like my mother's chocolate cinnabons. Setting my stuff down I go spunge off in the shower to get the citrus smell off. I walk out to find a white dress with sakura flowers and petals scattered all over the fabric. A note on top of the dress.

'please where this so I can tell you apart from the crowd. You have a lovely singing voice. please don't be late to the assembly.


Blushing while putting on the sleeveless silk dress that fell to my knees. It felt nice on my skin soft and smooth. The assembly room was full of scared students. I mean I am a little but for a different reason.

The headmaster started talking and had Graduates come on stage.