

The fall classic a wonderful event. I unfortunately couldn't participate due to my now visible babybump. I was happy to be given a spot to judge. "Hey cousin how are you feeling?" Soma asked coming in my room. "Oh I'm ok just got a soccer team inside me." I joked before remembering who his opponent was today. " So you were battling that gastronomy punk today. You kick her ass you hear me! That little welp has no place in cooking. Cooking is an art making the Chef an artist. She relies on technology making her cooking a sham and disgrace." He laughed "Wow you really hate her guts. I will do my best don't worry. I will see you out there wish me luck." He said before leaving. I was about to walk out when I got a text from Kojiro.

'Hello my love how are you doing? I am sorry that I haven't been by for the appointments. My mother and yours has been keeping me up to date. Why don't we go out tonight?'

I smile with a light blush before replying.

'Yes your mom has been at every appointment. She is a wonderful person I see where you get it. I think ust having a date night is a good idea. I have a contest to Judge. I should be in this competition but someone had to root around in my garden. >:( '

He responded a few minutes later

with a voice clip.

"If memory serves me right and it normally does. You were the one begging for more." His voice made me feel warm inside. He texted me a few moments after.

'I love you see you tonight.'

With a sigh I head to the Judges table.

"Hello Iris how are you feeling?" My grandfather asked placing a hand on my belly. "I am fine grandfather thank you for asking." I said before turning my attention to the two computers. "Why they let you still attend is beyond me. I bet when that half breed trash is born you will drop out." I laughed at Alice. "I'm sorry but I don't give a rats ass what you think. Your cooking takes out the joy and love of the craft. Coocing is an art not a science fair." I said making her growl. The cooking soon started. Alice Bento was good but lacked love. "Alice you Bento was good. It was eye pleasing however it lacked love, and the over all feeling you get from a Bento. I give this Bento an F. Better luck next time my dear." I said waiting for Soma's Bento and I was not disappointed. I felt like I was being wrapped in a hug from the inside. It was amazing the overall texture and flavors. "I give this an A it have everything I look for in a Bento Well done Soma!" I yelled please with it. "You little cusins agree." this made him blush like a shy boy. "Can't wait to actually meet them." He have me a goofy grin with his thumb up.

That night I got ready. I was in a dress with a black long sleeve top and a skirt that was red and black checkered. It went to my ankles covering my white flats. I pulled my hair into a ponytail put on some pearl earrings and I was set. Kojiro was in a traditional suit. It was adorable seeing him clean up. He took my right hand and kissed it. "Of all the women in the world how did I get lucky to have you?" I blush hearing those words. I didn't know what to say because I thought the same about him. The evening was wonderful we talked about names and houses. "Iris I want to show you something." He said having the driver pull over infront of a building. He then handed me a folder. I gasped before looking at him. "I want to be here when they arrive. I also want to expand the Shino's brand." He said placing a hand on my stomach. "I can't wait for them to arrive. I love them so much already." tears stream down my cheeks. He held me close to him calming me with his sent. "I should take you home so you can rest. The fall classic is still in full swing." He said calmly before I knew I fell asleep in his arms.